Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1077: Killing

Domineering, overbearing!

One person and one sword, not a majestic body in the eyes of people is like a tower, people can not shake, this is Jiang Chen, this is his appeal, unique charm.

"Jiangda brother."

Han Cong's incomparable worry, he did not think that Jiang Chen would make such a decision, the strength of the other party is too strong, Jiang Chen is even more powerful, and only the late immortal, how can it be the opponent of so many people in the Huang family, alone I am afraid that there will be no chance of winning.

However, Jiang Chen’s calmness and self-confidence have made him feel a lot harder. Although he has not been in contact with Jiang Chen for a long time, Jiang Dian has done it before he has dealt with the Nether Drugs or later in the city’s capital. Several miracles.

Han Changling and others believe that Jiang Chen is not a reckless person, or he will not come alone. Now, they can only hope that Jiang Chen can create a miracle again, even though they do not know what Jiang Chen will use. Deal with these masters of the Huang family.

Yan Qingcheng resisted not shooting, she also really wants to see Jiang Chen's means, but she is ready, will not let the Huang family's master hurt Jiang Ding, as long as Jiang Chen can not resist, She will shoot immediately.

"What? No one dares to shoot?"

Jiang Chen mouth is rising.

"Haha, it’s really a laugh, a little man, I have to challenge us so many masters. I really don’t know where he came from. Six lords, let me first teach him to let him know. How big is the gap?"

A big man laughed and laughed. Before Huang Xiong agreed, he had already come out. He strode to the front of Jiang Chen. The life was majestic, the man was tall and the face was fierce, but unfortunately such a person was scared. Living in Jiang Chen, the existence of the early Xianxian, in Jiang Chen, is like an ant.

"Kid, today's uncle will let you know what is so powerful, let you know that young people still have some self-knowledge."

The strong man squats on his body and begins to have a scent of scent. The fist is squeaky. It seems that he has to take Jiang Chen’s face. His face is full of sneer, his eyes are full of contempt, and there is no Jiang dust. In the eyes, in fact, this is exactly the case. With the cultivation of his early immortals, he will put a small person in his eyes.


However, his voice fell, Jiang Chen moved, and many people did not see how Jiang Chen moved. The sword in his hand had already pierced the chest of the opposite brawny.

"You have too much nonsense."

Jiang Chen smiled at the strong man. The strong man can be sure that this is the most terrible smile he has seen in this world. He feels the vitality that is constantly losing in his body, and an unprecedented fear hits his heart.

"No, it's impossible, it's impossible."

The strong man kept shaking his head and couldn't believe everything in front of him. He clearly cultivated two levels higher than the other. How could this be the end? He could not accept it, but the facts are facts.

Han Chang led their horrified Zhang Da mouth. What they were shocked was not that Jiang Chen was able to kill the masters of the early days of the immortals. They had already seen the skills of Jiang Chen. When they were in the city government, they were also the first level of the immortals. The general manager of Wu is not the enemy of Jiang Chen. What really shocked them is that Jiang Chen’s hot shots actually dare to kill the Huang family, and they say killing and killing.

This murder is not tight, Jiang Chen and Han Jiacun and Huang Jia’s Liang Zi are completely settled, and hatred can no longer be resolved.

Yan Yancheng in the rear is also very shocked. She just knows that Jiang Chen defeated Wu, but he saw Jiang Chen’s shot, but she could not believe it. Jiang Chen’s shot was too fast, and it’s almost a master of the early stage. There are no opportunities for even reaction. This means is not just a terrible description.

Jiang Chen’s sizzling was also the first time she saw it. She did not think that Jiang Chen was a decisive person who killed so much, no matter who the other person was, and came up with a killer.

Jiang Chen slowly took out the long sword, and the strong body of the strong man fell to the ground, motionless, blood continued to flow, and the scene began to become terrible.

"Unspeakable, next."

Jiang Chen raised his eyes and looked at the camp of the Huang family.


Under this circumstance, many people in the Huang family couldn't help but **** the cold air. The gaze of Jiang Chen also took a fundamental change. In the early stage of the immortalization of the immortals, the characters were killed. Have not seen it.

"Let me come, I have to look at it, to what extent can a singer be ruined in the late stage?"

Another person stood up. His cultivation was much stronger than that of the strong man. He had reached the middle of the earth, and the momentum that came out at random was amazing.

Jiang Chen looked at this person, and his look still remained unchanged. He was able to easily kill people across two levels with his tyrannical power. His current combat power is in fact equivalent to the average mid-central master.

However, coupled with unparalleled combat experience, and powerful means, the general master of the early immortals, is not his opponent at all.

"You are not my opponent."

Jiang Chen said in an understatement.

"Hurricane, look at the sword."

The man snorted and had a dazzling sword in his hand. He said nothing, carrying a strong wind and screaming toward Jiang Chen. His speed was extremely fast. People and swords were like a cold wind, and he The momentum that has been emitted has already locked Jiang Chen, and does not give Jiang Chen the opportunity to escape.

Of course, there will be no plan to escape at all. The principle of his work is very simple, either not doing it or doing it. Since it has completely broken with the Huang family, it is the enemy of life and death, treating its own enemy, Jiang Chen’s purpose has never been There is only one, and that is killing.

The opponent's sword is very fast, but Jiang Chen's sword has been slow, and the post-production system has always been a very simple thing for Jiang Chen.


Tian Shengjian made a harsh whistle and screamed at the opponent.


The two swords intersected, and the sound of the squeaking screams, the sparks smashed, and the black man could not withstand the strength of Jiang Chen, and was shocked three steps.


This time, the onlookers were really shocked. Even the Yancheng City, which was secretly watched, was not astonished. It must be known that killing the first stage of the immortals and defeating the middle of the immortals, there are two completely different concepts, one person. In the late period of the immortal, he defeated the mid-season masters. This is too shocking. If you don’t see it, you won’t believe it.

"A good boy."

The black man’s face became very dignified, and he no longer dared to have a little bit of heart for Jiang Chen.

"Boy, you are indeed a rare genius, but unfortunately you should not be right with the Huang family. Next, I am welcome."

The man said coldly. Just now he had a small heart for Jiang Chen. It can be said that it is really a big deal. Now, he is ready to go all out. He believes that with his own cultivation, killing a person’s late stage is not A difficult thing.

[There is still one more party]

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