Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1051: New order

The scene was silent. The entire Shengyuan Hall could not be felt even with one breath. Jiang Chen had already recovered from the human body. He was white and wins the snow. He was standing there, letting the wind blow, his black hair flying like a **** of war. A single look makes people feel awe.

It is an image that cannot be climbed up. At this moment, Jiang Chen became the only one between the heavens and the earth, and it was the eyes of the gods. It was the existence of the gods.

Jiang Chen put away the momentum, like a gust of wind came to the front of the three halls, standing side by side with Qinglian ancestors.

"Qinglian, now that you are free, you must be able to fly up the fairy world soon."

Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"Up to three days."

Qinglian’s ancestors said with confidence, his eyes swept in Jiang Chen’s body: “Brother, your cultivation has reached the peak of the 9th-level Grand St., with your heritage, I’m afraid it’s not long before flying up the fairy world. It is."

"I am not in a hurry. The things in the Sacred Continent have not been processed yet. I still want to spend more time."

Jiang Chen smiled, he did not rush to fly, and soared this kind of thing, if it was not repaired, it would be useless to worry. Jiang Chen is now 500 yuan away from 100,000 dragons, but it also needs certain Time, although his current combat power can already kill the immortals, but his own cultivation is not a human being, can not be drawn by the laws of the fairy world.

What's more, there is indeed a lot of things to be dealt with in Jiangchen's side. For example, today, he needs a certain amount of time to accompany his family and think of his father Jiang Zhenhai. Jiang Chen can't help but give birth to a trace of embarrassment.

"What are you going to do with Xiao Dian?"

Qinglian ancestors asked.

"They are not wrong in themselves. I am not a murderer of Jiang Chen, but now the situation in the Shengyuan continent must be re-adjusted."

Jiang Chen said that these tribes about Xiao Dian did not intend to kill them. The kind of big wounds and things, Jiang Chen would not do it, nor could he do it, but the Shengyuan Continent passed this time. After the war, the situation was completely disrupted, and the scene of the eight-nation hegemony will cease to exist and become history. Therefore, it is necessary for Jiang Chen to make new adjustments to the new situation in the Shengyuan continent.

"Jiang Chen, how are you going to do it?"

The ancient sky came to Jiang Chen, and now, whether it is the ancient temple or the demon hall, or the military temple, all of them are not listening to Jiang Chen’s words. They are unkind to say that the lives of the three temples are all saved by Jiang Chen. If there is no Jiang Chen, the three halls still don't know what to end, and many people will die.

"I have already thought about this matter. The creation of the Holy Yuan Temple a hundred years ago is a mistake in itself. The Holy Yuan Temple cannot be separated from the Shengyuan Continent. There is no meaning of existence. Since the channel of the fairy world has been opened, it should not be The exclusive product of the Shengyuan Hall, from now on, the Eight Great Halls are all returned to the Pure Land. I will personally destroy the Shengyuan Hall and let it cease to exist. The place itself should be nothingness. As for the pure land, it is still the same as before. The eight major ethnic groups existed separately and recovered more than a hundred years ago. However, I want to build a holy martial dynasty in the holy Yuan dynasty. The true sacred dynasty dynasty is the absolute master of the sacred Yuan dynasty. The dispatch and assignment of the dynasty, so that the Shengwu dynasty has the support of the eight major ethnic groups, the Shengyuan continent will truly reunite."

Jiang Chen said that he did not have the ambitions and dreams of dominating the world. However, from the big plan of Xiao Dian, if the Shengyuan continent cannot be unified, there will be turmoil in the future. This is what Jiang Chen does not want to see. In the morning and evening, he will fly to the fairyland and enter a higher level of cultivation, but his family and friends are here. Whenever, the Shengyuan continent is his hometown, in order to ensure the safety of his loved ones and friends. He also wants to build a piece of iron on the Shengyuan continent.

"Well, this idea is really good. The Holy Yuan Temple itself should not exist. If the brothers created the holy Wu Dynasty, it would be a good thing for the entire Shengyuan continent. At least the Shengyuan continent will be in the future. Staying stable for a long time."

Qinglian ancestors nodded and praised.

"The Jiang Chen brothers have saved all of us. The first of our soldiers supports the Shengwu Dynasty. The soldiers will be loyal to the Shengwu Dynasty for generations. There will be no ambition."

The first commander of the squad leader smiled. With Jiang’s current ability to create his own dynasty, it is a normal thing. To complete the real great reunification of the Shengyuan Continental, only Jiang Chen’s Can do it.

"Yes, the establishment of a super dynasty, that is a historic moment. The Jiang brothers saved the lives of all of us. The Yaozu is naturally a tribute, and the establishment of the holy dynasty, for the entire sacred continent. Development, that is also of great benefit."

Tianpeng Wang also said that for their three halls, this experience is really thrilling. From the need to destroy the family to the safe escape, let them see through a lot of things, others do not say, just to show this point, Let them not have a bit of a violation of Jiang Chen’s decision.

"Our ancients naturally have no half-heartedness. What Jiang Chen did today is to save the entire Shengyuan continent. As the first person in the Shengyuan continent, he is qualified to do anything, the holy Wu Dynasty. If established, the ancients first supported."

The ancient sky is also a little bit of a head. After real life and death, everyone is changing, and a big family will change.

Jiang Chen body shocked, came to the Xiaodian people over the sky, said aloud: "Xiao Dian, Nalan Hall, Fire Hall, Stone Hall, Dan Dian, God has a good life, my Jiang Chen is not a bloodthirsty madman, you Xiao Dian is defeated, but you are not wrong. I will not kill any of you, or even let you sign the contract. I will not treat you as a slave. From now on, The Holy Yuan Temple will cease to exist, and you will each return to the Pure Land and return to your own family. This seat will soon create a holy dynasty, a brand new dynasty, a great power to truly rule the Holy Yuan continent, and since then, the Pure Land Eight The family will be the people of the holy dynasty."

Jiang Chen’s words are like a thunderous scream. His tone is unquestionable. There is no room for negotiation. Or, he is not discussing with the people of the Five Great Halls, because they have lost the qualification to negotiate with Jiang Chen.

The people in the five halls are silent. Apart from Xiao Dian, the four halls have no meaning for Jiang Chen’s decision. From the time they were surrendered by Xiao Dian, their fate has been doomed, and they are ruled and sanctified by Xiao Dian. There is no difference in the rule of the Wu Dynasty.

No, the difference is still very big. Xiao Dian treats them as slaves, but Jiang Chen does not, give them the space to live independently, let their own families remain intact, but only become the people of the holy Wu Dynasty, if In this respect, Jiang Chen is still their savior and saved them. They should be grateful to Dade themselves, and they dare to be dissatisfied.

As for Xiao Dian, Jiang Chen killed all their seniors. If they did not hate Jiang Chen, it would be impossible. However, in the current situation, it is not important that they hate Jiang Chen. Because they have no qualifications for hatred.

Jiang Chen has put them now and gave them the space to continue to survive. It is already very compassionate. Can they have anything to say, do they have to resist and force Jiang Chen to give them to the extinction?

With the fierce means of Jiang Chen, even if they are really destroyed, it is not impossible.

Jiang Chen is not afraid of the people in Xiao Dian to resist revenge in the future. He wants to build the holy martial art. He naturally has his own means and foundation. He now has a large number of medicinal herbs, soldiers, exercises and techniques, plus the ancient Yao With the help of the soldiers, it is not impossible for the Shengwu Dynasty to grow up in a short time.

"Little dust, this holy Wu Dynasty, are you ready to choose where to create?"

Asked coldly.

"Just choose to be in the nebula, it is not necessary to build the holy dynasty in the pure land. I used to be a disciple of the nebula."

Jiang Chen said.

"Little dust, since the creation of the holy Wu Dynasty, it must be to choose an emperor, do not know if this emperor chose you?"

The monk also asked.

Jiang Chen’s low-browed thoughts, cold and hegemony are definitely not acceptable. With their two talents, they will be promoted to the fairy world. I am afraid that it will not take long. As for my father, the talent is not enough. None of the original members of the Shengwu dynasty that came from the mainland could serve as the emperor. When the emperor, with the help of the eight major families, he must have certain skills and better room for improvement.

Thinking about it, Jiang Chen thinks that one person is the most suitable.

"I watched the emperor let Anan come and let him have a good time."

Jiang Chen laughed, Nangong asked Tian since the last time after the retreat of the Nebula, it has not appeared again. Nangong asked that Tiantian is good, but compared with the innate heterogeneity of Han Yan and the monk, there are still some gaps.

As the saying goes, Feishui does not flow outside the field. This emperor is naturally looking for his own people. Nangong is definitely the best choice.

"Haha, it’s really good to let this guy be an emperor."

Han Yanhe smiled, can let Nangong ask Tianlai to be an emperor, they naturally have no opinion.

On the same day, Jiang Chen and Qinglian's ancestors also had three halls and a half-step masters of the immortal level to jointly destroy the space of the Shengyuan Hall. The masters of the Eight Great Halls all returned to the Pure Land and dominated the Holy Land. The centuries-old temple of the Yuan Dynasty, which eventually disappeared completely, became a period of history.

The temple of the Holy Yuan was established because of Jiang Chen, and now it has disappeared because of Jiang Chen. It is also a cause and effect. Jiang Chen’s past and present life only left a history of more than 100 years for the Shengyuan continent.

[A whole day is setting the outline behind, Kavin is really a painful thing, today there is only one more. 】

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