Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1019: Slave contract


Nalan’s ancestors kept their bodies in a steady stream of blood, and they looked ugly to the extreme. But compared with the injuries they suffered, the shock in their hearts was the biggest. He looked up and looked at the opposite side, still like a scholar. Second Pacific Insurance, there was a storm in the heart.

I am a half-step man, half a foot stepping into the strong figure of the human fairy, has already realized the taste of a trace of immortal, what a tyrannical, the general nine-level grand priest is not in his eyes, just Can be pinched to death, but did not think that the genius character cultivated by Xiao Dian, even strong to this point, really fight, he is not an opponent.

"Old ancestors."

Many people in Nalan Hall were exclaimed. They couldn’t believe what was happening in front of them. Their faces were very pale. It was a desperate look. They were completely desperate. One ancestor, they were repaired by Nalan Temple. The most powerful, the most powerful and powerful, now the ancestors shot, even the genius of the other nine princes can not beat, this is not a sadness for Nalan Temple.

"I am finished, our Nalan Temple is completely finished. The master of Xiao Dian is too strong. Even a ancestor is not an opponent. How do we compete?"

"Oh! I am in the hall of Nalan, and it will fall to the end of today. The heavens are unfair. The hidden power of Xiao Dian is too strong, and the hidden is too secret, so that we could not detect it at first."

"One ancestor was defeated, and that is the end of our Nalan temple."


Nalan's temple was desperate, up and down. It was a feeling that I had never experienced before. It was like a high-ranking person who was smashed to the bottom of the valley.

On the other hand, except for the Twelve Taibao, including Xiao Tianwang, all the high-rises of Xiao Dian also showed a shocking color. They looked at the eyes of the two Taibao, and they all had a hint of fear. They all expected It was very strong to go to the second Pacific Insurance Association, but I did not expect to be strong to this extent. The semi-stepped masters of the immortal, they were defeated at once, what a terrible battle.


On the other hand, Nalan’s ancestor, who was defeated by a single stroke, did not retreat. In his hand, there was a warrior in the brush. The warrior’s commander was very strange, just like a wolf-toothed blade, exuding sharp and sharp Rays.


When Nalan’s ancestors moved again, the sharp edge of the hand went forward, and a sturdy and magnificent blade was thrown out. A mangled the world, the void was split in half on the spot, and countless icy waves were ejected from the void.

That kind of blade, like a heavenly galaxy, carries endless destruction energy. This is a super-sacred force combined with powerful means to display it. It is going to kill, and it’s better than the previous one. Second Pacific Insurance is near.

However, such a strong move still can not have the slightest impact on the two Pacific Insurance, the second Taibao face is full of calm color, do not put it in the eyes, it seems that this has a devastating killing blow, for him to come It is said to be the same as a sparse attack.


In the hands of the two Taibao fans, the fan was opened. Under the control of the two Taibao, the folding fan instantly became a giant fan with a size of one hundred feet. Numerous golden brilliance was ejected from the big fan to form a barrier to the world. Under the suppression of the barrier, the blade mans that Nalan Yizu played, even shattered and shattered, did not play the lethality that should be, this is absolute suppression.


The giant fan was pressed down, and Nalan’s ancestors were pressed into it.


Nalan’s ancestors made a scream. He didn’t know how much pressure he had suffered. Even with his half-step strength, he could not withstand this horrible attack. An arm was crushed on the spot, only A blow, let Nalan a scent smell the death.


The two Taibao palms turned over and put the big fan up. He looked cold and proud. He looked at the opposite Nalan ancestor with a condescending attitude. At the moment, Nalan’s ancestors were bloody, and they were already strong. Taibao wants to kill, I am afraid it is just a matter of raising his hand.

However, Nalan's ancestor is a supreme master of the half-step level, even if he has been so powerfully hit, he still has no death, and he can guarantee the volley standing.

The second Taibao moved again. He was murderous. It seemed that he was going to prepare to kill Nalan’s ancestors directly, but he was stopped by Xiao Tianwang.

Blocked by Xiao Tianwang, the second Taibao immediately picked up no, it seems very dissatisfied, with his current strength, it is completely impossible to put Xiao Tianwang in the eyes, but before the battle, the ancestors specifically explained, this time to deal with seven The war in the Great Hall must be obeyed by Xiao Tianwang, so he stopped his movements.

In order to take into account the face of Ertaibao, Xiao Tianwang said with a smile: "Two Taibao, if you can successfully let Nalan Hall sign a slave contract, it is best, no need to kill, you must know that there are six The Great Hall, if you do too much for Nalan Temple, it will cause a desperate counterattack of the six halls. This is not what we want. What we want to do in Xiao Dian is to become the supreme ruler of the Shengyuan Hall, the people of all the seven halls. We must be ruled by us and become our slaves."

Wen Yan, the second Taibao nodded, did not speak, and directly retreated.

"You are a wise man, you don't want to see Nalan Temple fall into a land of eternal annihilation. You are the strongest person in Nalan Temple, but for our Xiao Temple, these are ten. The three tempers are not good at temper. With their cultivation, if I kill people, I can’t stop it. I advise you that the Nalan people signed the contract of surrender and listened to our Xiaodian order. Otherwise, Today, Nalan Temple will be tragically dead, and your Naran will face the danger of extermination. The benefits of this, you measure it yourself, my time is limited, and will not give you too long to consider."

Xiao Tianwang shot a light and directly pushed the slave contract to Nalan’s ancestors. He believed that Nalan’s ancestors would have their own choices. If the other party did not choose to surrender, then there would be nothing to say, kill everything, and it’s time to go. At this time, there is nothing that can stop Xiao Dian from ruling the entire temple of the Holy Yuan. No one can resist the edge of Xiao Dian.

The scene was quiet all at once, and everyone’s eyes fell on the body of Nalan’s ancestors. At this time, the decision of Nalan’s ancestors directly represented the fate of the entire Nalan, which was life and death. It is a death.

Nalan’s ancestors took the contract in front of their hands, only that the contract was worth hundreds of millions of pounds, and both hands began to tremble. This is nominally a surrender contract. In reality, it is a slave contract. Once the contract is signed, it is An iconic shame in the history of the Nalan people can make the Nalan people unable to lift their heads forever.

However, if you do not sign this contract, the Nalan will face the martyrdom of the genocide in an instant, but the genocide, which means that the Nalan will disappear completely, become a history of the sacred temple, and more importantly, he How can Lan Yizu be able to watch the tens of thousands of descendants in front of him die, and the price is too great.

"Hey! Heaven is going to die for my Nalan."

Nalan’s ancestors sighed in the sky and shed tears in his eyes.

"Old ancestors, fight with them, even if they die, they can't be slaves to Xiao Dian."

Nalan Yunhe has a red eyes.

“Yes, the Naran have their own dignity, and we use our death to defend our dignity.”

"Once, let's order, we are willing to pay for blood."


Nalan Temple began to excite, no one wants to die, but no one wants to be a slave to others.

On the other side of Xiao Dian, a pair of cold eyes looked at Nalan Temple. The eyes of Twelve Taibao did not have any feelings. They were the killing machines cultivated by Xiao Dian. They only knew the killing. Their existence is to rule the holy hall of Xiao Dian. The purpose of the Yuan dynasty.

Destiny, the survival of a family, has reached the final stage. As long as Nalan’s ancestors refuse to sign this contract, welcoming Nalan’s temple will be subversive destruction.

"All live."

Nalan’s ancestors took a look at the Nalan Temple crowd, and then spurted a blood out of his mouth. It was his blood and the blood of Nalan’s temple. He is now the highest in Nalan’s temple and the most powerful in his blood. As long as his source of essence falls on the contract, all Nalan people will be affected by the contract. From then on, the instructions to Xiao Dian will not be able to follow.

"Old ancestors."

Upon seeing it, many people in Nalan Hall shed tears.

"If you live, you will have hope."

Nalan Yizu said the last sentence, and then sprinkled the essence of the blood on the contract.


Suddenly, the contract swayed violently, and all the Nalan Dian people had a blush on their heads. It seemed to be the power of the curse, to accompany the Nalan life.

Unwilling, annoyed, angry, humiliating, all kinds of negative emotions come to the sky above Nalan Temple, but all this is helpless. Everything has become a foregone conclusion and cannot be changed.

Xiao Tianwang grabbed the big hand and held the contract in his hand. His face showed a happy color. The soldiers did not rule the Nalan. This is the most desired effect of Xiao Dian.

"Nalan's ancestor, you are still very interested, rest assured, you Nalan people have followed us Xiao people, there will be a great future in the future, my Xiao Tianwang will not treat you badly."

Xiao Tianwang said aloud.

"Haha, I am a sinner of the Nalan, sinner."

Nalan’s ancestors left a line of tears, and then he screamed in the sky, his body bursting open and turned into a **** fog, and he died.

Nalan’s ancestors had wiped out their lives, but they also preserved the fate of the Nalan in the most humiliating way. As an ancestor, he could not see the death of the descendants, and could not see the embarrassment of the genocide. Therefore, he must sign the contract, but he signed it. He is a sinner.

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