Dragon King I Am Supreme

Chapter 3355: Holy Wolf Core

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"It can take me two minutes at most to perceive the existence of emptiness, which shows that the sea mirror is indeed a treasure."

Lin Tianyou's heart changed again and again.

His strength must be inferior to that of the Heavenly Dao. It takes him about two minutes to break through the illusion of the sea mirror. That day, the Dao Master wanted to search a place, it would take at least a minute, right?

With this minute's time, he could have escaped long ago.

This mirror, ten thousand stars, is too profitable.

Most of the several lots brought out by the old auctioneer were bought by Yue Yun and Yue An.

Lin Tianyou hasn't quoted for a long time, which makes everyone think that this person who dared to offend City Lord's Mansion has already spent all his money.

It is really silly to buy a mirror with ten thousand stars.

Now not only has no money to shoot the treasure afterwards, but also offends a force that cannot be offended.

They were wondering, is this guy regretting it now?

"Aber, the guy who opposed us hasn't made an offer for a long time. Could it be persuasion?"

A young man said to Yue An with a somewhat triumphant expression.

"Huh, it's just a poor ghost. I really thought that he would be a big man by winning a mirror? I will show him his shape soon!"

Yue Hu said disdainfully.

"Abo, when we teach him, let us do it too. Such **** will be killed!"

Others followed.

"Don't worry, it's okay to torture him how you want!"

Yue Hu nodded and agreed.

The auction took a short break for five minutes.

When the auctioneer teacher came out again, everyone knew that today's auction was the highlight.

Because in previous years, when there was a five-minute rest, the auction of the last treasure was about to begin.

Because this is the most important treasure, soon people even if they can't afford it, they want to take a look to increase their knowledge.

Soon, a beautiful waitress came up cautiously holding a golden plate in her hands.

The auctioneer teacher smiled at everyone and said:

"Everyone, what's in this golden plate is our final treasure today, a demon core of a holy beast!"

"First of all, please allow me to talk about the origin of this demon core."

The auctioneer teacher coughed, ready to organize the language.

"Stop talking, we all have to buy it anyway, quickly open the lid and let us see what demon core is!"

"That is, you have to say this every year, don't think we don't know, your purpose of saying this is to raise the price of the demon core!"

The crowd below shouted loudly.

They can't wait.

"You can misunderstand me, I just want everyone to know how hard it is to get this demon core, so that everyone will pay attention to it and feel that it is worth the money!"

The old auctioneer smiled.

In fact, these people are right. He deliberately talked about the origin, just to raise the base price of the demon core so that everyone would not feel deceived.

As long as he said the worse, the higher the price. This is his experience for many years.

After clearing his throat, the old auctioneer began to say:

"This is a holy wolf demon core, and it was an unknown deep mountain village in our Moon God Realm that got him.

There were originally more than three hundred strong men in that village, and ten masters with star power reaching seven thousand.

In the end, in order to hunt this demon core, more than three hundred men, only one person returned in the end.

And that person was also seriously injured. It is hard to say whether he will live until next year. It is extremely pitiful. "

Having said that, the old auctioneer pretended to wipe away tears that did not exist.

"They are so miserable. Only one man who can serve as the pillar of life will die. The rest are old people, women and children.

So the commissioner said that he wanted to sell it at a high price so that he could give the money to the elderly, women and children in the village. "

Having said that, some of the guests below were really moved to tears.

It's a pity that they are not rich bosses. Although they are moved to death, they don't have the money to shoot this monster core.

But the really rich guys sneered. They didn't care how miserable the people who got this demon core were. Since they wanted to make this money, they had to think of the price they might pay.

So they won't have any sympathy.


The lid was opened by the old auctioneer.

Inside, a demon pill the size of a date was emitting a weird light.

"There are many effects of this demon core, the most direct one is that it can be refined by special means, and then after eating it, it can increase its ability to absorb the power of the stars.

If you have a good digestion and absorption ability, you might even use this demon core to broaden your star knowledge. "

"If someone is in a breakthrough bottleneck, they might be able to use the demon core to directly break into a new realm.

The geniuses of the big brothers can also use this demon core to enhance their talents and become the arrogance of the real arrogance of their peers. "

The old auctioneer's mouth is quite talkative.

Every word is said in the heart of all the big brothers.

Everyone's heart is turbulent, their family more or less has a few geniuses worth training, if they can buy this demon core back, it will definitely enhance the family's overall strength.

"What is the low price of this lot? You said it!"

Some people can't wait, and can't wait to photograph this treasure.

"I hope the reserve price is not too high!"

Wuwuyu whispered.

Before, Lin Tianyou made 50,000 star stones by selling pills.

Later, it cost more than 10,000 to take a mirror.

If this wolf demon core is too expensive, I'm afraid it won't be photographed today.

"Xiao Kongkong, don't be nervous, this wolf demon core will definitely get you."

Lin Tianyou said.


The emptiness is not optimistic, unless Lin Tianyou uses force to grab, otherwise, he can't fight the big guys at all.

"The starting price for this item is...20,000 star stones!"

The old man auctioneer quoted the reserve price.

"Twenty thousand? Why don't you grab it? Last year it was also a demon core, and your reserve price was only 10,000, so this year it actually went up?"

"Yeah, you are starting the price!"

The crowd roared ~www.ltnovel.com~ that the price was too ridiculous.

"Everyone, you are also regular customers, don't you even have this common sense? In the past, the quasi-holy demon cores were used, but this year the holy demon cores of the normal sect!"

The old auctioneer sneered.

All he saw were standing guests. These guests were poor people. As long as the big guys in the enchantment lounge had no objection, he could feel relieved.

The crowd below no longer speaks. Although the quasi-sage rank and the saint rank are only one word difference, they are very different.

Ten thousand star stones are not too expensive.

"Every bid must not be less than a thousand star stones, now start to bid!"

The old auctioneer's voice just fell.

The voice of the offer has sounded.

"Twenty-One Thousand Star Stones!"

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