Dragon Life
Chapter 86
Fortune and misfortune are intertwined.
Recently, I’ve been recalling those times, when I was a young dragon girl named Vito.
I don’t know what Honoka-nii had experienced in this world, but Honoka-nii who accepted everything is different from me.
I was already faintly aware that I was in no position to complain about things. I couldn’t accept this world, no, that’s not right. It would be presumptuous for me, who could not accept the other me called Vito, to try and interfere with this world.
But, so what? I am, of my own will, trying my best to take Touka and the others back from this dangerous world. Something like acceptance, or qualifications, if you get too caught up thinking about such things, you wouldn’t be able to do anything. That’s what I believed as I acted till now. On an unfamiliar trip, for my non-athletic self to be able to defeat small demons, is already some amazing growth.
Even if I hold in my complaints, I’m always, wanting to cry.
It was pretty risky the last time I met Lu-san. I was about to be swallowed up by Vito’s emotions, and was close to confessing everything.
Al and Celia are kind, I was happy to have been able to see Chiffon and Ariade again, Chocolat-kun is cute too, and just being with them makes me feel relaxed and cheerful.
But, after all.
I can’t hide my true feelings. Even if you can hide it from others, you can’t fool yourself.
―――That, it hurts.
[Wait right there]
As I was walking along the castle passage alone and lonely, someone called me out. That voice was not a physical sound, but a strange voice that echoed from somewhere. Hearing it from the front, I directed my eyes which were looking at the ground towards it, to find a small boy standing in the corridor leading to the garden.
“Lord Cleric, huh”
There’s nothing to be surprised about anymore.
More importantly, I am already overwhelmed with dealing with my own issues. Like what to do from now on, a plan to bring Touka and the others back, and first of all, find a way to get back home, there’s just so much to think about.
As Lord Cleric approached me, he had his usual smile, one where I couldn’t understand anything he was thinking.
[It seemed you just missed Marius. I never thought that you yourself would want to return to this world again.]
Those words were enough. He knew everything.
“I didn’t want it”
[How stubborn. How about you acknowledge it already? Hmm? Isn’t that right? Even if you continue to lie about your own feelings, you’re the one that will suffer from it]
Unable to say anything, I just stood there.
When Lord Cleric came and stood right in front of me, he peeked at my face.
[Ah, as expected, black suits you well. It looks good. Yes, it looks good. It’s the only peerless colour in this world. That colour that you have, is different from others. That is, and endless black]
How wonderful.
An expression beaming with joy floated up, and his small hand stroked my black hair.
[Fufufu, at first, I truly believed that you had died. Just like Ruth, the sacred beast of the Casp Do Kingdom, as one who died in another world and was reborn as the sacred beast here, he completed his duty and died. There was no body left for him to return to, thus left for the circle of reincarnation… but you were a heretic. I had forgotten to account for that. How mischievous, right? Don’t you think so?]
What are you calling a joke. If anything, you are the main culprit which hid that fact. He knew everything, and spoke suggestively.
“I think that it would be weird for me, to call myself a joke”
[It’s a joke. Fufu… In reality, you never died. Your soul, simply returned to the body that it originally belonged to… right, Vito]
This is the second time, I’ve been called by that name. It is not my name, something which was supposed to have been forcibly planted itself uncomfortably in my memory, but when I’m called by that name, a part of my heart becomes warm, wanting to cry.
“…To have even sent Marius, what do you want with me? As Lord Cleric earlier mentioned, my duty or what not should already be over”
If I was just dancing on top of someone’s palm, then that ended when Vito died. You should not have any business with the human me.
Lord Cleric, That is true, he said as he lowered his head while deep in thought.
[To tell you the truth, I thought the logic of the world would limit it to just this gift. Alvina Kingdom of course, but this entire world… on that day you vanished, miracles happened across the globe. For me, who could not move from that place, to now be able to live without being bound, it’s all thanks to you. Even for just this, I’m grateful you know? I really am. That’s why I, well, am in retirement, as you would call it. I wanted to try it. Retiring, that is. Mm, yes, it is good…. But, he wanted to see you so much, I just gave him some advice and aid. That’s why I personally do not have any business with you. The position of priestess has already been passed down to Riya too. Right now I am just a human, who lived for a slightly longer time.]
How is that just slightly. You’ve been living so long, it wouldn’t be strange to call you a living fossil.
But Lord Cleric’s smiling face was somehow softer than before, and was gentle.
[By the way, how are you, although you don’t seem to be fine. Right now, you are… Itoka? Or Vito?]
His face came closer as he checked my complexion. I could have avoided him if I wanted to, but I didn’t. A soft feeling on my cheek, and a gentle fragrance came from Lord Cleric as he stretched up, naturally eased all the tension from earlier.
[It was an impolite question. They are both the same ‘you’. It has nothing to do with you accepting it, from the very beginning, Vito is you, and Itoka is also you. There you are. I didn’t even have to ask about it]
He smiled teasingly from up close, and his coloured eyes just looked at me.
“How are you able, to say such a thing”
[I have been treated as ‘the answering one’ after all. And, my long years of life aren’t just for show. I’ve met many people. From one glance, I can tell what kind of person they are. You are especially delicate. Even though you are serious, you feign casualness, afraid of getting hurt, just like a small rabbit]
That’s why I know, he continued.
[How about you be a little more honest with your feelings? Well, you’ve already decided for yourself, haven’t you? It’s hurting you to continue to just mull over it. It’ll only be painful]
Why, are you pinpoint keeping up with me.
Why, are you saying that as if you know everything.
If you say such things, the things which I trapped deep within look like they’ll explode.
I have to resist it.
Ah, all I seem to be doing lately is crying.
In my blurry vision, I could see Lord Cleric’s smile.
[However, it’s unfortunate but, it is not my role to wipe away your tears]
Shuuu, Lord Cleric’s outline, and existence, disappeared.
As if, he was a ghost.
―― Eh?
But not like everything disappeared.
The one who then appeared instead, dressed as a clergyman, was a person with pink hair. On that person’s back, was a pair of white wings.
“Ma, Marius…”
“I was lending my body to Lord Cleric. Because he said he wanted to speak with Itoka. He could have just come himself, but just because he’s in retirement… ah I can finally move my body”
The small, outstretched body moved.
The strange, echoing voice, was because Lord Cleric was borrowing Marius’ body? So, he was even able to do such things!
“Hi, it’s been a while”
Crap, my voice cracked.
“That’s right. Just when I told you I was going to pick you, you were here in this world. What a waste of effort”
He glared as his cheeks puffed up.
“That, that is…!”
“…Well, in any case, here”
Hands stretched out to my waist and pulled me in.
I wonder if it is a habit he made while he was Maribelle, to hug at the waist, but to be embraced by the grown up Marius was, as a maiden, something to get embarrassed about.
Marius’ face was right in front of my eyes. That his navy blue eyes narrowed, and looked sad, was not just my imagination.
“What, are you crying for”
“…this, it’s sweat”
“I never heard that sweat could come out from your eyes”
“It’s sweat”
“If you want to cry, you should just go ahead and cry. Vito… Itoka is strangely obstinate sometimes”
“Hey, I’m fine”
I roughly rubbed my tears away with my sleeves and tried to smile, but I’m not confident I managed to do that well. But it’s fine. I don’t want to reveal my crying face in front of others anymore.
Marius was a little stunned, but with a small sigh, “don’t overdo it”, he said as he released the hand around my waist.
“Marius has some business with me, right?”
That’s why you even interfered with another world to meet me. I wasn’t able to hear it then, but he should tell me the reason now.
“I’ll make this clear because it sounds like it’d get complicated, but it is by my personal will that I came looking. You see, it has nothing to do with fate or duty that you hate, so rest assured”
Seems like he also heard the earlier commotion too. How embarrassing. It’s enough to be part of the top 3 most embarrassing events of my life. I was speaking so sharply as I argued in front of such a huge crowd after all. …if it’s something I can forget, I want to forget it!
“It’s lie that you want to hit me when you found me, right?”
“That’s right, I want to hit you”
Hiii! [1]
Marius who took a stance, smiled wryly.
“But I dislike hitting girls with my fist, so you’ll have to put up with this”
It didn’t hurt but I got a forehead flick. I was at least being treated like a girl.
…I, how should I respond to this?
Honestly, I don’t understand Maribelle’s attitude toward me. He’s got the appearance of a boy, but occasionally he acts as if a girl, and vice versa.
―――[I really don’t know, if these feelings are me as Marius, or as Maribelle]
I recall the words from that time, and my cheeks get a little hot.
The Marius before me now, is both the him and her that I know, and also someone I don’t know, who had gone through the 2 year gap without me.
No way, I thought.
…No, I don’t think so. I’m being too self-conscious. Let’s stop here.
“Hey, are you listening to me? …I’m going to kiss you, alright?”
“Yes I’m sorry!”
Hold on! Just as I was about to put aside that thought, if you say such a thing, I’ll definitely be conscious of it even if I try not to!
I guess he was unhappy with my immediate reply, as his sullen face was reflected in my eyes.
“Do you dislike doing that with me so much? Even though we even slept together?”
Aren’t you getting too worked up! It’s indecent! The way you put it is way too indecent!!
“Isn’t obvious, it’s a joke! Don’t misunderstand! For me to have such feelings for Itoka… something like that, I don;t know, huh”
The ending was weak. It seems he doesn’t know too well either.
Or maybe he had something to ponder, and after showing that he was thinking about something, ‘I’m only going to say this once, so listen carefully’, he said.
“Vito is, an extremely important friend to I and myself.[2] That existence, was the first ever since I was born. I also got along with Chiffon and Ariade. I was happy, that the place I was seeking was here. But, you suddenly disappeared… I couldn’t believe it”
Without saying anything, and disappeared.
“Itoka, do you still remember, Captain Lu?”
My heart jumped. I wonder if that got across, as Marius smiled bitterly.
“It was vexing watching the two of you. It was the same with Vito, you keep missing each other, and I’m sure Captain Lu is far more sad than I am. That rough person, was not normal after all. …But you see, even if you were stolen by Captain Lu, I won’t give up my position as your friend. Even if you’ve become Itoka, let me believe, that my precious friend has not changed”
“I’ve said this much, so make sure you properly keep this in your heart! Got it?!”
Kokukoku, my head shakes up and down as I nod.
I’m not saying it again, you hear me! He exclaimed as his face turned red.
“…Thank you. To have been thought of like that, Vito must surely, have been happy”
“Why are you using past tense! It should be in present continuous tense! …and, I’ve got something I want to do”
That is, umm, his mouth floundered as he delayed talking.
“I want you to, make a vow with me”
Itoka, a novice, has been proposed to.
Marius’s personality is turning into a ‘Let’s keep going!’ one. Was he always this forward…? The Marius, or Maribelle, I know was a much more tsun-tsun, high-handed young lady… ever since a while ago I’ve just been bewildered!!
With my mouth left open and staring blankly, Marius hurriedly rephrased himself. It looks like he understood what he just said. His face turned ever redder than before. It was just like, a ripe apple.
“I don’t mean it in a weird way! Although in human terms it may sound like that! That’s not it ok! Don’t get me wrong!! When people of the Angelic Race become adults, they are forcefully called to the Heavenly Realm! But I don’t want that, so I need a bond with a human…!!
“Eh, but didn’t you say you were a half, so it wouldn’t matter to you”
“There are no exceptions! If you have inherited even the slightest amount of Angelic blood, you have to follow the rules. In human terms, it’s like a master-servant relationship? If you do not have a bond with a being of the land, you’ll be dragged back, so I’ve been searching, but, there was no human that would vow! Ariadne has Lance-niisama, Chiffon is well, like that. And, I, don’t have many friends… argh don’t make me say it!!”
It seems the Angelic race has their own set of rules. What a difficult race to live as. Mature angels would have to live in the heavenly realm, and would not be able to interact with the human land at all. No wonder I hardly heard about the Angelic race when I was in this world.
Hm, but wait a minute? If that is true.
“That means, Marius was searching for me in order to make a vow with me?”
“That’s because, the only person I could think of, was Itoka-mon…”
What a rascal! It’s ten times more mischievous than Lord Cleric!
But if Maribelle’s upturned eyes stir my desire to protect her, I can’t complain about anything…!!
Rather, it’s kind of funny and I can’t help be filled with laughter! Why did I end up in this world again, the reason that I agonized so much, it was all because of Marius’ own will.
Right, Marius is undoubtedly the reason I had the chance to return to this world. If he did not act in such a way, I wouldn’t be here now.
Ahh, somehow. It feels like it was foolish of me to worry about it.
“…In fact, maybe I should be saying thank you. If Marius hadn’t come, I think I would have just been carefreely waiting for Onii-chan to bring Touka back”
Then, I would never have had to face Vito’s memories either. Whatever caused me to come to this world, I have to properly face those memories, or I may regret it. No, I will definitely live regretting it. That’s how great and significant, her memories are to me.
“I was surprised, too. That Touka was your younger brother”
There should be a limit to how different you are. I want to believe that all my strong points were taken by Touka. Looks, smarts, all of it. The one thing which we have in common, is that we’re both stupidly earnest.
I also found a purpose, in bring that Touka and friends home no matter what, even if I have to fumble around for a method, and I have decided that I would live in this world the way I want to.
Even right now, I feel like I want to go home even if I’m alone, but beyond that, the feeling that I would greatly regret not staying in this world longer is stronger.
Even the human-eating dragon, look, she is laughing inside me.
――― You, you’re going to pretend that all your relationships with them never existed? She said.
The answer is obvious.
There’s no way you can do something like that!
Even if the me right now is just a weak human, Marius is an important friend, and Chiffon and Ariade are too. But to an equal level, my family Touka, friends Naoki and Yuu, and Honoka-nii, are precious.
Both memories unmistakably belong to ‘me’.
Both thoughts are unmistakably ‘mine’.
To act as if one of those didn’t exist, such a thing, I can’t do it. I wouldn’t be able to.
Right from the beginning, the answer was fixed.
I was just delaying it.
So, I have to set my resolve.
In order to do that, isn’t there someone I should face first?
Ah, but before that.
“By the way Marius, could you give me some of your blood”
When I said as such, he opened his eyes so wide that he was about to fall, and blinked his long eyelashes.
―― I was hungry.
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