Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1002: Change the abbot

On the spot, he was promoted to the fifth-level grand priest. This kind of scene is really undoubted. For those geniuses, it is undoubtedly a blow from the soul. Jiang Chen’s scorpion shines, his face is hard to cover the excitement, these two elixirs It is an unexpected harvest. It can be said that it is also a windfall to hit the fifth-level grand priest.

When Jiang Chen had four great saints before, he could fight the seven-level Grand St., and the dragon-changing state could kill the eight-level grand priest like Xiao Wuling. Now he is promoted to the fifth-level grand priest, even if he does not display the dragon's body, beat the eighth. In the end, these high-level sacred halls are not the opponents of Jiang Chen. If you use the dragon to change, kill the squad. Dasheng is as easy as slaughtering a dog.

However, although it is possible to kill the Eight Great Halls at will, if Jiang Chen is on the powerful 9th-level Grand St., even if it is in the state of the dragon, it is still not an opponent, the great holy level, one step and one hurdle, from the eight-level great holy to The ninth-level grand prince is the biggest, and the gap is also the biggest. The ninth-level sacred sac is also called the super sacred. The super two words are enough to explain everything. A powerful eight-level sage is in front of the ninth-level sage. That is also a cockroach.

The nine-level grand priest is the true superior. It is the real higher figure in this world. The true great sage, even if Jiang Chen is a voluptuous metamorphosis, it is not so easy to fight the super sacred. In the case of the display of the dragon's body, Jiang Chen needs to be promoted to at least the sixth-level sage, and it is possible to fight the super-sacred like Xiao Tianwang.

If you don't use the dragon change, you need at least seven big saints to do it. At this moment, Jiang Chen, at most, is the first person under the ninth level. If you want to fight against the 9th level, you still need some effort and strive to promote the sixth. At the same time, there is a capital to fight the super great saint. At that time, Jiang Chen’s identity does not need to be concealed, because after the promotion of the sixth-level Dasheng, Jiang Chen has not even five Nalan Halls. The hall is in the eyes. When he is enemies, there is only one Xiao Temple. Whether it is Jiang Chen or the ancient dust, identity is no longer a problem.

"Okay, okay."

Ancient face burst into a flower-like smile, seeing the ancient dust getting stronger and stronger, his heart is an excitement, the ancient hall is up and down happy, their ancient temple appears so strange, greatly laid the status of the ancient temple, that It is a supreme glory.

"You, now the ancient dust killed Samba, greatly enhanced the momentum of our Terran, everyone talk about how to fight next."

The ancient sky is looking at the people, and it is not necessary to return to the main hall of the Great Leiyin Temple. It is here to start the discussion directly.

"Is that still used to say? In my opinion, blaming his illness for his life, taking advantage of the morale of the Mozu, let us kill it directly, it is impossible to kill the entire Mozu, but it is good. They hit the devil."

"Yes, it is precisely this. If we have shot the Holy Yuan Temple, then we must play the momentum of our Holy Hall, and kill the Mozu in a bang, and lay the supreme power of our Holy Hall in people's hearts."

"In this way, it is a good time to kill them, now that the demons are now demoral."


Everyone has a lot of arguments. Most people suggest that they immediately launch an offensive against the Mozu. Everyone knows that this is a hot fight. Anyway, there will be a **** battle between the Mozu and the Mozu. The truce has been going on for several days. It is necessary to give the Mozu Thunder a blow and return it to the Devil's Ghost. Otherwise, let the Mozu always occupy half of the Western Region, which is also a kind of consumption and blow to the morale of the Terran.

"Old dust, what do you say?"

The ancient sky looks at Jiang Chen.

"In my opinion, we don't have to worry about it."

Jiang Chen said.

"What kind of jokes are already in the upper hand, and there is no reason to do it."

Nalan Yunhe laughed.

"I don't have to worry about it, I don't mean not to fight, but instead of us, the Mozu will take the initiative. If I predict it is correct, for up to half an hour, the Mozu will launch a full-scale attack."

Jiang Chen said.

"The big words, how do you know that the Mozu will attack, the democrats now have low morale, and it is impossible to take the initiative."

Xiao Wuling snorted, and now he saw Jiang Chen feel uncomfortable, let alone hear Jiang Chen talking.

"The Mozu is different from our human race. This is an extremely ferocious race. The death of Samba will not lower the morale of the Mozu in a short time. It will only make them crazy. Their genius will die. The big curse will disappear. Many demons will go crazy, so this short time will not only reduce the morale of the Mozu, but the morale of the Mozu will rise the most, so I conclude that for up to half an hour, the army of the Mozu will fight. Come over, we only need to be prepared now."

Jiang Chen said that his tone is very firm and his words are as confident as ever. It is a mistake in front of these people to use the human race to measure the behavior of the Mozu.

"How do you know so clearly? I think it is just a guess."

Someone said.


However, just as the voice of this person just fell, the void on the side of the devil secluded suddenly burst into a big breath, and the violent magic waves burst out and appeared in the high sky, where there were several huge super devils. The momentum, the sky and the magic wave swept a half of the Western Region.

"It seems that it doesn't have to wait for half an hour. The attack of the Mozu is about to begin. This time, the Super Devil has personally shot it. This is a gesture of decisive battle. I am afraid it will be much more fierce than the previous one."

Jiang Chen looked into the sky and said a little.

"It seems that the ancient dust is right. The morale of the Mozu not only did not weaken, but the highest rise, but our morale is not weak now. We will be greeted by the Mozu, and this time we can never Let the war spread to the west side."

The ancient sky said that the words of Jiang Chen were greatly appreciated. The fighting situation with the Mozu did not even analyze them. Only Jiang Chen hit one word, which is enough to show that Jiang Chen is a courageous person. It’s not just the coward who only fights.

Xiao Tianwang and Xiao Wuling’s eyes on Jiang Chen have changed again. The heart of Jiang Chen’s alert and murder has also risen to a climax. They have already seen it. This is a rare and rare experience. Wizards, not only talented, but also full of wisdom, such people, is the most terrible, will become a big weapon in the future, the greater the threat to them, Xiao Dian has his own ambitions and plans If it weren’t for the Mozu’s current situation, their plans might have already begun.


The magic sound is soaring, and the magical power of the sky instantly obscures the sky. A large number of demons begin to float out, and there are more than a dozen tyrannical super devils directly.

"All the nine princes are all shot to fight against the masters of the Mozu. Others temporarily obey the ancients, and the identity of the ancients represents me."

When the ancient sky was finished, the first one flew up, and the super-devil sacred the past. At the same time, the other nine-level sacred priests also shot. In the blink of an eye, all the super-sacred priests on the side of the Great Leiyin Temple left. The rest of the repairs are the eighth best.

Like the Xiao Wuling, Gu Zheng is the existence of the Eight Great Peaks. In addition, the Law Enforcement Hall is now in the hands of the ancient temple. Therefore, it is normal for Gu Zheng to temporarily replace the ancient Cangwu.


The Mozu and the Super Dharma of the Shengyuan Temple were in a fierce battle together, opening up an extraterritorial battlefield, playing the darkness of the sky, and looking like a short time to think about the outcome, the nine-level master of the Shengyuan Hall is not just natural. So many, more than a few times, if all appear, the Mozu is not enough to see, but this war itself is also a kind of experience of the Shengyuan Temple, Shengyuan Hall has been pampered for a hundred years, and needs such training, Especially the people below.

"Old dust, how do you say the next one?"

The ancients are looking at Jiang Chen. Now the ancient sky has given him the right to look at him. There is a way to transfer the rights to Jiang Chen.

"The fight is definitely going to be played. The next battle will be extremely fierce. In my opinion, the monks in the Western Region have lost a lot of money in the previous battles. Now they can let them rest, the sorghums of the Great Leiyin Temple. It should be head-on."

Jiang Chen looked at the abbot of the Great Leiyin Temple. For this big Leiyin Temple, he did not have a good impression.

"The ancient dust donor, now the Mozu is fierce, the fighting power is tyrannical, our Buddha door has been unable to withstand it, this time let us Buddhism take the lead, the loss is too great."

The abbot of the Great Leiyin Temple said.

"Hey! Master of the abbot, you Buddhism has always been a common life, and it is also the main force to block the Mozu. In this Western Region, who doesn't know the name of your big Leiyin Temple, you can't suppress the Mozu, you will not say it. During the battle, your big Leiyin Temple seeks the help of the Temple of the Holy Sepulchre. It is in the Great Leiyin Temple. It is not for the monks in the Western Regions. In the previous battles, regardless of their lives and deaths, now let you take the lead. Fearful and shrinking, where there is a half-point Buddhist orthodox look, I am not letting you take the lead now, but want all the monks on the upper and upper Leiyin Temple to be pressed up."

Jiang Chen snorted and he hated the Great Leiyin Temple. He naturally would not miss the opportunity to rectify the Great Leiyin Temple.

"What are you talking about? You are letting us die in the Great Leiyin Temple. Our Great Leiyin Temple will not obey your dispatch. You are not qualified to dispatch us. This war should be shot by everyone. Let us not let us thunder. The sound temple goes up alone."

The abbot of the Great Leiyin Temple looked extremely annoyed. If it wasn’t for Jiang Chen’s killing of Samba, he made a great effort. I’m afraid I will turn my face immediately. Jiang Chen is not letting them go to war, but let them go to death.

"Tell you the old guy, now you can't say no, you have to disagree, I will help you change the abbot in the big Leiyin temple now."

Jiang Chen looked sneer, he did not care to tear the face with the Great Leiyin Temple, the Western Region Buddhism, now should also be the world of the tyrants, the glory of the Great Leiyin Temple, basically can end here.

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