Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1026: Unaffected

In the hands of the eight Taibao, holding a jade, it portrayed a pattern of lines, adding a mystery to the jade, Jiang Chen saw at a glance that this jade is not a product, but a powerful big The Holy Soldier, but it is precisely because of seeing this jade, Jiang Chen's mouth does not easily flash a smile.

He does not understand the temperament. There is no such thing as a supreme master in the world. It is a true genius. This kind of cultivation requires extremely profound knowledge and talents that transcend ordinary people.

In addition to the powerful attacks it has, the most horrible thing is to use the temperament to interfere with the opponent, so that the opponent's mind is subjected to extremely powerful shocks, and even directly hurt the soul, and fall into the abyss of eternal annihilation.

Such an attack is terrible and unpredictable. Under normal circumstances, no one is willing to confront a person who is proficient in temperament. Even if it is treated with extreme seriousness, it has a good time.

However, Jiang Chen is a loose heart. If he is replaced by other warfare-type Taibao, he may not have much confidence, but if he is on the eight-time insurance, his grasp will be great. Terror is not something that other people can imagine. The power of Jiang Chen’s spirit is even more difficult for ordinary people to understand. Anything that wants to influence his mind is ultimately self-sufficient and very miserable.

At first, some people wanted to use the big dreamy world to influence him. As a result, they died on their own, and they died in their own illusion. The same was true of the previous samba. The big curse could not affect Jiang Chen at all. Da Ren refining was like a The indestructible door of defense stands in the depths of the soul and is inviolable.

Moreover, Jiang Chen once played against Wu Ningzhu, and the resistance to the temperament is also clear, but those who are proficient in the temperament will be weakened in terms of combat power. Once the temperament cannot affect the opponent, his advantage will be completely Disappeared.

The eight Pacific Guards against Shang Jiangchen, its own advantages are destined to become a disadvantage, and the consequences may not be good.

"The arrogant guy, humiliating our lord, your practice today, has already destined your miserable fate. Today can die under my Hongling long squat, that is also your creation."

Ba Taibao's tone is very cold, this is a arrogant woman, looking at everything.

"Is it? Then let me go, I will not pity the jade."

Jiang Chen said that he was not salty and not light, and he did not put this eight-time insurance in his eyes.

"Jiang Chen, be careful."

The ancient sky reminded me.

The faces of all the three halls are full of dignity. Xiao Dian’s Taibao is too strong. This can be seen from the second Pacific Insurance. Although the eight Pacific Insurance does not have the second Pacific Insurance, it will not be worse. It is also extremely difficult to get up. After all, Jiang Chen has only six grand priests.

Let the people in the three halls have a little peace of mind that Jiang Chen has just defeated Xiao Tianwang. The powerful Xiao Tianwang has almost no ability to counterattack in Jiang Chen’s hands. This makes them feel that Jiang Chen has some chances for Shangba Taibao. .


Jiang Chen and Ba Taibao flew up at the same time and flew high above the sky. The two immediately opened up a new battlefield. With the bursting of their momentum, the strong murderous moment was filled in every corner of the battlefield. In the fierce rippling, the battlefield that was opened up for a hundred miles, the sparks shot, the two have not yet started, the collision of the momentum alone has been so amazing, this time if there is an eight-level holy sac into it, I am afraid It is necessary to be smashed into powder by this momentum.

There is still a huge gap between the Sixth Grand St. and the Sixth Grand St. Peak. The current Jiang Chen is the existence of the sixth-level Great Sacred Peak, so it is confident and confrontation.


Jiang Chen did not hesitate in the slightest, and immediately sacrificed the Tiansheng sword. The **** dragon sword swayed out of endless light. Under the mapping of the Tiansheng sword, all the brilliance was darkened, and it was the dust of Jiang Chen’s life. With the continuous growth of Jiang Chen, the Tiansheng sword has also grown to the point of incomparable horror. The fly in the ointment is that the seven-day holy sword is still the last one. If all seven pieces are merged, the former heavenly sword can be erupted immediately. The supreme power.


The Tiansheng sword made a shrill whistling, and a sword was smashed by Jiang Chen, and it broke through the sky. In the blink of an eye, it was near the eight Taibao, and the speed was fast.

"There are two things."

Eight Taibao eyes lit up. After seeing Jiang Chen’s shot, Jiang Chen immediately took a small heart, and such a character was already qualified to become her opponent.


The Eight Pacific Insurance also moved. She raised her hand and made a sharp stroke in the sky. Numerous melody-like symbols were evolved, and the swordsmanship against Jiang Chen hit the past.


This is the first time the two men have played against each other. The powerful airwaves released by the super-combats are intertwined. The space of the entire battlefield is about to be overturned, and the void is torn together.

Eventually, the place where the collision collided broke out, and the beautiful colors bloomed, just like the fireworks burst, but the destructive power is not something that ordinary people can imagine.

Under such a violent impact, the eight Tai Bao Jiao body swayed a bit, could not help but make a sigh, and look at Jiang Chen, still the momentum is like a rainbow, as if the shock just did not have a little impact on him.

But on the surface, this blow is undoubtedly Jiang Chen has the upper hand, and the eight Taibao fell into the wind, and everyone with a clear eye can see it.

"Well, Jiang Chen is really tyrannical, much more powerful than we think."

"Haha, I am so surprised by the talents of a day. Jiang Chen must have a strong backhand. It is no wonder that he dares to scream against the Twelve Cau, which is so horrible if he continues to grow. Who can still suppress him."

"It’s too early for everyone to be happy. It’s just a collision on the war. The most powerful thing about the eight Taibao is the temperament. It hasn’t really been used yet. The murder is the most horrible thing, and it can penetrate directly into people’s Deep in the source, it is extremely difficult to fight."


The people in the three halls were all uplifted. Even though the Ba Taibao had not yet exerted a strong temperament attack, Jiang Dian took up the top, no matter what, the morale of the three halls was still a great encouragement, so that the people who were originally worried were Calm less.

"A good Jiang Chen, such a horror, I really didn't think of it, eight sisters, don't be polite with him, and show his lore."

The second Pacific insurance also changed his face. He knew that he had looked down on Jiang Chen. He was very clear about the strength of the Eight Pacific Warriors, but he did not have the upper hand in the battle against Jiang Chen. This made him not surprised, but he was not worried. He knows that the most powerful of the eight Taibao is the temperament, and the corresponding combat power is weak. Under the interference of Hongling Changyu, Jiang Chen’s combat power will inevitably be greatly affected. Still, it is going to be tragic in the hands of the eight Pacific.

The beauty of the Eight Pacific Insurance has already appeared a bit of blood red, apparently angry. The previous battle was not what she expected. She did not think that she would be shocked by a six-level grand priest with her own skills.

"Jiang Chen, I really looked down on you, but you don't want to be proud. My killer hasn't played yet. I have to show my red dragonfly now. If you admit defeat now, you still have time."

Said the eight Taibao.

"Mothers like to talk nonsense."

Jiang Chen was too lazy to talk to the eight Taibao nonsense, and the Tiansheng sword in his hand once again swayed, and immediately took out a sword. This sword smashed hundreds of swords and mans, intertwined into a sturdy sword net, locking the breath of the Eight Pacific Warriors. Immediately shrouded.


The eight Taibao snorted, and the ups and downs of the sounds suddenly floated out of the jade. They boasted that they could pronounce without using their mouths. With a long slap, they could emit horrible sound waves at any time. This is a kind of sound. Realm, the ultra-high realm of temperament.

Countless notes are like colorful waves. They are beautiful. These sound waves are sometimes beautiful, sometimes like oceans and seas, sometimes hoarse and ugly, and people feel the uncomfortable feelings from the heart.


Numerous notes are interwoven into a picture, which is the pattern of the jade. The name of the red dragon is not only the name of the jade, but also the name of the horror sound wave warfare. It is displayed by the eight taibao, and it is impossible to prevent it.

The battlefield was filled with the energy of horror, and Jiang Chen’s sword net was destroyed by notes.


The sound waves emitted by Hong Lingchang are getting faster and faster, and they are getting more and more fast. Every note is like a sharp knife. It can pierce everything. Even the void is cut into pieces. What is even more terrifying is The impact of the sound wave itself, the eager sound waves impact the nerves of the opponent all the time. Once the opponent is relaxed, it will fall into the encirclement of sound waves and fall into a situation of eternal annihilation.

Jiang Chen’s sword in his hand was shocked, and he once again pulled out layers of sword waves. He smiled at the corner of his mouth. The whole person seemed relaxed and casual. Under the blessing of Da Yan’s refining, the sound of the eight Taibao’s sound could not be the slightest for him. Influence, those temperament that can destroy the human nerves, into the ears of Jiang Chen, just the most common notes, not only without any threat, but a kind of enjoyment.

"How can it be?"

Seeing the situation, the eight Taibao face has completely changed. The handsome face has a faint blush, and the violent use of the sound wave warfare technique is also great for its own consumption. The eight-safety warranty of the red diamond long 箫 has been so many years, but today it is The opponent can't make the slightest impact, and this kind of blow is too big for her.

"Haha, little girl skin, your sound wave is not useful for me, is there any more powerful means? You are too much for the Taibao of the Xiao Dian, too much to take yourself seriously."

Jiang Chen laughed and stimulated the mind of Ba Taibao from words.

"I don't believe that you have no influence at all, and you are in the water."

The eight Taibao was completely angered, and the final killer was made. The layers of sound waves were like a wave.

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