Dragon Life
Chapter 70
Let’s go register at the Guild Association
“Then, please wait while we complete your registration.”
Since I was told that by the lady wearing a business smile, I dejectedly head back to the waiting area in the back. I was queue number 23. Means I’m the 23rd person here today looking to register.
―― Nevertheless, this isn’t comfortable.
Around me, there were plenty of strong-looking men, seated at a round table and seemingly in the midst of an information exchange. There were some women here and there, but everyone all held weapons. The number and appearance of the people around every table varied. Using my brother’s game terms, based on their appearances, there were martial artists, magicians, and what looked like priests. There used to be people dressed like that in the past, but they were never that excessive. I wonder if it became a trend to have battle wear be stylish.
The walls of the bar-like room have become bulletin boards, with men whose hands are on their chins looking at the posted notices. At the counter, the lady from earlier was looking through the documents she had on hand.
So this is — Thiene Village Guild Branch. The Guild Association, to put it simply, exists to eradicate demons. It’s common in this era, for people with confidence in their abilities, to join the Guild, eliminate demons, and take up requests.
―― I was shocked when I was told that at least 2 years had passed since then. It’s just like the Urashima Tarou phenomenon. [1]
The story the uncle told me, sounds like this. The sacred beast of the Alvina Kingdom, saved the world from the Black Dominator. But the resurrection of demons wasn’t completely suppressed, and various places started facing harm one after another. It became a national level issue, and an alliance was formed between countries, agreeing that this was not the time for war. Following that, they created the Guild, its purpose to completely eradicate all demons. Countries also dispatched punitive forces, but that alone was insufficient to end the proliferation of demons, hence they sought help from strong and capable civilians. Branches were set up in several towns and villages, and in the Capital of each country, the Head Guild was created to handle the branches. A system was then created, such that one could earn rewards for defeating monsters. Maybe because of that, there were increasing numbers of people who chose this as their profession, and also more people were also requesting for them. There were some who formed parties for demon subjugations, saying that there is lower risk fighting as a team. Even something like an arena was made.
In the last few years, the world has changed in a peculiar way. I was surprised that such a system centered around demons was established and accepted in a short period of time, but it was convenient for mercenaries and those who travelled across the country from the beginning, so it quickly spread amongst the people. Nowadays, the Number 1 job that children want is to be a guild master.
Well, I’ve got no choice but to be surprised. Guild Association? What’s that, is it delicious? Ah, I don’t know anymore.
I heard details about the structure from the lady earlier, but this is all I understood. For now, just join the guild and defeat demons to earn money. This is important. And for some reason, the Guild Association’s crest is of an Earth Dragon. A black one, too. Yea, no matter how I think about it, that’s me… How embarrassing!! Stop it!!
Besides, black was supposed to be a taboo colour. To openly use black in the crest, is that really fine, I casually asked the lady, causing her business smile to immediately fail as she countered with “What are you saying! To call such an esteemed colour taboo! You must have such an outdated mindset” before snorting in laughter. Why.
Even if I say past, it was just 2 years ago. Only 2 years. It seems that having a Black Earth Dragon save the world, was enough of a shock to change the fundamental mindsets of people. I feel like an old lady falling behind the trends. The friend who hated bell peppers, is suddenly eating them, eh, didn’t you hate them? That kind of unbelief hit me. I love them! was the feeling that’d be returned. It’s hard to understand, but that’s just the way it is. [2]
But that is also a point of comfort. Black is not a taboo. It’s even treated as an esteemed colour, so Naoki should be okay. Touka has dyed blonde hair and wears blue contact lens, while Yuu always had light hair which she dyed brown and chestnut coloured eyes. [3] Only Naoki had black hair. So I was worried about him… wait a minute. If that’s the case, I don’t need to hide my hair either, do I? Ah, but I’m scared. In the first place, this world has very few people who have black features, so it’s better to hide it. As I was thinking such things, the lady called my number, so I cheerfully headed for the counter.
“I’m sorry to keep you waiting. Now, I will explain the procedures for registration”
As always, a business smile. I don’t hate it.
“After you answer the questions, you will have to decide on your job. It can be in something in which you surpass other people. But please note one thing. You can change your job later, but it will reset your level, so do be careful.”
What’s that a Level.
“From here on, your level will rise based on your completed quests and defeated demons. With a higher level, you will become more recognised, and you’ll be able to take higher ranked quests. The rewards and compensation you can receive will also increase to match the rank.
Hohoo. It seems similar to the online game my brother was addicted to. Although I wouldn’t know since I never played it.
“But please be careful. As one becomes more recognised, they also gain more enemies in your industry. Well, you should be fine though.”
… How frustrating. It’s true that I am weak! But to laugh through your nose, that’s too much! I considered registering at the guild, only because the uncle told me I’d probably be turned away at the gates if I didn’t have any identification documents! Even if my level is low, all I want is an identification pass! This is also for Touka, your older sister, will do her best!
“Next, may I have your name please”
“It’s Itoka”
“Iitoka-san, right.”
As expected, you can’t pronounce it right. I can understand a bit of Kikuko-oneechan feelings now.
“Gender is male right”
“Then next, age”
Eh? Hold it! Male?! Man?! What are you saying Miss?! I may not be girly at all, but I’m still a fully-fledged woman! Even without a chest I’m a woman!
“I see, age unspecified, and”
EEEEH?! What are you just continuing on your own for?! I’m too shocked to even shout! Rather, I’d want to scream but I’m too afraid of the strong looking men behind me to scream!
“Birthplace… also unspecified, and”
Even as a joke, this is too much Miss!
“Hm, I wonder which job”
No, don’t think about it by yourself! What?! My registration documents will be decided and created based on this lady’s dogmatism and bias?! What’s up with that?!
“Ex-excuse me”
I finally managed to say something. Even if it was an unbecoming, hoarse voice. The lady finally looked at me. More specifically, she looked at the polka-dotted umbrella I was holding.
“Ah, a magician!”
“No, that’s wrong! This is just an umbrella… a rain avoider! It’s not a weapon or anything!”
I shouted without thinking. Really loudly too. Naturally, it echoed around the room, and with a shin, the bustling information exchange that was taking place behind me went silent. All the stares gathering on my back started to hurt. Even the lady in front of me had widened her eyes as she exclaimed ‘Oh my’. I’m scared to look back.
As I slowly returned to my seat at the counter, the bustle behind me also started up again. Thank goodness, they may think I’m an odd fellow, but it was relieving that they weren’t paying attention to me anymore.
“Then which job? Young boy, do you have some outstanding ability or something?”
Don’t suddenly break your attitude, Miss! Young boy you say, do I look that much like a boy?! This is beyond misery, it’s just pointless!
“…I don’t”
Fufu, she laughed through her nose again. I don’t have any abilities. If I had learnt Kendo like Kikuko-oneechan it may have been different, but as the life-long member of the go-home club, much less than even exercising, I just enjoyed lazing around at home as a gutter girl [4]. If I had to choose, I’d be more of a Literature kid. Although I can’t study.
I don’t have anything that I can surpass others in. I’m just a mediocre, average, and harmless human being.
“Oh well, but I’ll at least have to register you. Young boy, could you touch this crystal please?”
Ah is that so, I don’t care about being called a boy anymore, a boy. I should just use ‘I’ [5] right? You see I, don’t really want to touch that crystal- it kinda looks like the one that Madeleine had. Something like a magic power measuring device. In either case, the me now has absolutely no magic at all, and of course no talent as a magician. Thinking that it’s fine to touch it, ‘I understand’ I half-reluctantly lift my right hand to touch it. The feeling of the crystal’s cool surface could be clearly felt. Inside the crystal, a small ball of light was suspended, shaking constantly. So it wasn’t filled with water, but something else, I thought as the small ball of light disappeared.
“Oh my, no magic power, and”
It feels like I let that firefly light die, leaving an empty feeling. Hey, why did the firefly die? Well, that’s because I put my hand on the crystal.
“Then the next is this”
One after another, I touched stones and objects of various shapes and colours, but the reaction was determinedly the same. The frail light would just disappear. Hey, why do they disappear? Well, that’s because I’m incompetent.
‘You, don’t have any talents at all”
At this point, she no longer has a business smile, replaced by an appalled expression.
“But I’m still young, I can still grow from here”
The fact that I’m still mistaken as a guy breaks my heart.
“…You’re not the soul controller [6] by any chance right?”
What’s with that sinister-sounding name.
“It’s a person who has the ability to manipulate the souls of the dead and of demons.”
So like a zombie-user. I don’t want that. Such an ability, it’s something I’d want to be rid of.
“It’s fine if you are not. Lately, there have been quite a few similar incidents happening, so be careful. They say that that one-winged swordsman is involved too.”
“The One-winged swordsman?”
Now that you say it, I feel like the uncle also said something similar. The guy who pointed a sword at me, the robed man. Just remembering it makes me shudder. If the worm hadn’t attacked again back then, I might have been killed.
Seeing that I was interested, the lady’s mood seemed to have improved, since she leaned over the counter and brought her face closer. I guess regardless of their age, women always like to gossip.
“That’s right! So why they are bringing in the one-winged, his abilities—”
―― Kyurururu!
Hmm? I can hear some sort of cute chirping.
“What’s wrong Pii-chan? Oh, from Lily? I wonder if she fought with Roy again”
The bird called Pii-chan seemed to have flown in through the open window, settling itself on top of my head before opening its mouth to give the paper it was holding to the lady. More importantly, it’s heavy. Heavier than it seems. Compared to what its name Pii-chan implies, this bird is almost as big as a chicken. It’s at least bigger than a pigeon. That was the impression I had, until I was surprised by Pii-chan’s figure when it moved to the counter.
―― Kyuru, kepur.
It’s a dragon. And it is also small. Round and cute eyes, splendid red scales, lined an orderly row. I say, it’s a palm-sized dragon cuter and more charming than a fire drake. It has no front legs, instead has wings larger than its body. It looks kinda like a bat.
“Um, about this dragon…”
“Young boy, is this your first time seeing a wyvern? Such an innocent reaction, how cute”
No, please don’t try to entice me. Putting that aside, wyverns were this small huh. I thought they were large so I’m a little surprised. Plus it’s cute.
Could you wait a moment? The lady said as she began reading the letter which was from a Lily-san. Abandoning your client for a letter huh, I wanted to retort, but I decided to play with the wyvern Pii-chan instead. Gingerly reaching my hand out, Pii-chan responded by poking its head out to the side.
What is this it’s so cute.
Gently patting its head which fit perfectly in my hand, it let out a kyurukyuru in comfort.
What is this it’s so cute.
Its long tail is swaying from side to side.
What is this cuteness! I want one!
“It’s rare for Pii-chan to take to people. Are you sure you aren’t a beast controller?”
With a sidelong glance, the lady so asked me. Beast controller? Anything’s fine! It’s way too cute!
I think I was getting a little too carried away, and was making an unsightly grin. Pii-chan must also have been in a good mood, because it suddenly bit the edge of my hat, then started flying around the room with my hat in its mouth.
It’s so cute, I’d want to chase it, ufufu this cute little thing! The me that thought so is an idiot.
Suddenly, shin, it fell quiet. Having this boisterous room fell silent for a second time in one day, was something that hasn’t happened since the founding of the Guild Association Thiene Village Branch, is something I heard from the lady only later.
I wonder why the older sister is making such a stunned voice. Oh, maybe she’s jealous of how well Pii-chan gets along with me? Sorry Miss. You must be upset that Pii-chan likes me better don’t you! HAHaha… Eh?
Why, is it so quiet. After taking a look at Pii-chan who was flying near the ceiling, I turned my gaze downwards. There were the round tables, and around it the ladies and gentlemen of the guild. All of them, were looking at me. Their faces showed their astonishment, curiosity, and many others. The only common point, was that their gazes were all concentrated on my head.
―― Crap!!
Panicking, I chased after Pii-chan to try and get my hat back, but apparently thinking we were playing catch, Pii-chan cried delightfully and skillfully evaded my hands.
The one that wants to cry is me! Pii-chan, I’m begging you so please return the hat!! Ah, I have no other choice!
If it’s come to this, time to use my trump card. I take off the jersey jacket and put it on my head. Feigning ignorance, I crab walk back to the same counter, when I heard laughter exploding behind me.
“PFFT, AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! What’s that!! Imitating some new type of demon?!”
Tha, that’s rude! It’s definitely a weird outfit, but I’m desperate over here!!
They must have sensed that I was sulking, because the men behind me apologised while still laughing. I don’t feel like I received an apology.
“Sorry, sorry. To think that you were a holder of black, everyone was surprised. Hey, everyone!”
With the man’s words, the room that went quiet became noisy again. Maybe he’s some sort of leader here, but that man who was sitting at a table in the back walked up and stood next to me. He stared at me, carefully studying me from the top of my head to the soles of feet.
Blonde could be seen in his white hair, while just like Timo he had amethyst pupils, and if I had to say, his features were of average for young men. But he has an aura that just attracts your eyes, and as an opponent, you can’t beat him with just ordinary means.
“Oh, looking closely, even your eyes are black”
Crap. I thought they wouldn’t be seen because of my glasses, but there’s no way anyone wouldn’t notice at such a close distance.
“Alright, your job is a clown! You have the talent to make people laugh!”
“I refuse.”
“This, immediate denial without explanation, you brat. But I don’t hate it?”
“You don’t have to come to like me”
“Don’t pout, you look cute”
He roughly rubbed my head. You look cute, he said jokingly but it’s not funny to me at all. Ah, Pii-chan, please return my hat soon. Don’t just squeal from the corner of the ceiling, come over here. Urgently.
“Okay, just for you, I’ll specially choose a job. Be grateful, yea?”
This inability to read the air and stubbornness to go his own way somehow really resembles my older brother. Now that you mention it, I wonder how they are, and if they managed to properly meet up with Touka… What should I do if before I meet you, you go back home first? Ah, maybe if I die here I’ll also return. Just like Kikuko-oneechan. But I don’t want to die, so let’s just leave it as a final resort. For now, I’ll prioritise meeting up with Touka and the rest.
“Hmm, maybe something like Black Knight”
While I was escaping from reality, something strange was brought up. What am I supposed to do with this guy.
“I cannot handle a sword”
“Black magician”
“No magic”
“Mastermind” [7]
“Now you’re using criminal names”
And why must he add black to everything, this guy!
“Argh, this is such a pain! From today onwards you are an Apprentice Black Knight! The reason is because it’s somehow cool! I’ll teach you sword arts! Got it! Over.”
No! I absolutely refuse such an embarrassing name!! And no one asked you to teach me!
“I, I’m fine with being normal! Like, a commoner!”
“There’s no job called commoner, young boy. See, if you raise the level of Apprentice Black Knight you can become an actual Black Knight, so work hard! Alright, this will be your identification pass, so don’t lose it either”
The lady who regained her business smile took my arm and attached my pass as she pleased.
――Wai, EEEH?! Miss was in on it too?! Is that allowed? Seriously!?
In fact, these people still haven’t realised I’m a girl yet—!!
After that, I somehow managed to stop that Apprentice Black Knight from passing with tears. Being a knight is not like me, plus it’s still embarrassing.
But they didn’t give up attaching ‘black’ to my job, and since I originally told the uncle I was a traveller, it became Black Traveller. It sounds kind of suspicious. And it’s still embarrassing. I’d be fine if it was just ‘traveller’ though. In the first place to add a colour to your job description, requires that you have a feature that colour, and others all have ‘the white’ or ‘the red’ and more. Likewise, that guy also has the job White Knight, a standard, noble name. If it was me, I’d definitely reject it. More like, aren’t knights the army of the country, I retorted, but apparently it’s unrelated. Call it what you want to call it. It will become your status, everyone agreed with a nod. Is something like that really ok. The knights that protect the country must be crying.
I also want to cry after looking at the registered identity that was one-sidedly done. Even with long hair, I still look like a boy, do I really lack that much femininity.
Guild Association registration No.171718
Name: Itoka
Level: 1
Age: Unknown
Gender: Male
Birthplace: Unknown
Job: Black Traveller
Below, any special or additional items are recorded.
―― Touka, your older sister may be a little disheartened.
Translation notes:
[1] Urashima Tarou: A Japanese fairy-tale about a fisherman who, after saving a turtle and rewarded by being granted a visit to the underwater Palace of the Dragon King, returns centuries later.
[2] In case you didn’t get it: It really is hard to understand. Basically, the author is trying to describe the kind of shock Itoka’s facing, which is like finding out that you friend can suddenly enjoy foods they previously hated, even saying they love it.
[3] If anyone needs a reminder, Yuu and Naoki are Touka’s friends, who got caught up in the summoning with him. I don’t really remember him either, honestly. They were always referred to as ‘the rest’, poor fellas.
[4] Gutter girl: Trying to say trash/useless girl, because she was lazy and stayed at home doing nothing all the time. sounds like me :’)
[5] Here she uses ‘boku’, a version of “I’ which is used mainly by boys, instead of ‘watashi’, which is a unisex way of saying ‘I’
[6] The accurate translation is ghost-user, and the description doesn’t sound like a necromancer either. ‘Controller’ sounds better than ‘user’, and I could use it for the later parts too. Do sound out if you think there are any better terms for this instead.
[7] The kanji for this is 黒幕, which includes black inside, that’s why it was brought up. Used in this way, it usually refers to the ‘evil’ or bad side’s leader, that’s why she later said its criminal.
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