Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1086: Deliberately [one more]

Regarding the threat of Huang Ying, Jiang Chen did not put it in his heart. He laughed. Since he decided to take the shot, he was not afraid of the revenge of the Huang family. In fact, Jiang Chen did not see the Huang family in his eyes. Yancheng forces are not qualified to fight against Jiang Chen.

"Well, since everyone is here, the talents of the test are also determined, so let's get started."

Nie Yiyuan said: "Yan brother, Huang Xiong, the two look at letting the genius play first?"

"A Fei, come to the first game."

Huang Ying said.

"Yes, hey."

Huang Haofei's momentum was shocked, and he came directly to the wide field in front of him. He looked at the three people in the city.

"Yellow brother sent Huang Haofei the first one. It seems that this is the first game."

Nie Yiyuan laughed.

"Do not talk nonsense, who are you fighting me?"

Huang Haofei’s incomparable arrogance, said to the three people in Yan’s city.

"Yan brother, this Huang Haofei is the strongest one of the Huang family. How do you respond to it, is it to send Chengjun to play or to send a city?"

Yuan Hong asked, this kind of test is the most unfavorable to the city government. In the eyes of many people in the city government, they only have the opportunity of the first two games. Jiang Chen is only a number, not within the scope of consideration. Now Huang is the first one. Sending a strong Huang Haofei, it is obvious that this mine is bound to win.

"Cheng Jun, I see that you have benefited a lot from this experience. The repair has already reached the peak of the late Xianxian, and it is not weaker than Huang Haofei. This first battle, how come you?"

Yan Dongliu looked at Yuan Chengjun.

"Uncle Yan is relieved, I will not let you down."

Yuan Chengjun was very temperate and strode toward the field. He came to the opposite side of Huang Haofei. For the first time, Yuan Chengjun was shot. The people in the city government had no opinions. In their view, Yancheng City is also very talented, but it does not. I have been out and have been taking care of the affairs of the city's main government. I am afraid that the fighting power will be slightly inferior. Yuan Chengjun and Huang Sixiong, before going out to practice, have gained a lot of benefits, but on the surface, Yuan Chengjun will not be better than Huang Haofei. Weak, let Yuan Chengjun shot, although not necessarily able to defeat Huang Haofei, but there is still a glimmer of hope.

No one noticed that when Yuan Chengjun was going out, Yu Guang took a look at Jiang Chen indifferently. Others may not pay attention, but Jiang Chen saw it clearly, which made him unable to help raise his brow. In fact, He always felt that Yuan Chengjun had problems.

The two people in the field instantly released their tyrannical momentum, and the surrounding faces were extremely dignified. Everyone knows that this battle will directly change the development trend of Yancheng, such a huge mine, any one. When the forces are obtained, they will compare another force in a very short period of time. The history of Yancheng will also be rewritten.

There is no extra word, Yuan Chengjun and Huang Haofei are also old-fashioned. There is no less fighting on weekdays. The two release their own momentum. The powerful air waves are like floods. The two men’s fists are all golden. The radiance of the light, while hitting, the speed is almost to the extreme.


The two fists collided together and made an iron-like sound. Like a weapon collision, a spark was ejected. This is the most direct force collision. The two are subjected to a powerful anti-shock force and take a step back.

"It's so strong, it really is the genius of the younger generation. Although they are only the late Xianxian, the combat power can be compared with our half-step fairy."

"Well, their future prospects are definitely not what we can compare."


Many people nod their heads and praise, genius is a genius, they always have the advantage that ordinary people can't match.


Next, the two made all the stops. In just a few minutes, they couldn’t beat a hundred rounds. The surrounding rocks collapsed and the waves rolled, but the two still did not win or lose.

"A Fei, don't waste time."

Huang Ying said with a dignified face.

"Yes, hey."

Huang Haofei's momentum was swaying, and then he gave Yuan Chengjun a cold look, but this eyes hide this strange taste, others may not notice it, but they can't escape Jiang Chen's perception.

"Yuan Chengjun, you pick me up a trick."

Huang Haofei suddenly screamed and screamed. Outside his body, he emerged as a dragonfly. Afterwards, a silver-white dragon was evolved by him. The dragon was as vivid as it was. Yuan Chengjun.

"not good."

Upon seeing it, Yandong’s dark passage was not good. He didn’t expect Huang Haofei to have such a card. Compared with the previous tricks, this trick does not know how much power, no matter the lethality and destructive power, exceeds his expectations. Yuan Chengjun is afraid to resist.

"Heaven slammed."

Yuan Chengjun was not willing to show weakness, and immediately played his own cards. All his attacks were condensed into a huge golden fist. The emptiness of hunting was trembling, and he rushed toward the dragon.


This is the ultimate confrontation between the two geniuses. They all showed their own cards. Everyone was wide-eyed. The people present were very clear. After this move, the two might be able to win the game. No one. not nervous.


Under the attack of Xiaolong, Yuan Chengjun’s fist broke instantly. Then, the dragon’s trend disappeared, and it hit Yuan Chengjun’s body, and Yuan Chengjun directly flew.


Yuan Chengjun squirted a blood, his face pale, and he looked like a minor injury.

"How about Cheng Jun?"

Yuan Hong quickly helped his son, and asked with great concern.

"Awesome attack, Uncle Yan, I am sorry."

Yuan Chengjun shook his head and said sorry to Yan Dongliu.

"Haha, Yuan Chengjun, you are just that."

Huang Haofei laughed loudly and then walked arrogantly to the camp of the Huang family.

Yuan Chengjun was defeated. Everyone in the city’s main house was ugly to the extreme. The first game was defeated, and it was the powerful Yuan Chengjun. How to fight next, even if Yan’s city wins, then Jiang Chen? They have no hope for Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen looked at Yuan Chengjun coldly. This guy can be said to be the perfection of defeat. He also seems to make all the effort. Even Yandong’s generation did not see it, but Yuan Chengjun and Huang Haofei’s tricks are not ridiculous. Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen saw it very clearly. Yuan Chengjun’s last move did not make all the effort. It was just empty. If it was really played, Yuan Chengjun would not be able to beat Huang Haofei, and he would not lose so quickly. They are all aimed at themselves. In order to create conditions for themselves, Yuan Chengjun is willing to take the bet of the future of the city government in order to get rid of himself, or that Yuan Chengjun is already unfaithful to the city government.

"Haha, Yan brother, I am really embarrassed. It seems that today's mine, our Huang family is bound to win."

Huang Ying laughed happily. He can now say that he is incomparably happy. He thinks that the mine is soon their Huang family. He really has no way to be unhappy.

[Three today. 】

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