Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1043: The third day of the third temple [two more]

Xiao Dian's ancestors are mad, but their madness and Jiang Chen's madness is not a concept. They are mad, a hundred years of planning, for a hundred years, they have worked hard to cultivate genius, for today, Seeing that the great cause is about to be completed, and waiting for Xiao Dian to rule the entire Shengyuan continent, they will no longer be in love, and they will fly up to the fairy world and enter a higher level to practice.

As a master of the fairy, who does not want to go to the fairyland, do not want to go to a better place to practice, see the big scene, Xiao Dian's ancestors have not gone, hidden for a hundred years, is not today?

The 100-year plan will be completed, but half a way to kill a journey, all the plans are destroyed by one person, that is, Jiang Chen, Xiao Dian all the foundation, the genius who worked hard to cultivate, just like this All died, and the dead **** is not left. This is the unbearable weight of Xiao Dian. Even today, when these ancestors shot, they killed Jiang Chen and killed the three halls. Xiao Dian wanted to restore the previous glory. It is impossible without a hundred years.

What made Xiaodian’s ancestors unacceptable was that he knew the existence of Jiang Chen at the beginning. Xiao Tianwang also specifically said the horror of Jiang Chen, who grew too fast, and was the biggest enchanting between heaven and earth, creating countless enchanting The miracle, but I don’t care, I don’t care about it. I didn’t put a little-known little person in my eyes, giving Jiang Chen the absolute time and opportunity to grow up.

If you decisively shot your hand and sneaked into the magical world to kill Jiang Chen, there would be no major problems today, and there would be no loss today. The great cause of Xiao Dian’s reunification was also completed.

In fact, if this makes Xiao Dian's ancestors remorse, then their confidence in the previous battles makes them regret even more. The five old guys are too confident, and they have not asked about the battle in the Shengyuan Hall. I didn't even bother to look at it. When they felt that something was wrong, everything was late. Jiang Chen had killed all their masters.


The whole sky was filled with the tyrannical sound of the dragon, and the Jiang Chen, who completely lost his mind, has completely turned into a world-famous dragon. The body is full of **** killings, and the tyranny has reached the extreme.

kill! kill! kill! ......

There is only one word left in Jiang Chen’s thoughts at the moment. Only killing can release the blood in his heart. The boundless blood spurts out of his body, and the whole void is raging.

"What to do? The little dust has lost itself."

The fist of Han Yan’s fist is so loud that he has never seen it before, and he is strange and terrifying. This situation is too dangerous. He wants to help Jiang Chen, but he finds that there is nothing he can do.

"He has been stunned by the killing, and I can't do anything about it. I want to suppress the tyrannical atmosphere in his body. Only the great curse of Buddhism can do it. Unfortunately, this great compassion has disappeared for a long time. I am afraid that only the ancestors have it. Now the ancestors were also imprisoned by the ancestors of Xiao Dian. No one can help the little dust."

The monk's tone is also full of worries and dignity. Now Jiang Chen is no longer able to control and save. Even if they know Jiang Chen's current situation, they can't lend a helping hand. They can only look at it here. Such as knife cutting.


Jiang Chen once again screamed, and he violently violently launched, and subconsciously displayed five elements of the dragon seal, and actually launched an attack on the ancestors of Xiao Dian.

"A good arrogant boy, so I don't know how to live and die. If this is the case, the old man will kill you."

The immortal ancestor himself was also in anger, and at this moment he saw Jiang Chen taking the initiative to launch an attack on himself. This is a kind of provocation.

The man’s ancestors grabbed a big hand and a wave of air suddenly floated. The immortal force was unimaginable, but before he could do it, he must first evolve himself into a battlefield and make it In the extraterritorial battlefield, the strength of this extraterritorial battlefield is stronger than the world's barrier. Otherwise, the attacking power of the immortal is likely to destroy the laws of the Sacred Continent.

Even if there is a field battlefield, the masters of the immortals can not be desperate to shoot, they are extremely scruples.

However, this is already very horrible. Under the wave of the masters of the immortals, Jiang Chen’s dragons were destroyed in an instant. Then, the ancestors of the immortals grasped and directly developed an indestructible cage. Jiang Dust was completely trapped in it.


Jiang Chen roared and continually launched an attack, but he couldn’t shake the cage. He wanted to get out of it. It’s a fantasy, but at this moment, Jiang Chen is in a state of anger, only knowing the desperate attack. Killing is his only Thought, left his mind.

"not good."

"When it is over, the master of the immortal is too strong. It is not a level at all. It can't be confronted at all."

"Jiang Chen is dead, we are all going to die, Jiang Chen is killing me for us. If we die, we owe him too much."


The people in the three halls exclaimed, and they can see that this time, Jiang Chen was completely unable to resist.

"The old man is going to kill you now. No, you can't let you die too easily. The old man wants you to die without a place of burial. Take your three souls and seven scorpions, let you be tortured by human beings, and suffer the greatest between heaven and earth. Suffering and dying."

The old ancestors were red eyes, and the hatred of Jiang Chen was like the ocean.


With the palm of his hand, Jiang Chen's body began to make a squeaking sound, the dragon scales flew, the blood splattered, and instantly became a blood man, the whole scene was **** to the extreme, people dare not face up.


As for his own injuries, Jiang Chen seems to be unconscious, completely unmoved, only knows the blind attack, blindly killing.

"And slow."

At this time, another person, the ancestors, said, he is the real ancestor of Xiao Dian. If you want to rank, it is an ancestor, and it is the five ancestors who are punishing the killing of Jiang Chen.

One ancestor came to the side of the five ancestors, his dawn looked at the tyrannical Jiang Chen, and said: "The ancestors, this person can kill the great Taibao with the repair of the eight-level great saint, and also has such a terrible There are a lot of secrets on the body. We don’t want to kill him for the time being. If we want to find out the secrets of him, such a enchanting one cannot be one for ten thousand years. If we get his secret, we will have a temple for us. Great benefit."

"Yes, now Xiao Dian has been dying, and it takes at least a hundred years to restore the peak. This loss can't be made up, but there are so many secrets in this kid, and the eight-level grand priest will kill the half-step enchantress. I have never seen it. If I know his cultivation method, it is very likely to play a vital role in our Xiao Dian. Anyway, this little beast will die. Before we die, we must squeeze out his value."

The second ancestor also nodded.

The five ancestors reacted from the emotions of anger. He could not wait to kill Jiang Chen immediately. However, the words of a ancestor and the second ancestor are not unreasonable. The existence of Jiang Chen can be said to be a miracle of the Shengyuan continent. In the history of countless years of the entire Sacred Continent, there has never been such a horrible enchanting, such existence, if there is no secret in it, it is absolutely impossible.

If you can get the secrets of Jiang Chen, the absolute benefits to Xiao Dian are endless. If they were before, they may not care about the secrets of Jiang Chen, but now, the loss of Xiao Dian is too heavy, and the genius and master are almost dead. In this case, Xiao Dian wants to recover quickly. The secret of Jiang Chen is particularly important. If Xiao Dian can cultivate a enchanting like Jiang Chen in the future, it is a big one for Xiao Dian. Fortunately.

"Well, I will imprison this little animal and bring it back to study."

The five ancestors said that Jiang Chen was directly collected, and then his eyes looked at the direction of the Three Halls.

All the people in the three halls are as dead as they are. The fate of Jiang Chen is already doomed. Their fate will not be good. They have resisted from the beginning and created one miracle after another. I didn’t expect it to end, but it is inevitable. End and ending.

"How do people in the Three Halls deal with them?"

The four ancestors said.

"It’s too cheap to kill them, bring them all back, and be slaves to our Xiao people for generations."

The five ancestors acted fiercely, raised their hands and played a brilliance, and fell on the top of the five elements of the sky, the indestructible big array, instantly shattered, all the three hall masters who supported the big array, all suffered a great Shocked, squirting blood on the spot.


The five ancestors shot again and made a storm. The storm was like a big net. It instantly enveloped the entire ancient temple. Any living creature in the ancient temple was caught in the storm, and no one was spared.

The five ancestors waved their hands, and everyone in the entire ancient hall disappeared and was taken away with such ease and casualness.

This is the horror of the master of the immortal, reaching this level, has completely detached from the mortal category, casually shot is to destroy the land, in front of the immortal, everything is ants, and then a powerful half-step, there is no A little bit of resistance is to be taken on the spot.

The people in the Three Halls were imprisoned. Everyone was completely desperate. They could imagine the next destiny. They would definitely be a hundred times more difficult than death. They became slaves to Xiao Dian and hated them by Xiao Dian. Everything is ok. That is for sure.

This earth-shattering battle was over, and the three halls did not escape. The ending was even more tragic than the Nalan.

Jiang Chen, who has always been good at miracles, has also been captured. As a pair of Xiaodian ancestors, there is only one last, and that is death.

Everything seems to end like this. Can Jiang Dust continue to create miracles? I am afraid no one believes.

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