Dragon King Order

Chapter 1,337 Pursuit

"Then Chen Ping isn't backed by Mr. Shi? How dare the Kyoto Martial Arts Alliance be so blatant this time?"

"Who knows, maybe Mr. Shi won't care about him anymore. Now Chen Ping will have no chance of escaping."

"Just wait and see the good show. The Kyoto Martial Arts Alliance has announced the news. I don't think any sect family dares to take in Chen Ping!"


Chen Ping was constantly being discussed on the forum, but at this time, Chen Ping had no idea at all.

After he escaped from Kyoto, he went all the way south and went straight to the Red Lotus Palace.

But what Chen Ping didn't know was that there was a person who was extremely fast and was running in the direction of Red Lotus Palace. It seemed that he arrived earlier than Chen Ping.

On the road, Chen Ping was always worried about Su Yuqi. In this world where strength is respected, Chen Ping always felt that his strength was growing too slowly.

Although in the eyes of others, Chen Ping's growth rate has already been incredible, Chen Ping himself is not satisfied.

And this time also made Chen Ping clearly realize that the world of martial arts is unfathomable!

Whether it is a sect family or a martial arts alliance, it seems that there is an invisible hand behind these people or families controlling everything.

Chen Ping found a place to rest under a big tree. Looking at the vast sky, Chen Ping fell into endless reverie.

"If I really become an immortal, can I go directly to the Heavenly Palace?"

But just when Chen Ping was thinking wildly, several powerful auras suddenly approached Chen Ping!

Chen Ping sensed it instantly and his expression changed slightly.

The strength of these auras was all superior to that of Wu Hou, which made Chen Ping feel the pressure.

"How could these guys from the Martial Arts Alliance find me so quickly?"

Chen Ping was puzzled. How could the people from the Martial Arts Alliance find him even though he had escaped so far.

Without any time to think about it, Chen Ping immediately stood up and left quickly.


Not long after Chen Ping left, Zhu Zhishan and his people immediately caught up with him.

Zhu Zhishan stood at the place where Chen Ping was resting, and looked at the big tree that Chen Ping was leaning on just now.

"Hmph, this guy runs very fast. Today I want to play a cat and mouse game to tease him..."

Zhu Zhishan snorted coldly, and then led his men to continue chasing in the direction where Chen Ping escaped.

Chen Ping struggled to escape forward, constantly thinking about how these guys from the Martial Arts Alliance found him.

If he had been chased by his aura, it was obviously impossible. Chen Ping had already escaped so far, so how could his aura still be detected?

At this moment, Chen Ping felt those powerful auras again.

"So fast?"

Chen Ping frowned and quickened his pace.

If it weren't for the use restrictions of the Qiankun Circle and its frequent use, Chen Ping would have used the Qiankun Circle to escape again.

Zhu Zhishan and the others were chasing closely, not daring to relax at all. Zhu Zhishan knew that if Chen Ping didn't die this time, he would!

"Damn, these people are too perverted. They have chased them so far away, and they are still chasing after them..."

Chen Ping couldn't understand why this martial arts alliance seemed to refuse to give up until it caught up with him.

Chen Ping hid his aura to avoid being noticed by others, and then spread his consciousness around to check for any danger.

Finding that no one was blocking him in front, Chen Ping quickly changed direction. This time, he lost his breath and changed his mind. Chen Ping did not believe that these people could catch up with him.

Zhu Zhishan caught up to where Chen Ping changed direction and suddenly stopped. Then he frowned slightly, as if he was sensing something, but after a moment, Zhu Zhishan frowned!

"Damn, this kid hid his aura..."

Zhu Zhishan cursed and could only take out the tracking charm again. "Then Chen Ping is not backed by Mr. Shi? How dare the Kyoto Martial Arts Alliance be so blatant this time?"

"Who knows, maybe Mr. Shi won't care about him anymore. Now Chen Ping will have no chance of escaping."

"Just wait and see the good show. The Kyoto Martial Arts Alliance has announced the news. I don't think any sect family dares to take in Chen Ping!"


Chen Ping was constantly being discussed on the forum, but at this time, Chen Ping had no idea at all.

After he escaped from Kyoto, he went all the way south and went straight to the Red Lotus Palace.

But what Chen Ping didn't know was that there was a person who was extremely fast and was running in the direction of Red Lotus Palace. It seemed that he arrived earlier than Chen Ping.

On the road, Chen Ping was always worried about Su Yuqi. In this world where strength is respected, Chen Ping always felt that his strength was growing too slowly.

Although in the eyes of others, Chen Ping's growth rate has already been incredible, Chen Ping himself is not satisfied.

And this time also made Chen Ping clearly realize that the world of martial arts is unfathomable!

Whether it is a sect family or a martial arts alliance, it seems that there is an invisible hand behind these people or families controlling everything.

Chen Ping found a place to rest under a big tree. Looking at the vast sky, Chen Ping fell into endless reverie.

"If I really become an immortal, can I go directly to the Heavenly Palace?"

But just when Chen Ping was thinking wildly, several powerful auras suddenly approached Chen Ping!

Chen Ping sensed it instantly and his expression changed slightly.

The strength of these auras was all superior to that of Wu Hou, which made Chen Ping feel the pressure.

"How could these guys from the Martial Arts Alliance find me so quickly?"

Chen Ping was puzzled. How could the people from the Martial Arts Alliance find him even though he had escaped so far.

Without any time to think about it, Chen Ping immediately stood up and left quickly.


Not long after Chen Ping left, Zhu Zhishan and his people immediately caught up with him.

Zhu Zhishan stood at the place where Chen Ping was resting, and looked at the big tree that Chen Ping was leaning on just now.

"Hmph, this guy runs very fast. Today I want to play a cat and mouse game to tease him..."

Zhu Zhishan snorted coldly, and then led his men to continue chasing in the direction where Chen Ping escaped.

Chen Ping struggled to escape forward, constantly thinking about how these guys from the Martial Arts Alliance found him.

If he had been chased by his aura, it was obviously impossible. Chen Ping had already escaped so far, so how could his aura still be detected?

At this moment, Chen Ping felt those powerful auras again.

"So fast?"

Chen Ping frowned and quickened his pace.

If it weren't for the use restrictions of the Qiankun Circle and its frequent use, Chen Ping would have used the Qiankun Circle to escape again.

Zhu Zhishan and the others were chasing closely, not daring to relax at all. Zhu Zhishan knew that if Chen Ping didn't die this time, he would!

"Damn, these people are too perverted. They have chased them so far away, and they are still chasing after them..."

Chen Ping couldn't understand why this martial arts alliance seemed to refuse to give up until it caught up with him.

Chen Ping hid his aura to avoid being noticed by others, and then spread his consciousness around to check for any danger.

Finding that no one was blocking him in front, Chen Ping quickly changed direction. This time, he lost his breath and changed his mind. Chen Ping did not believe that these people could catch up with him.

Zhu Zhishan caught up to where Chen Ping changed direction and suddenly stopped. Then he frowned slightly, as if he was sensing something, but after a moment, Zhu Zhishan frowned!

"Damn, this kid hid his aura..."

Zhu Zhishan cursed and could only take out the tracking charm again.

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