Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1016: Supreme wand

I have to say that the foundation of Xiao Dian is too strong, and the hidden ancestors of the sacred ancestors are not to be said. The following strengths alone are enough to make any major force look forward to it. Thirteen Taibao will come out and ask who is between heaven and earth. Fighting for the front, such a powerful force, to destroy any of the other seven halls, I am afraid that it will not take a day. A reading book 1 to kanshu·cc

It’s no wonder that Xiao Tianwang has not put Jiang Chen in his eyes at all. After watching the Thirteen Taibao, what kind of genius can be compared with the world? In fact, this is also the case. Jiang Chen, in front of the Thirteen Taibao, that is the existence of an ant-like ant, just stand up and raise the hand to kill Jiang Chen.

In fact, it will eventually prove that Xiao Dian’s abandonment against Jiang Chen at this time is indeed the most wrong thing. When he was destroyed by the Xiao Temple, the ancestors of Xiao Dian did not know the extent of remorse. Of course, this is something.

"Thirteen Taibao, from now on, you all obey the arrangement of Xiao Tianwang. After three days, you are ready to take out. This ancestor hopes that you will play the imposing manner and momentum of Xiao Dian and rule the entire Shengyuan Hall in the shortest time."

The ancestors of Xiao Dian’s ancestors said to the Thirteen Taibao.

"Yes, ancestors."

Thirteen Taibao Qiqi all over the body, did not dare to have a slight scorn for the ancestors, the high-ranking people, so that they can not give birth to a little disrespect.

The Shengyuan Temple is calm and calm, but there is a feeling of rain and wind coming from the building. This is a kind of tranquility before the coming storm. The seven halls are all fully prepared and their upper floors have already smelled a little calm. the taste of.

At the same time, the devil is in the world.

The frequency of the magical secluded world is getting faster and faster. The countless demons of the Mozu are closely watching the movements of the Magic Mountain. The whole scene is quiet to the extreme. No one has said a word, and no one even made an action.

One day later!


The sudden change of the magical secluded world is fierce, and the black awns at the top are becoming more and more intense. If you look closely, you can see that the black awns are condensing a picture, like the prototype of a scepter, although only The prototype has already given people a very noble and extremely deep feeling.

"Look, what is the prototype?"

"It seems to be a scepter. Is it the supreme baby that will be born?"

"It is the Supreme Wand, God, that is the rudimentary form of the Supreme Wand that is passed down from the Mozu. It is the Supreme Wand that has to be born from the devil's secluded world. My God, can our Mozu be a big one?"

"Yes, it is the legendary Supreme Wand, which is the symbol of the supreme rule of the Mozu. Only the most noble Mozu is qualified to have the Supreme Wand. It is said that this wand is powerful. If we get the Mozu, it will be another hundred years. Time, strength will grow to the point where it can't be imagined. When it is time to sweep the Shengyuan 6th, who dares not to follow."

"Do not talk, this is the sorrow and disrespect of the Supreme Demon King, the wand shot, all the devils listen, all kneel down."


Everyone was shocked. The master of the Mozu saw the prototype of the Supreme Wand. He knew that the baby that was about to be born was the Supreme Wand. The heart was naturally very excited. There were nine Devils who directly let all the demons down. That is a respect for the Supreme Wand.

Han Yan has also collapsed. Now that he has reached the most critical moment, there is absolutely no disclosure. If the identity is revealed at the critical moment when the Supreme Wand is born, the consequences are almost imaginable. I am afraid that I will be the master of the Mozu immediately. Shredded.

"Little dust, what is this supreme wand? Is it amazing?"

The rhubarb dog asked inexplicably.

"How powerful the Supreme Wand is, I don't know, but this treasure has a symbolic meaning for the Mozu. So, the existence of the Supreme Wand is like the totem of your Yaozu. You think about it. When the totem of God is coming to you, the performance of the Yaozu. Read a book · 1kans book hu·cc"

Jiang Chen said, in fact, even he did not think that the Mozu will have such a legendary treasure of the Supreme Wand, and the meaning of the Supreme Wand to the Mozu, it seems that the Totem of the Yaozu has the same meaning to the Yaozu. Even the more powerful Mozu do not dare to have a slight sorrow and disrespect for the Supreme Wand. It is a kind of faith, a symbol of rights, and represents supremacy.

"The treasures of this kind are all spiritual. Only the noblest blood of the Mozu can get the approval of the Supreme Wand, and then they can control the Supreme Wand and rule the entire Mozu. A Yan, your chances are really coming, and it is the day. Big opportunity, if you can control this supreme wand, the entire Mozu will obey your command."

The monk’s pair of scorpions are about to bloom.

"I am a celestial slate, and rule the entire Mozu. Is this too too a fork? A Yan is now the blood of the ancient demon, and is proficient in the great curse. There is a great chance to get the Supreme Wand, if it really can If you rule the Mozu, you can’t imagine it."

The rhubarb dog is extremely excited, as if Han Yan has completely controlled the Supreme Wand.

Han Yan did not speak. A pair of scorpions stared at the prototype of the scepter on the magical mountain. It was also a bit eager. As the blood of the ancient demon, he knew very well how much the magic wand had for himself. If he could, it would be a The field is uniquely created.

However, this kind of thing can't be forced. The Supreme Wand has its own ingenuity. It will find its own owner. It is useless to force it. It can only be seen as a fortune and a gas.


The vibration of the magic mountain is getting more and more fierce. It seems that there is a sign that it may collapse at any time. The black scepter shape at the top of the mountain is more and more clear, and a trace of the magic power is released from the prototype. The trembling, the magic wind, the hollow, the sound of the sound, the thousands of demons squatting on the ground, the birds are silent, this time, everyone is waiting for the birth of the Supreme Wand, waiting for the moment of witnessing the miracle arrival.

Another hour of waiting, finally, accompanied by a roaring loud noise, the top of the magic mountain was blown out of a gap, a scepter floated out, countless black rays spilled from the scepter, drifting to the devil In every corner, these black rays are like the sacred glory of the Mozu, and they dare not invade.

At this moment, everyone outside the magical mountain raised his head, his eyes staring at the black scepter floating above the sky. This scepter is the legendary Supreme Wand.

And look at the scepter, dark as ink, full of a long stretch, the pitted plaque depicts a magical pattern, each magical pattern is unfathomable, the entire wand has an ancient taste, noble people do not dare face.

The Supreme Wand in the legend of the Mozu symbolizes rights and status, represents a kind of faith, and is now finally born, representing the opportunity and future of the Mozu, no one is not excited.


The trembling voice of the Supreme Wand screamed and swirled from the top of the Magic Mountain. The black beams of light spilled from the wand again and landed on everyone.

At this moment, even the half-step magic fairy of the Mozu appeared, and the four-and-a-half-step magic fairy was also on the ground, accepting the shroud of black light. The scene was too quiet, no one had a little voice, because everyone All know that this is the most sacred moment, the Supreme Wand is looking for the owner, or is choosing the owner.

In the face of the Supreme Wand with faith and status, no one dares to be disrespectful and scornful. Even a powerful half-step magic fairy does not dare to directly grab the Supreme Wand. Now the Supreme Wand is choosing the owner, not the person to choose. Supreme wand.

At this time, thousands of demons are very excited. Even those demons with low blood and knowing that there is no hope are very excited. Many demons are full of desire, in case the ultimate wand is chosen. I myself, then I have been flying from the sky, and I have the supreme status of the Mozu, and I will get the inheritance of the Supreme Wand, and it will be a great opportunity. It is a chance for Tianda, and it will not be met once in 10,000 years.

The black light beam swept many people, including those powerful half-step magic fairy, and the level of the devil, but unfortunately did not stay half-point, which made these high-level figures of the Mozu feel extremely disappointed, but disappointed to disappointment, They are also well prepared in advance. After all, this kind of reliance on the opportunity, the majority of the air transport, can not be forced.

"A Yan, secretly running your blood and big curse."

Jiang Chen reminded me.

"it is good."

Han Yan immediately promised to secretly run his ancient demon blood to the extreme, while secretly casting a big curse. Suddenly, the uppermost magic wand seems to have received some kind of induction, and the black light column brush will shroud the cold. .

At the same time, once the magic wand appeared, it once again had an action, floating from the top of the high magic mountain, unbiased, just suspended above the top of the cold head, the dark and ink-like light column was infused into the dying head of Jiang Chen. , the cold will be completely shrouded.


Countless gaze looked over and fell on the body of Han Yan. The presence was not a fool. Knowing this situation is enough to show that someone has been recognized by the Supreme Wand and turned into a lucky one.

"Haha, it’s a success."

The rhubarb dog yelled excitedly.

"This is not unusual."

Jiang Chen’s mouth overflowed with a smile, and Han Yan was able to get the Supreme Wand. He was not too surprised. After all, the blood is there, there is no reason for the Supreme Wand not to choose him.

"Who is this person? How is this demon holy, never seen, but his blood is strong and strong, it seems to be the legendary ancient demon blood, no wonder you can let the Supreme Wand recognize him."

Some people exclaimed, this moment, Han Yan has undoubtedly become the focus of attention.

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