Dragon Life
Chapter 75
That adorable child is a dragon rider.
Ah, how sweet.
When you’re hungry, you should always eat sweet foods. It’ll speed up your brain, and overall, it’s delicious.
I try to escape reality as I sip on a sweet drink similar to coconut milk, but trying to look away… seems impossible.
“Are you alright?”
Across the wooden table in front of me, were Chocolat and Chiffon, seated while drinking the same drink. What we were all drinking was something bought from the stores around the arena, and it had a creamy and gentle taste. I wanted to sip it elegantly, but I ended up drinking it up with great vigour. My brain lacked sugar right now.
To be honest, I am not okay.
…That Chiffon is a dragon rider you say?! Unbelievable! I’ve said it many times, but she’s not the kind of girl that can take up a blade and fight. Exactly what happened these last 2 years?! …huh, when she mentioned studying in her letter, did she mean this…? Who, who is it who’s teaching Chiffon to become a dragon rider! Someone who would teach a servant to become a knight, someone who knows Chiffon, and who also knows how to be a dragon rider. Lance-san, Stefanos-san, and Minette-san wouldn’t have been able to since they were travelling with us, so that leaves us with, the vice-captain I guess… well he did look like a softie, so maybe they persuaded him with tears?
Agh, anyways!!
“Chiffon, is she really a… dragon rider?”
“Ehehe, can’t tell, can you?”
Mm, yep, can’t tell. If not for that outfit that screams ‘I fight all the time!’, she would look like a regular, large chested, cute little girl!
“True, it’s a little hard to believe that Chiffon-neesama is a dragon rider. I also didn’t believe it when I first heard about it”
He seemed to guess what I was shocked about. Chocolat-kun smiled bitterly.
“Maybe it’s because I didn’t bring Caramalize-chan along? But I shouldn’t. The townspeople would be shocked. Caramelize-chan is on standby outside the town!”
Caramelize-chan. A delicious sounding name. …Is that possible, the name of a fire drake? Knights would only be able to name a dragon only when they get one, and Chiffon is probably the only one that would think of a name like Caramelize.
“If we travel together with a dragon, the fact that we’re on inspection while travelling would be discovered. This place is, more or less a foreign country”
“Wasn’t that supposed to be a secret”
“Ahh, that’s right! Sorry Itoka-kun! Please forget what I just said!”
…Oh my goodness! She really is a dragon rider! And as expected, she used ‘kun’ on my name! [1] I’m covered by my hood and my stature and chest may be flat so you may be mistaken! Besides, it’s this world’s womens fault for all having such stunning curves…! It’s absolutely not my fault!
“Nee-sama, Itoka-san is a girl”
A saviour enters.
“I know because I touched her. She’s a little slender for a girl though”
Was it then!! To have been judged to be a girl not based on my face but my body… I feel like crying.
“Wa, I’m sorry! I was sure you were a boy! Then, Itoka-chan right! ..Uh, Itoka, chan?” [2]
It’s one of Chiffon’s good points, to apologise honestly instead of trying to gloss over a mistake. By the way, I wonder why her sentence ended, as a question.
“What’s wrong?”
“Mm, well, the name Itoka, sounds like something I’ve heard before, was it just my imagination?”
“You’re just imagining it”
Crap. I spoke faster than I could think about it.
“It probably caught your ear since it’s an unusual name. It’s from a country much further from here”
Chiffon tilted her head, wondering ‘is that so’. That’s the way it is. That’s the way it has to be.
“Did you come from far away? Maybe there’s no magic in that country.”
“Well, I guess you could say that”
Chocolat-kun seems to think, my declaration that I don’t believe in magic is very strange. Well that’s to be expected. In this world, magic is recognised as something normal and familiar. Even regular magic-less humans would have grown up seeing people use magic, and with just a little bit of magic power, even normal people would be able to use simple magic. For example, people with the blessing of fire will be able to light a small fire, those with the blessing of water can easily draw river water into a bucket, even the calm, Tourou style streams are controlled by magicians who have received the blessing of water to use magic [3]…Until now, I have not heard a detailed explanation on magic, might be because I myself, do not believe in magic. I instinctively chose not to face it, might be more accurate.
To not believe in magic, will also mean that you don’t believe in the spirits. With reference to religion in this world, it’s like saying you don’t believe in God.
“Itoka-san, please look at this”
After thinking for a moment, Chocolat-kun pointed his index finger at the container holding our drinks. He’s probably not thinking of doing the ‘don’ thing from earlier right.
“Wa, wait!”
I don’t think I can calmly watch that destructive power after seeing it once. Trying to stop him, I unconsciously grab Chocolat-kun’s finger. Chiffon, shocked by my action, tried to quickly pull my hand away, but it was too late.
My right hand, which grabbed his finger, exploded. It’s scale was small, similar to a small balloon bursting. However, receiving something like that directly, while bare-handed, should lead to unavoidable injuries.
“What are you doing Chocolat? Itoka-kun are you alright?!”
Before Chiffon could, his small hand grabbed my hand. Opening my palm, after he looked at the spot which should have been injured, Chocolat-kun furrowed his brows.
“There are no, injuries”
It doesn’t hurt, either.
The explosion passed through my palm as if I had become an invisible human. This surprised me too. I didn’t feel anything at all.
“Even though you are aware of my magic and tried to stop it, you don’t believe in it. That’s why the magic didn’t work… it’s contradictory. Itoka-san, who exactly are you?”
A mature and sharp gaze pierces me. I’m the one who wants to know the answer to that the most.
“…Not wanting to believe in magic, is likely my true intention”
Magic definitely existed there. But I don’t believe in it. Even if I’ve witnessed it, I don’t believe it. No, I refuse to believe in it. Because if I believe in magic, it would mean I’m accepting Vito. And to accept her, means I have to live as her as well. There are many things which are still uncertain, but from her memories, one thing is clear. For me to accept her, that would mean, her revival. — As a human, she would have to shoulder the fate of an Earth Dragon. That’s why I, don’t believe, and refuse to believe in magic.
“Hoo. As I thought, you’re interesting, onee-san”
As if the probing expression from earlier was a lie, a smile so sweet, sugar would melt, formed instantly.
“I told you that you shouldn’t do such dangerous things to other people! What were you going to do if they had gotten seriously injured?”
“I’m sorry. But I wanted to know about Itoka-san. And if she got hurt, I planned to take responsibility for it, so it’s not a problem”
“Meaning I’ll take her as my wife”
To be able to say that to someone he met for the first time less than an hour ago, Chocolat-kun is amazing. How mature.
“Wah. Is that so? What should I do! I’ll have another sister-in-law! It’ll be so lively. I need to tell Ariade-chan too!”
Hold on a minute! You’re progressing too fast!
“Cho, Chocolat-kun? Chiffon-san? Uh, What are the two of you saying?
“You can drop the ‘kun’ honorifics. Call me Chocolat?”
Those drowsy looking, honey coloured eyes looked up at me. This kid is so damn cute!
“You don’t need to add ‘san’ for my name either. Just call me Chiffon!”
Chiffon said excitedly as she leaned over the table.
“I, I understand. Chocolat, Chiffon”
The two who smiled joyfully from having their names called are siblings after all, since the way they smile is very similar. But I shouldn’t get caught up by this warm atmosphere. I can’t get carried away.
“For now, let’s calm down. It’s not normal to marry someone you’ve just met. I’m asking, please return to your senses”
“Who is becoming who’s wife?”
“I am Chiffon-kun’s to-be wife… huh?” [4]
Just when I thought a third person spoke from behind, the white blonde head I’ve become familiar with appeared. That person wrapped his arm around my neck as if supporting my head. Those amethyst eyes were staring at Chocolat and Chiffon.
“Yo. What are you doing all the way here. I told you to wait back there, didn’t I?”
“Ahh, Sorry about that. This and that happened”
“Is that so. It can’t be helped if its like that… not! As if I can understand with just that! Just when I thought you disappeared, you got involved with some strange fellows.
“Who are you calling a strange fellow”
Chocolat said indignantly.
“The kid who said they’d take a guy as a wife. You may be a kid but you’re obviously a strange person”
“What are you saying. Itoka-san is a female. You seem to be Itoka-san’s friends, yet you don’t know that?”
I can understand what Al wants to say. It’s usually unthinkable for a guy to marry another guy. But I’m a girl. For the time being, I should side with Chocolat… or, should I stick to the misunderstanding.
Whether fortunate or not, somehow the fact that I’m a girl hasn’t been discovered by Al and the rest. Or more like, they couldn’t figure it out. But if we continue to travel together, eventually they will find the truth. In which case, it may be better to let them know earlier. It’s been kinda inconvenient. Mostly for me.
“Leave behind that strange kid, let’s hurry and go. As if Itoka is a girl—”
“I’m a girl”
“…Has your mind finally gone crazy”
“Like I said, I’m a woman”
“Who is”
“I am”
What’s with that pitying gaze. Al heaved a huge sigh as he held his head. Celia, Itoka finally went crazy, he mumbled to himself.
“I’ll say it now since you’ll find out eventually, I am biologically, a genuine woman”
“…but you, you’re identification pass states male”
“That is the result of Al and the receptionist lady’s selfish work. If you still don’t trust me, would you like to touch?”
He released his hand from around my neck, and directly faced me. It may be troubling to be told to touch me right in front of the store, be this is a chance for me to clarify my gender. …but, to touch? It’s fine to try saying it, but in reality, where? Not my chest, but maybe by holding my whole body, so a hug it is then. It’s pretty rare for me to hug someone first. A man at that. It’s embarrassing, but there’s no choice. This is also for my sake.
Stretching out my arms, I wrap them around the back which is slender for a man. In front of my eyes was Al’s chest. As if showing off the height difference between us. Al was surprised by the sudden hug, but replied ‘I understand’, before wrapping his arms around me, and soothing me like you would a child.
“There there”
“…Don’t treat me like a child.”
“You’re still a kid. Thin, and warm. How is this body a woman?”
That hurt a little.
Pat pat, the hand which patted my back lowered to my waist. I may not have any curves, but I at least have a thin waist.
The hand that was soothing me, as if finding something weird, crawled around my waist line for a while. Then, it suddenly stopped. No way, you’re kidding, I thought I heard his shocked voice, before he strongly pulled me into a tight hug, perplexing me. I could feel a hot breath on my neck. Sniff, Al’s nose went. Is he checking something I wonder.
After enduring in that state, I was finally released.
“…My bad”
I didn’t miss Al’s slightly reddened cheeks as he slowly distanced himself. I’m probably the same. It’s the first time my body has been stroked so much by a guy. Although I brought it on myself.
“No, really, my bad, I’m sorry”
“We, well, if you understand, then it’s fine”
An awkward silence. We can’t look at each other’s faces. When I tried to ask for help from Chiffon with my eyes, another figure appeared behind Al.
“Al, what were you doing to Ito-kun”
Celia stood there imposingly.
It seems the ‘Rose’s Thorn’ situation has been settled. But that expression was not a radiant one, instead, those clear, sky-blue eyes pierced Al with an icy glare.
“Uh, no. This is. There is a reason”
Al hurriedly took a step away from me. It’s as if this is a scene where a person caught their lover cheating. Which would make me the cheater’s partner.
“For what reason”
Celia leisurely comes closer.
“To begin with, it’s Itoka’s fault”
“Eh, it’s my fault?”
“You are the one that hugged me!”
“That’s because Al didn’t believe what I said and left me no other choice!”
I’m also embarrassed! But I didn’t have any other way to convince him.
“So, what’s the problem?”
“The problem is that Itoka is a girl!”
“Yeah, I knew that”
―― What did you say?
I’m, right now, probably making the same face as Al.
Maybe because our facial expressions were that funny, but Celia made her usual smile and laughed.
“Fufu, did you think I wouldn’t notice? That you’re also a girl? When we first met I couldn’t tell, but I figured it out as we spent time together. Looking closely, your gestures and mannerism are those of a girl”
Something you can’t clarify till you watch closely, my gender…!!
“That’s why I’m angry. You can’t just touch a girl, like Ito-chan. Especially if you are a gentleman. Until now, I’ve let it slide since you thought she was a boy. If you’ve realised that she’s a girl, then as Ito-chan’s guardian, I will not forgive excessive contact!”
Without me knowing, Celia has been promoted and become my guardian. Wow. Plus she’s an overprotective guardian.
Celia stood as if to protect me from Al.
“Umm, I don’t mind it?”
In fact, if we travel together, I think it’s more impossible to never make contact.
“Even if Ito-chan doesn’t mind, I do. Al may look like that, but his past with women is terrible. I don’t want you to be a victim of that”
What’s up with that Stefanos-san. Judging from how he moved away when he found out I’m a girl, and from how he usually treats Celia, you wouldn’t expect such a past.
“Do-Don’t talk about the past”
“Coming from the person who pestered me so much earlier”
The ‘Rose’s Thorn’ incident huh. I get it.
Celia seems to be resentful.
I wonder if it might’ve been better to not say that I’m a girl. As I start to feel down with Celia and Al arguing again, the edge of my clothes was grabbed, and ‘Please cheer up’ was all Chocolat said as he looked at me with an angelic smile.
Ah, I’m being healed. I’d rather take this child as my wife.
Next to us, Chiffon was mumbling the mysteriously similar sounding names left and right, unable to let it go.
“Ito-chan…? Vito, chan?”
Translation Notes:
[1] ‘kun’ is a suffix added to the end of people’s names for formality, similar to ‘san’, but it is commonly only used for guys.
[2] ‘chan’ is also another suffix, used usually by or on a ‘cute’ person, usually used for girls or children. It implies cuteness basically
[3] Honestly, I too have no idea. Might be referring to something from the past chapters, but its been a while since I’ve read them, and I don’t really get it
[4] Not a typo by me, just saying. The raws definitely say Chiffon, not Chocolat.
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