Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1031: Tiansheng sword is perfect

Jiang Chen believes in a trick, Tianshengjian's last cut sword was immediately summoned, and automatically flew into the hands of Jiang Chen, jumping cheerfully.

"Rhubarb, there are countless elixir and demon spirits here. There are a lot of demon spirits and devils at the 9th level. You let go of eating, let go of refining, and your blood is strong, plus Totem gods and blessings, more energy can be digested, such a great opportunity can not be missed, I am now refining the last sacred sword, making the Tiansheng sword a perfect, this process may take at least one day ""

Jiang Chen said to the big yellow dog.

"Do not worry, I will not be polite with you, there are too many good things here, especially those demon spirits and devils, totems and my blood can be directly absorbed, this time hit the eighth grade St. is not a problem."

The rhubarb dog is very excited. This is a good opportunity for such a big day. I will probably encounter it once in a lifetime. The fool will not cherish it. The rhubarb dog is not stupid at all.

One person and one dog started refining directly, and there is no delay for a while. Now there is not much time to delay. There will be a big crisis at any time in the Shengyuan Hall. Now it is only Jiang Chen who can solve this crisis.

Jiang Chen sat cross-legged, took out the Tiansheng sword, and began the fusion directly. However, because it was the last one, the Tiansheng sword was to be perfected, and after the fusion, Jiang Chen would also absorb the great benefits brought to himself. So this time will not be too short, at least one day.

As for defense, it is too safe here. There is no need for defense. There is a shack guard outside. No one can get in. Even if it is a man of Xiao Dian, there is a barrier to the sky, and it is impossible to calculate the most in the holy cliff. center.

At the same time, Xiao Dian!

The immortal anger of the immortal ancestors, the following twelve Taibao and Xiao Dian's high-ranking high-level, all tremble, and even dare not say.

"A group of wastes will actually make a kid mess up the plan of Xiao Dian. Now even the owner of the temple has been taken away by others, it is really shameful."

The cold eyes of the immortal ancestors swept through the place. Everyone immediately felt a strong pressure. Under this pressure, their souls were shaking. It was the pressure of powerful people. Even a strong half-step man is simply unbearable.

"Old ancestors, what do we do now?"

Two Taibao asked with courage.

"Hey! A Jiang Chen also wants to block our plan to rule the entire temple of the temple, which is simply ridiculous. Xiao Dian’s centennial plan can be abandoned midway."

The old ancestors snorted.

"But the ancestors, the king is still in their hands. If we force the shot, I am afraid that the king will be in danger. The king is honored in the state of Xiao Temple. The importance is self-evident. If there is any mistake, the impact will be great."

A half-step-and-female-level elder is worried.

"You immediately go to the ancient hall to talk, the ancestors only give them a day, if they put Xiao Tianwang and the eight Taibao, the three halls will have the opportunity to sign the contract of surrender, if the day is not over, if not let go, Xiao Dian will attack a large number of people, killing all the three halls up and down, let them suffer the true demise of the genocide."

The old ancestors said coldly, there is no feeling in the words.


A half-step elders of the immortal level raised their brows. They spent a long time with Xiao Tianwang, and the feelings between them were deeper. If Xiao Tianwang had any accidents, they did not want to see them. They also saw clearly that Jiang Chen’s personality can be described with heart and soul. It is impossible to let Jiang Chen release Xiao Tianwang.

"Nothing, the Xiao people plan, there must be no obstruction. Xiao Tianwang is the leader, but the first one is captured by the enemy. This is a great shame. It is the shame of our Xiao people. If he is dead, The Xiao people will have the next temple owner to appear. Go."

The old ancestors waved their sleeves, and no one dared to violate his instructions. His words were absolute authority.

Jiang Chen guessed that the Xiao people’s masters have left a hundred years, for today’s, the plan to unify the Shengyuan continent is about to be completed. There is nothing to stop the footsteps of Xiao Dian, the weight of a Xiao Tianwang. It is not enough at all. In the eyes of the Xiaozu ancestors, the life of a Xiaotianwang is completely incomparable with the future of the entire Xiao.

"Yes, ancestors."

The second Taibao hugged his ancestors and then turned and left.

Outside the ancient temple, after the arrival of the second Taibao, they shouted: "Jiang Chen, and the people of the three halls have listened. I am giving you a day of time, limiting your release of Xiao Tianwang and Ba Taibao within one day. In that case, there will be opportunities for surrender in your three halls. If you don’t let people go in a day, Xiao Dian will attack the big ones, and all the three halls will be killed up and down, and the dogs will not stay.

The two words of the genocide have been echoing in the sky above the ancient temple, floating in the ears of everyone, so that the three temples who had already seen a glimmer of hope, once again fell into a trough, one day, it seems that this is the last deadline It is.

"What, one day?"

"It seems that Jiang Chen guessed it right. Compared with the determination of Xiao Dian to rule the Shengyuan continent, a Xiaotian Wang is obviously not enough weight. We thought that there would be a three-day time limit. I didn't expect Xiao Tianwang to add the eight Taibao. The component is also worth a day."

"Hey! It’s still coming, but the time of day is too tight. Even if Jiang Chen is genius again, I am afraid it will be difficult to hit the seventh-level grand priest in one day. The crisis of our three halls is now really coming. ""

"I hope that Jiang Chen can bring us a miracle once again. Otherwise, the three halls will be completely ruined, and they will face a real catastrophe."


The high-rises of the Three Halls sighed again, but in their current situation, it is naturally impossible to release Xiao Tianwang. If they let go, even if the two Taibao said they can surrender, Xiao Tianwang certainly does not work, as the owner of Xiao Dian. The supreme ruler, who was captured by the enemy before the battle, was endlessly humiliated. Once he had the opportunity, the first thing he had to do was to take revenge. At that time, he would kill the three halls.

The Three Halls have no retreat now, they can only hold hard. For them, all the hopes are now on Jiang Chen, praying that Jiang Chen can hit a higher realm in a day, and then turn the tide. Even if they know it is very difficult to accomplish.

Shengya, Jiang Chen has completed the final fusion of Tianshengjian with the fastest speed. This process took him nearly half a day.


Tianshengjian made a whistling whistle, hovering over the top of Jiang Chen’s head, bursting with strange colors, with dragon shadows flashing on it, the hilts turned into **** dragons, live dragons live, and Tiansheng swords are perfect As if you have a soul, just from the outside momentum, it has undoubtedly become a sword of the world.

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