Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1094: Late at night [one more]

Yancheng, Huang Jia!

In the performance field of the Huang family, there are dozens of black people standing. These people stand together and arbitrarily exude the murderous atmosphere, which makes people feel terrified. The worst in this area is also the late Xianxian, Huangjia. All the masters of the half-step fairy level are there.

Huang Ying and Huang Lao Er are the real masters of the heavens. At this moment, their faces are extremely dignified and standing in front. Looking at everyone, Huang Haofei and Huang Haoming are also a look of anger. Yesterday they not only lost the mines that they already had. Also lost the genius of Huang Haoran, this is the loss that the Huang family has never had. The three males of Huang’s family are now only two, and the relationship between the three of them is very good. They watched their brothers killed by Jiang Chen. The taste of their hearts can be imagined.

Huang Haofei and Huang Haoming hated Jiang Chen, but they were helpless. Even Huang Haoran, who would fly, died in the hands of Jiang Chen. Their strength, even the qualification for revenge for Huang Haoran, is not. Tonight, they are the biggest of their Huang family. A good opportunity to kill the city government in one fell swoop, kill Jiang Chen, revenge for Huang Xiong and Huang Haoran.

"You, Yuan Hong has heard the news. Yan Qingcheng is now on the mine side. Now Yuan Hong has already turned to us. We are going to rush to the mine and Yuan Hong to meet, mine and mine. Yan Yancheng is the vanguard of Yandongliu. It is his heart and heart. If Yancheng’s accident occurs, Yandong’s flow will be inconsistent. This is naturally not true, but we have to do so, as long as we can I am also ignoring Yancheng, retaining the foundation of the Huang family, and I will not hesitate to use the means of sullenness."

Huang Ying said incomparably coldly.

The people present at the scene expressed their understanding that this is indeed not fair and upright, but the mines have fallen into the hands of the city government, and they have already forced their Huang family to a dead end. If they do not take advantage of the current shot, they will not be long. Time, the overall strength of the city's main house will be more than the Huang family because of the relationship between the mines, and it is the end of the Huang family.

Huang Jia naturally can't let such things happen. If the good foundation is lost, the loss can be too great.

"Hey, don't say too much, tonight is the end of Yandongliu, and that Jiang Chen, must be smashed into pieces, Yuan Hong voted for us, we have three Tianxian masters here, that Yandong Even if there are three heads and six arms, I think it is an opponent. After the night, the whole Yancheng is our Huang family, and the **** Jiang Chen must be smashed and vengeful for the six uncles and Haoran."

Huang Haofei said that he was gnashing his teeth and mentioning Jiang Chen. His anger will not hit one place. His hatred of Jiang Chen has far exceeded that of the city government.

"Okay, go immediately and rush to the mine."

Huang Ying issued instructions, and the group quickly disappeared into the rainy night. Wherever they passed, the emptiness of the smog was raised in the void. The raindrops fell from the sky and changed into fog when they were a foot away from them.

In the mine, the people in the city's main government are still in full swing, and they are constantly mining out the crystal-clear fairy stone, and the mouths of one of them are not matched.

"Haha, I really didn't expect such a huge treasure outside Yancheng. Such a huge mine doesn't know how many Xianyuan stones can be mined. If it is not the automatic collapse of the mine, we still don't know." ""

"Yes, the Xianyuan stone in this mine is crystal clear and has unlimited luster. It is a superior existence. Our city government can be regarded as developed this time. With so many celestial stones, the overall strength surpasses the Huang family is also sooner or later. The matter, the city government and the Huang family have been fighting for such a long time, and finally have to see a distinction."

"But our city's main government can enter. Master Jiang is really indispensable. Master Jiang is young and promising. It is a real genius, a enchanting figure. If this is not Jiang, this mine is Huangjia. It’s up."


The people of the city's main government are not only forgetting to chat while mining Xianyuan Stone. The topic of chatting is naturally indispensable to Jiang Chen. Today's Jiang Chen, the reputation of the city's main government, is second only to Yan Qingcheng.

Yan Qingcheng listened to everyone saying Jiang Chen’s good words, and his heart was also happy. After such a period of contact, Yan Qingcheng had completely cherished Jiang Chen’s heart. The so-called girl Huaichun was out of control.


Suddenly, there was a roaring sound outside, and the inside of the quake was shaken. Even in the mine, everyone could feel the strong fluctuations from outside.

"not good."

Yan’s face changed slightly, and the dark passage was not good. Then he turned and walked outside the mine. Others also left their hands and walked away with Yan’s city. The people of the dollar chamber also picked up. They all It is a master of high hands, and it is almost impossible to feel that someone is coming to trouble.

Above the open space outside the mine, the raindrops are bigger than before. Yuan Hong and Yuan Chengjun also have a high-ranking ruin of the main city, and opposite them, standing dozens of black people, it is the Huang family.

Yan Qingcheng, they saw this situation, their looks are not good, but fortunately they were prepared before, Yuan Hong followed, otherwise, there is really no way to deal with the situation.

"Huang Ying, what happened to you when Huang Jiashen came here in the middle of the night? Yesterday you lost, the mine here has nothing to do with your Huang family."

Yan’s words are sharply said.

"Haha, Miss Allure, such a huge fortune, how can we give up when we can give up, you say yes?"

Huang Ying laughed twice.

"Huang Jiazhu, the grievances of you and the city government, our one dollar chamber of commerce never intervened, but today your Huang family did what they did, but did not put our one dollar chamber of commerce at all. Yesterday's test was done by our one dollar chamber of commerce. A notary public, if you lose, you lose. Isn’t your Huang family owner really losing money?”

Wu Ting of the Yuan Chamber of Commerce said unceremoniously, he did not think that Huang Jiahui chose to use this way to **** the mine. In his view, this Huang Ying is simply crazy. You must know that this is not just about The city's main government is an enemy, and it is an enemy with the one-yuan chamber of commerce. Where the Huang family came from such a great courage is suddenly hostile to the two forces.

"Wu elders don't have to be excited. Our Huang family will not be enemies with your one dollar chamber of commerce. The city government promises you a two-yuan chamber of commerce, two cents, and I will give you 30%. Today, you are a member of the one-yuan chamber of commerce. There will be a little bit of trouble, this is what we and the city government."

Huang Ying said.

He heard that Wu tasted that he couldn’t help but frown. He wanted to say something, but he didn’t say it. The businessman was ultimately aiming at the interests, and the situation in front of him, Huang’s masters went out of their nests, and they started the trend. If you fall out directly, there is no advantage to them.

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