Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1022: Despair

Han Yan’s words immediately suppressed the incitement of the Mozu. The Mozu believes in his own beliefs. The Supreme Wand represents all authority. Even a powerful half-step magic fairy does not dare to have a slight point on the Supreme Wand. Perseverance and resistance, in the eyes of all the Mozu, the coldness of the moment is the supreme honor of the Mozu, representing the greatest authority, every word he said, that is heaven.

"Mother's, it's really amazing. This supreme wand is even more powerful than my totem god. Ah Yan can be regarded as a hang-up."

The rhubarb dog is stunned. If you don’t see it in front of you, you can’t believe it if you kill him. A human being can control the Mozu and let the powerful half-step magic fairy be obedient. This is true. It is a very exciting thing.

At this moment, the body of the rhubarb dog suddenly shook, the dog's ear flashed twice, and then the face changed.

"What happened to rhubarb?"

Jiang Chen’s perception was the most sensitive, and the first time he noticed the abnormality of the rhubarb dog.

"The Holy Yuan Temple is a big event."

The big yellow dog said.

"Does Xiao Temple take the shot?"

Jiang Chen’s look was shocked. He was the only person on the scene who knew the strength and conspiracy of Xiao Dian, so he immediately realized the seriousness of the matter.

"Yes, Tianpeng Wang came to the news, Xiao Dian is like a broken bamboo. He has already won the Nalan Temple, the Stone Temple, the Fire Temple. He is currently dealing with the Dan Temple. The Ancient Temple, the Demon Hall and the War Hall are united together, but the foundation of Xiao Dian is too Strong, it is said that there is a powerful Twelve Taibao, each one is a powerful nine-level grand priest, and that the second Taibao defeated the ancestors of the Nalan Temple half-step-class level. Now the situation is critical, once Xiao Dian The Dan Dian, the next direct deal is the ancient temple and the demon hall and the military temple. Even the three halls are united, but it is not the opponent of Xiao Dian. The ancient ancestor deduced that you are a variable in this catastrophe. So I hope that you can get back as soon as possible. It’s too late to be late."

The rhythm of the rhubarb dog is unprecedentedly dignified, basically telling the words of the king of Tianpeng.

"what's the situation?"

The monk is a little bit of a monk who can't figure it out. He and Han Yan have not been to the Shengyuan Hall after all, so they are not too familiar with the Sanyuan Temple, but he is not a fool. He can hear a rough from the words of the rhubarb dog. The hall is ambitious and wants to dominate the world. Now they are at the most difficult moment in the ancient temple. They need Jiang Chen to go back and help immediately.

"Twelve Pacific Insurance, it seems that Xiao Dian secretly cultivated the big killer. Every nine-level grand priest is equivalent to a half-step master level master. I rush back with my current strength, and it is not an opponent at all. I must It is possible to be opposed to the impact of the Sixth Grand Saint."

Jiang Chen's eyebrows.

"Little dust, don't worry, I can go to help with all the masters of the Mozu."

Han Yan said with great confidence.

"A Yan, don't underestimate the strength of Xiao Dian. Even if all the demons are gone, it is not enough for Xiao Dian to kill. There is a secret that does not tell you. In the past 100 years, all the people in Xiao Dian have no masters. Flying up, but hidden in the dark, the twelve Taibao, is the peerless genius that they have secretly cultivated over the years. I once sneaked into the deep space of Xiao Dian and saw the Qinglian ancestors, who had a fairy mark in the past. Therefore, it was a great disaster. It was imprisoned by the masters of Xiao Dian, using the fairy marks in the hands of the ancestors, so that they could stay in the Sacred Continent without being restricted by the laws of the Immortals........."

Jiang Chen said all the secrets and contents of Xiao Dian. At this time, there is nothing to hide.


After listening to Jiang Chen’s words, Han Yan immediately exclaimed. This news is really shocking. If this is not said from Jiang Chenkou, they will never believe it. It’s a powerful person. How do you fight?

The monk heard the news of Qinglian's ancestors, and the hatred of Xiao Dian suddenly soared and gnashed his teeth.

"But don't worry too much. People are generally not easy to shoot, because if they do their best, the world barrier of the Shengyuan continent may not be able to withstand their impact, so we only need to deal with the twelve Taibao now. However, time is tight, I must immediately promote to the sixth-level Grand St., in the state of the dragon, it is possible to fight them. A Yan, you ask the half-step magic fairy of the Mozu, let him take out the energy of the Mozu. Let me refine and absorb."

Jiang Chen said.

Han Yan immediately came to the middle of a half-step magic fairy, and said what he wanted.

"Respect, my devil has a superb magic, full of energy, pure and pure."

The half-step magic fairy did not dare to be a little bit sloppy on the words of Han Yan. When he took a palm, he took out a black magic element. The magic element looks like a palm-sized one, but the energy that is freely radiated makes the void So far.

Han Yan took the best magic Yuan and turned it to Jiang Chen’s hand: “Little dust, how do you look at the baby? Can you let me advance immediately?”

"A good piece of the magical element is simply fantastic. If I get this super-magic element, I will not only be promoted to the sixth-level sacred, but also directly hit the sixth-level sacred peak, and then I will be able to deal with the twelve taibao."

In the eyes of Jiang Chen, the color of surprise is revealed. It is necessary to know that the 9th-level Grand St. is a hurdle. It is much stronger than the Eight-level Great Saint. Besides the characters such as Twelve Taibao, Jiang Chen has even promoted the sixth-level holy sac. It’s their opponents. Now that this super-magic can make Jiang Chen hit the sixth-level peak, it will have a battle.

Jiang Chen is not too slow, because there is no time to scorn, and immediately took over the magic yuan, and began to refining directly, his cultivation has also begun to climb, and a new dragon pattern has been formed.

"A Yan, I refining the magic yuan, let's hurry, otherwise, time is probably too late, you now order all the masters of the Mozu all seven levels above the magic, all follow us and go to the temple, this is A group of powerful forces."

Jiang Chen said.

Subsequently, under the leadership of Han Yan, the Mozu's hundreds of Mozu army rushed out of the devil's secluded world and walked toward the ancients. They wanted to use the space passage of the ancients to directly enter the ancient temple.

The Mozu has been rehabilitated for so many years, and the foundation is already very strong. It is enough to fight against any of the Eight Great Halls. It will not fall into the wind. Now it is a super powerful boost.

When they arrived at the ancient tribe, Jiang Chen had been promoted to the sixth-level Great Saint. The body has reached 90,000 dragons, but the power of the magic yuan has not been exhausted, and a new dragon pattern has been formed.

In fact, even if Jiang Chen’s cultivation was promoted to the sixth level of the Great Sheng, as long as there is no impact on the Seventh Grand St., it is still unable to change the situation. Perhaps he can deal with the other people in the Twelve Pacific Insurance, but the powerful Second Pacific Insurance, It must be impossible to deal with, at least it is possible to promote the seventh-level sage.

However, it is too late, Jiang Chen must appear in the ancient temple as soon as possible, with the army of the Mozu to go together to enhance the foundation, otherwise, then everything is too late, once the ancient temple and the demon hall were forced to sign a slave contract Or if you are directly annihilated, then you will regret it.

Jiang Chen is not willing to do things that he regrets, and he is even more reluctant to leave any regrets. Therefore, he must go back to the ancient temple and talk about it.

Gu Xuantian also heard about the Sanyuan Hall and knew that the situation was critical. So he did not ask more questions. He immediately helped Jiang Chen to open up the space channel. Jiang Chen and Han Yan led the Mozu army and rushed into the space channel. They will The speed has soared to the extreme, and it has been rushing in the direction of the ancient temple.

In the ancient temple, the atmosphere is getting more and more tense. Many people have no hope for Jiang Chen to come back. In many people's eyes, even if Jiang Chen comes back, it will not help. Xiao Dian is too strong, even if Jiang Chen is genius again. It is also impossible to change the ending.

"How is the situation now?"

Asked the ancient sky.

"The army of Xiao Dian is dealing with Dan Dian. It seems that Dan Dian will not do anything against it, because the resistance has no meaning. As long as Dan Dian is not a fool, he will directly sign a slave contract and surrender to Xiao Dian."

A nine-level master of the ancient temple said that the words are full of helplessness and despair.

“Jiang Chen has not returned yet?”

Tianpeng Wang Emei, this is his most worrying and most expectant. The people present are very aware of the current situation. With the combination of their three halls, they want to deal with Xiao Dian, which is undoubtedly a fantasy. There is a return waiting for the change of Jiang Chen.

"He will definitely come back, I believe him."

The ancient sky is very confident, but in fact, even his heart is not at all, but this time can not be chaotic, especially he must maintain the maximum calm.


Just then, outside the ancient temple, countless huge waves were picked up, and a powerful momentum floated up. The majesty of the majesty was like a dark cloud over the ancient temple, making everyone feel uncomfortable.

"Come on, so fast."

"Dan Dian surrendered so quickly."

"Mother's, the coming will come, it is a disaster, but go, go out and see."


Xiao Dian has come over, and it is still coming. It is extremely difficult to avoid. Even if it is ancient, it must be faced in person.

The ancient temple, the demon hall, the martial temple, and the three hall masters joined together. The first time appeared in the sky above the ancient temple. They saw the huge strength of the opposite Xiao Dian, dense and dense, and there were powerful masters everywhere. The masters of the five halls came. There are more than a dozen of half-step masters, plus the powerful twelve Taibao, dozens of powerful nine-level Dasheng, this is a one-sided situation, simply can not compete.

Despair, yes, in the face of such an opponent, there is no way to not despair, the people of the Three Halls, at this moment is the mentality of despair.

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