Dragon King I Am Supreme

Chapter 1393: Who wins who loses

Genius memorize the address of this site in one second: (Chinese Vertex), the fastest update! No ads! Sword X, Sword Nine, and Sword Seven are all the strength of the Nine-level ghost king. But the look on his face changed dramatically.

Jian Wu, Jian Liu and other weaker sword guardians, the expression on their faces was shocking.

"This, such a fast sword? If it were me, I would not be able to take it, I'm afraid I would have surrendered the first time!"

"Is this their true strength? When I saw Jianba slashing the quasi ghost emperor, I also thought that it was Jianba who took the advantage of the sword array, and then he could successfully use the sword with ten swords to cut his heart kill.

It seems that this is not the case? "

"Compared with the horror of Jianba, I was even more surprised by the sword skill called the Ghost Dragon King. Although the speed of their sword, in my opinion, is a shadow of a sword, I do not know how many swords they have.

But I still feel that the speed of Ghost Dragon King's sword is faster than Jian Ba! "

"Can take advantage of the sword eight swordsmanship, this boy is so scary!"

I do n’t know when the sword guardians of the swords gathered together, they talked about you and me.

Especially after seeing the incredible sword of Ghost Dragon King, they all laughed bitterly at each other and felt a great frustration.

"I served it. When I started being spiked by the Ghost Dragon King, I didn't agree with it, but now, I don't have any clue.

If he can win, the host will recognize him as the master, and I will treat him as the master! "

Jian Liu suddenly shouted.

The other sword guardian spirits turned to look at Jian Liu, they seemed to have some insight.

"If he can really break through, even if he loses to Jianba, he will be eligible to become our master!"

Jian Shi bowed his head and looked at his fist bone shattered by Lin Tianyou's elbow, and nodded earnestly.

boom! boom! boom!

Ding! Ding! Ding!

Each time the swords of the two men slammed, Shuangyi felt a shock of power. They fed back to their palms through the blades, making their palms slightly numb.

Jian Ba's soul power is stronger than Lin Tianyou, and there is a touch of Chi You blood, making his soul quality not Lin Tianyou, but still in strength, surpassing Lin Tianyou.

Every time a sword is cut, in addition to the collision of soul power, there is also a strange brute force mixed in it.

This brute force is very overbearing. Lin Tianyou needs to pierce three swords to offset the sword eight swords.

"The power of this sword eight is so strange, with a power like the power of the floods.

Even if I blessed all the sword moves of the sword level, I could stop them!

Huh? Why do I have the idea of ​​the power of the strong in the flood season?

Obviously, I haven't experienced the flood era either? "

Lin Tianyou was surprised.

Although it was the first time to encounter this power of Jianba, he seemed to know it very well, which was strange!

"Forget it, ever since I entered the underworld, we often have strange thoughts in my mind. Long Jue Jian Ling said that I was the reincarnation of the Dragon Emperor ghost.

Perhaps it was because when I entered the Underworld, I was stained with the spirit of the Dragon Emperor and the Ghost Emperor.

Maybe it is for this reason that I have all kinds of strange thoughts! "

Lin Tianyou shook his head and threw those strange thoughts behind his head.

In Jian Tianyou's view, Jian Ba's sword skill is only 50% of his level.

It was the flood-like power that only puzzled him, but it was also good. Lin Tianyou hadn't fought a swordsman with a good reputation for a long time.

This time, I can fight it!

Wrist rotation, sword speed multiplied, and Jianba's sword moves against, not afraid!

Lin Tianyou was amazed by the power of Jian Ba's famine, and Jian Ba ​​was also shocked by Lin Tianyou's kendo talent.

Originally thought that he was able to defeat Lin Tianyou within dozens of strokes.

However, he did not expect that even if his soul power occupied the absolute advantage, Lin Tianyou couldn't help it.

And, now every sword he is struggling to cope with.

If you have a little idea, Lin Tianyou's sword will stab yourself.

"Why is this boy's Kendo so sharp?

I have no opponents since I realized the prefecture sword.

Today, this boy has given me a new understanding of Kendo! "

Jian Ba ​​could not help feeling more excited, and his warfare was booming.

boom! !!

The sound of Jianming's cracking sound is clear, such as the outer meteorite falling on the ground, the space wind rushes to the Quartet, countless fire lights like the fireworks blooming in festivals, illuminating the entire space.

The horrible sword air raged.

The two figures, one red and one white, were entangled with each other, and the intense collision caused a lot of shock waves.

This endless battle, the loud noise caused the sword ten people who watched the distance to cover their ears.

Even if they exerted soul power to block these shock waves, they still struggled.

The sword speed of the two was too fast. Within a few seconds, the two did not know how many strokes.

There was another loud bang, and the two volleyed apart.

They stood in their respective positions and remained motionless.

"Jianshi, who do you think will win?"

Jianjiu swallowed his throat ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ and asked.

"Do you think it's possible to see it with my kendo accomplishments?

To be honest, the two of them have hit so far, and I can't see how many sword moves they have made. "

Sword ten smiled bitterly.

I thought Jianba was twice as strong as them.

Now it seems that more than double their strength? It is estimated that it is possible to reach ten times!

Jian Yi lowered his eyes and thought for a moment, saying

"I think the final winner should be the Ghost Dragon!"

"Oh why?"

The companion next to him was surprised.

Jianyi answered:

"Jiangba ’s swordsmanship is like Jianyuejian in his hands. It is indestructible, but have you heard such a sentence?

It ’s called ‘easy to break’.

On the contrary, the variety of changes in the Ghost Dragon King's sword moves not only has power, but also brings a touch of calmness like the sea.

So I infer that the fighting between the two will last for a long time.

Of course, this is just my personal inference. In the end, is it true that they have to wait for them to finish. "

Jian Shi suddenly laughed:

"Although Jianyi's strength is the bottom of ten of us, our knowledge has always been better than that of ten of us.

In fact, I think just like you think that the winner may be the ghost king. "

The people didn't interject. Although Jianba was arrogant, he was a companion with them. Obviously, such remarks should not be made as a companion.

What's more, they couldn't understand the swordsmanship of the two, but found a trace of unusualness in their expressions.

Lin Tianyou's face remained the same, holding a sword like a pine, standing proudly.

Jianba had a messy hair, though his expression was very calm, but there was a clear dignity in that calmness.

(End of this chapter)

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