Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1028: The crisis has just begun

For Jiang Chen’s answer, Ertaibao did not have any surprise. If Jiang Chen really put back the eight Taibao and Xiao Tianwang, he would be surprised. Before he could understand the situation of Jiang Chen, he could say it. Jiang Chen’s trap is now gambling in the forefront.

"Second brother, what should I do now? The eight sisters and the lord are in the hands of Jiang Chen, we can't shoot at all."

A Taibao came to the front of the second Taibao and said.

At this time, Xiao Dian, a few steps of the elders of the age class, also came to the second Pacific Insurance.

"Two Taibao, I think we will retreat first and then discuss how to deal with the Three Halls. Even if they let them live for a few more days, they will not be able to turn over the big waves. The outcome will not change. We will rule the entire Shengyuan Hall. Unstoppable."

An elder of the elders said.

"Well, let them live two more days and shred the contract of the three halls. They have no chance to sign a contract. Soon after, they will be ruined and completely destroyed." ”

The second Taibao said inconspicuously, this is the first battle after he repaired Dacheng. He even encountered such a big bump. This made his heart feel as uncomfortable as a thorn. It is the biggest one in his life. shame.

"Jiang Chen, this Taibao will give you the last chance. If you put Xiao Tianwang and Ba Taibao now, then the three halls will surrender to our Xiaodian. I will not guarantee you Xiaotang. If you disagree, then you should It is conceivable that Xiao Dian is like a broken bamboo, and it is irresistible. You will not have the opportunity to sign a contract of surrender. In the future, you will be completely destroyed."

The two Taibao voices are very strong against Jiang Chen.

"The big jade is burning, I am waiting for Jiang Chen."

Jiang Chen’s words also sharpened. This is the first time he and Xiao Dian’s real confrontation. He will never give up half a step. What a ridiculous surrender to the contract, in Jiang Chen’s view, is shit, soaring. The first holy world, the former world stood at the peak of this world. In this world, he also has to stand up and give all powerful enemies to his feet in ruthlessness. Xiao Dian is his last enemy and the most powerful. enemy.

"Well, your three halls will pay a heavy price for today's decision."

The two Taibao slammed the three surrender contracts to the middle, and told them that they had lost the opportunity to live. Xiao Dian would use the most cruel means to deal with them, and they would be robbed of them. Circumstance.


The two Taibao hands waved, and the people with Xiao Dian and the other four halls quickly disappeared.

Upon seeing it, the people on the three halls were all excited. The desperate mood disappeared instantly. In the previous scenes, they were completely desperate. They could not see a trace of light. I did not expect Jiang Chen’s appearance to forcibly reverse. This made Jiang Chen’s position in the hearts of all the three halls soar to an unattainable level, including the smile of the sergeant, and all eyes that looked at Jiang Chen were full of respect.

"Jiang Chen, the grievances of you and our military sects have been written off. From now on, you saved the fate of our military corps. The martial arts hall is really owing you a big man."

The captain smiled and came to Jiang Chen's side, and his tone was very sincere.

"It is very wise for the soldiers to choose to unite with us. I also like Jiang Chen to deal with wise people."

Jiang Chen smiled and said that the military temple did not have any benefits in his body. Instead, many masters were hurt in their own hands. Now the military is in a critical moment and thinks of joining forces. Refused to thousands of miles away, and this time, he is very convinced of the sincerity of the captain.

"Jiang Chen, now Xiao Tianwang and Ba Taibao are in our hands, I believe that Xiao Dian does not dare to act rashly."

Gu Cang said with a smile, the mood is more than two people.

"It is too early for everyone to be happy. The crisis in the Three Halls has not been lifted. We have only temporarily won a few days. Now everyone is coming to the House of Representatives with me."

Jiang Chen’s tone suddenly became dignified. Then he took the lead to go to the main hall of the ancient temple.

When I saw it, the nerves that others had already loosened were once again tense. If Jiang Chen’s words, they could not be left in the heart.

In the hall of the ancient temple, Jiang Chen was sitting in the first place, even those half-step ancestors of the ancestors were willing to sit on the lower side of him. Everyone in the room was very clear. At this time, this time Young people in white, that is the main heart of their three halls, everyone must listen to the arrangement of Jiang Chen, and only then, the fate of the three halls may be saved.

"Jiang Chen, Xiao Tianwang is the owner of Xiao Dian, who is the first and only one. If you want to rule the entire Shengyuan continent, you can't care about Xiao Tianwang's life and death?"

The ancient sky asked.

"You are too small to see the details of Xiao Dian, and also watched the position of Xiao Tianwang in Xiao Dian. I will tell you the secret of Xiao Dian now. Do you not doubt that the powerful CPIC is cultivated? If Xiao Dian is even more powerful, the apparent strength is just like you. Why can you cultivate such a horrible genius?"

Jiang Chen said solemnly.

"We have been thinking about this issue all the time, but we can't think of how Xiao Dian did it. Jiang Chen, do you know the secret?"

An old ancestor of the ancient temple asked, they are all masters of the half-step level, even if they let them live their lives, and do their best to cultivate a worldly wizard, it is impossible to cultivate the existence of the twelve Taibao.

"That is because in the past 100 years, all the ancestors of Xiao Dian who were promoted to the immortal, none of them have soared, all hidden inside the Xiao Dian."

Jiang Chen’s words were amazed by the thousands of waves. After listening to this, the hall suddenly became awkward, and everyone’s face changed instantly.

"What? All the immortals have not soared, impossible, this is absolutely impossible. For us, if we hit the realm of humanity, then we will completely break away from the mortal category and become a true immortal, the Holy Yuan continent. The world has not accommodated us, and when it comes to the fairy world, there will be traction, and it will have to fly, and the people of Xiao Dian can not leave."

The ancient temple ancestors shook their heads and denied.

"Yes, this is the law, no one can break."

The ancestors of the demon temple and the ancestors of the martial arts also agree with the old ancestor of the ancient temple. If you want to not rise after the promotion of the immortal, it is an impossible thing in itself.

"You are all right, but I have to mention one more person, Qinglian ancestors."

Jiang Dust Road.

"When Qinglian's ancestors soared in the past, the tragic death was under the catastrophe. What does this matter have to do with him?"

Someone asked.

"Jokes, with the ability of Qinglian's ancestors, if you want to fly, you will be buried in the robbery. Which ancestor of your Eight Great Halls can match Qinglian, Qinglian ancestors are not dead at all, he used to be in Xian In Tibet, I got a baby. The baby can hide the secret and block the advent of the fairy tales. Xiao Dian knows this baby, so he secretly smashed the Qinglian. When Qinglian was robbed, he was imprisoned. These young ancestors He has been imprisoned in Xiao Dian, and the master of Xiao Dian is using the treasures of Qinglian's ancestors, blinding the heavens, so that all the immortals have not soared."

Jiang Chen said that at this time, there is nothing to hide this secret.

"What? Is there such a thing?"

"Yes, Qinglian's ancestors are Buddhist monks, and they are superb. Even our ancestors succeeded in the robbery. He had no reason to fail. It turned out that Xiao Dian had hidden such a big secret."

"Grandma's, Xiao Dian's plot is really big. It seems that those Taibao are secretly cultivated by these masters, for the rise of Xiao Dian."

"The immortal master can't exert a powerful attack below. The power of the immortal is too strong. The world can't bear it, and it may be dragged by the fairy world. Basically, the immortal can't shoot, so they secretly cultivate the genius. In order to dominate the entire Shengyuan continent, but also enhance the foundation of the Xiao Temple, so that the Xiao people really strong."


The people present were not fools. After listening to Jiang Chen’s words, they could guess a rough one, but it was because of this that all the talents were really shocked. Xiao Dian actually had a strong human being, this is everyone’s Did not think of it, did not dare to think about it.

In their view, this is simply an impossible thing, but this is said from Jiang Chenkou, they have reason to believe that it is true.

No one asks how Jiang Chen knows these secrets. In the hearts of many people, Jiang Chen has already painted an equal sign with omnipotent. Such a big secret makes him know about Jiang Chen, and it is also a normal thing. .

"Yes, the purpose of Xiao Dian is already very obvious. Therefore, if you think that relying on Xiao Tianwang and an eight-Taibao to stop Xiao Dian, it is simply naive. The people of Xiao Dian have been plotting for hundreds of years. I will give up their plan because of a Xiaotianwang. The weight of Xiao Tianwang is not so great. Therefore, I guess that for up to three days, Xiao Dian will make a comeback. At that time, even Xiao Tianwang, It's useless."

Jiang Chen’s voice fell, and the atmosphere in the entire hall of the meeting was once again tense. Everyone’s face was once again ugly, because they all knew that Jiang Chen’s right is true, if Xiao Dian’s internal secrets are true. Then, the weight of Xiao Tianwang does not seem to reach the point where Xiao Dian can be blocked.

The three-day time is just a long delay, and I’m afraid I’ve said it for three days. Now, what should I do?

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