Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1091: Ouyang He

Ouyang He was almost killed by his own saliva, and he was also a man. He was so famous, and he was so arrogant that there was still someone who didn’t know himself on this line. This was a blow to him.

"Kid, Tianyunge, have you ever heard of it?"

Ouyang He’s words are almost gnashing. If Jiang Chen has not heard of Tianyun Pavilion, he is likely to hit a rockery and crash.

"Tianyun Pavilion?"

Jiang Chen’s eyes are a glimpse. He naturally does not know what kind of power this Tianyun Pavilion is. But this old man is a powerful Da Luo Jinxian. Such a cultivation is even if you look at the whole line of the sky, it is a first-class existence, it is a giant. The giants, it can be seen that this Tianyun Pavilion is also a super-big party.

"Yes, this seat is Tianyun Pavilion..."

Ouyang He was very satisfied with Jiang Chen’s reaction. He regained his pride on his face and just wanted to reveal his identity.

"do not know."

Jiang Chen said three more seriously.


Ouyang He almost squirted old blood on Jiang Chen’s face. This guy is so abominable. Even Tianyunge has never heard of it. If you haven’t heard of it, you can’t talk, can you not pant, can you? If you don't know it, don't show the surprised expression, and make the old man really have no face.


Ouyang He looked up at the moon in the sky, and sighed heavily. He thought that he was famous for his name, Ouyang He, and the name of the world. He once thought about the fall to the point of a half-step fairy, if Usually, like Jiang Chen, such a half-step immortal, he did not even look at it.

Immediately, Ouyang He turned his head and looked at Jiang Chen with great care: "With your age and talent, and the horrible means, even the most powerful genius in the first line can not be reached. How can such a enchanting genius appear? In Yancheng, a small place where birds don’t pull? And you don’t know anything about the first-line situation. If the old man didn’t guess wrong, should you be a ascendant?”

As the saying goes, Jiang is still old and spicy. Ouyang He is not a fool. He is incomparably sinister, regardless of his vision or his mind. He suddenly guessed the origin of Jiang Chen.

It is said that Jiang Chen’s face has changed slightly. The identity of the ascendant is not a big deal. If it wasn’t because of the branding in the past, he would not hide it at all, but despite being seen by Ouyang He, Jiang Chen did not panic. He has already concluded that Ouyang He is not hostile to himself, and he also determined that the person who had to deal with himself at the beginning was the Southern and Northern Dynasties of the Xianjie, so he was seen by Ouyang He, and Jiang Chen did not know how to put it in his heart.

"What about it?"

Jiang Chen's eyebrows.

"Haha, I didn't expect this kind of gain in this seat. The soaring people I have seen in this seat are some old guys. The young people like you are the first ones. At such age, you can cultivate in the resource-poor places of the lower bounds. Cheng Xian, you can see that your talent is a must, it is very good, it seems that the sky is not my Ouyang crane."

Ouyang He suddenly laughed. He looked at Jiang Chen’s gaze and began to shine. It seemed to be like a baby, but this kind of gaze was really a hairy hair.

"You come to me, what is it?"

Jiang Chen continued to ask.

"Jiang Chen, there is no time for you to have ink in this seat. This seat is the main line of Ouyang He, the main character of the Yunge Pavilion. It is the supreme master of this line, the supreme master of the Da Luo Jinxian peak. This seat is now to accept you as a disciple. You immediately kneel down and apprentice."

Ouyang He’s tone suddenly became dignified, and his expression seemed to be invaluable. It can be seen that he was not joking. A big Luo Jinxian would not be tempted to find a strange half-step singer to make a joke. He did not have such time.


Jiang Chen directly stunned, and he did not think that a big Luo Jinxian would suddenly find himself to accept himself as a disciple, and look at Ouyang He's expression and tone, it seems that he is not joking at all.

If it is replaced by other people, it is a good thing to lose the pie in the sky. I am afraid that it will be dizzy directly, but Jiang Chen is not interested in it. Although he has just arrived in the fairy world, he is once a world ancestor. The people of the world can recognize others as masters, and he now cultivates dragons and dragons, and does not need masters at all. Although Ouyang He is a master of Jinxian Peak, he can bring it to himself, and there will never be more dragons. .

Jiang Chen can have this achievement today, and it can be said that all of them are given by Hualong.

"Why should I worship you as a teacher?"

Jiang Chen smiled.


After listening to Jiang Chen’s words, Ouyang He once again spurted out some blood. He simply suspected that his ears were wrong. On this line, I don’t know how many young talents cried and wanted to be their apprentices, for any one. For people, being able to be his apprentice of Ouyang He is a very lucky thing, and Jiang Chen actually refused himself. This is funny.

However, Ouyang He did not have so much time. Today, he must collect Jiang Chen as a disciple. Even if the other party does not want to, he will have to be tough.


An imposing manner suddenly emerged from the body of Ouyang He, and it came to the river dust. This momentum is nothing more than a slight momentum that he casually released. If the momentum of Jinxian’s peak is completely released, I am afraid that it will be immediately Jiang Chen gave it to death, and Ouyang He was so easy to choose. If he died, where to find such a genius.

"Kid, this seat is too lazy to talk nonsense with you, you must accept you as an apprentice today, and immediately kneel down and apprentice."

Ouyang He gave a cold drink.


Under the pressure of this momentum, the skeleton of Jiang Chen’s body squeaked, only a giant mountain was pressed against his body, letting him breathe, this is his Jiang Chen, if replaced by ordinary people On the spot, he was oppressed and squatted.

However, compared with the oppression of this momentum, Jiang Chen is even more shocked by the state of Ouyang He at this moment. Before Ouyang He did not release the momentum, he could not feel it. Now the momentum is released, all the truths are seen by Jiang Chen’s Da Yan refining. Clearly, this supreme figure of the first-line sky turned out to be a dying person.

"Your Majesty."

Ouyang He once again shouted.

"Haha, a dying person, let me go to Jiang Chen."

Jiang Chen suddenly laughed. He is a man with a temper. The more someone else wants to force him to do things, the less he will do. He is not disgusted with Ouyang He, but Ouyang He’s way of forcing himself, But it made him very disgusted.


After listening to Jiang Chen’s words, Ouyang He’s face changed and he immediately exclaimed, and then he took his own momentum. He looked at Jiang Chen incredulously: “How do you see that I am a dead person?”

Ouyang He was too surprised. He was a big Luo Jinxian, and he deliberately concealed his own situation. He would be seen by a half-step fairy. If it was not personal experience, he would not believe it if he killed him.

Ouyang He can be sure that this situation is definitely not his own ability, but because Jiang Chen is too different, which makes him look at Jiang Chen's eyes and be more cautious.

"Your spirits are scattered, the vitality is almost exhausted, and you will not live for a month. You burned your life, the source is completely lost, and no one can save you."

Jiang Chen said that he couldn’t help but sigh at the same time. He didn’t know what Ouyang He had experienced, but the decisive thing of burning his own life was not something that ordinary people could do, and it needed a certain secret skill. Jiang Chen suddenly felt that Ouyang He’s intention to accept himself as a disciple was also related to his own situation.

If it is a general injury, even if it is serious, it is not a thing here in Jiang Chen. Muzhiling plus some medicinal herbs is enough to help Ouyang Crane recover, but Ouyang Hesheng has ceased to exist, if not because of repairing Strong, I am afraid it is already dead.

Burning life, this is what the monks will do, and most people will not completely burn their own life, even if Ouyang He still has the essence of life for a year, Jiang Chen may help him to return to life, but unfortunately Ouyang He The essence of life has been hollowed out, and it is simply unable to return to heaven.

"Boy, you really are a strange person, you can see the truth of this seat so clearly, hehe!"

Ouyang He was extremely surprised. Jiang Chen was definitely the most powerful young man he had ever seen. No one, he sighed heavily, and the whole person seemed to be a few hundred years old.

"Predecessors are the pinnacles of the first-line sky. Is there anyone else who can force you to this level?"

Jiang Chen's tone to Ouyang He was also softer. He suddenly felt that this supreme figure had some pity, that kind of eyes, the eyes that suffered from the inexhaustible humiliation and remorse, a feeling of pain and heart.

And for this old man, Jiang Chen has no psychological resentment.

Ouyang He’s fist suddenly held, his fingers creaked, and he seemed to be in a memory, and his eyes suddenly became extremely fierce.

"Jiang Chen, since you have seen through my falsehood, then I have nothing to hide. And I am looking for you today, and I have something to do with it. My life is not long, but I don't want to die."

Ouyang He looked back at Jiang Chen: "I am Ouyang He's famous name, the first-line Tianfeng peak figure, high on the top, which one saw me do not fear three points, the most wrong thing that Ouyang He did in this life is to receive a wolf heart dog lung The disciples."

When it comes to his own disciples, Ouyang He’s eyes are once again fierce. The hatred of the deep bone marrow cannot be weakened at all. He seems unwilling to recall, but has to recall.

"Don't you say that your current injury is thanks to your disciples?"

Jiang Chen guessed.

"Yes, the **** slammed me at the critical moment of the realm of the king of the king. If I did not use the technique of taboos to burn my life, I have already lost my life at the moment."

Ouyang He said.

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