Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1097: Anger and heart attack [four more]

The scene in front of Yan Yan slammed the heart of Yan Dongliu, not only him, but the hearts of all the people in the city’s main house were suddenly sinking. The bodies lying on the ground were the tops of the city’s government. They used to die together. Brother, now lying in the cold rainy night, let the rain beat the body.

What really made them desperate was that they actually saw Yuan Hong and Huang Ying stand side by side and are completely indifferent to the body on the ground. In this case, the fool can guess what happened before and can guess between Huang Ying and Yuan Hong. What kind of relationship is it.

Many people in the city's main government took a look at Jiang Chen, and they were even more admired by Jiang Chen. However, they admire and admire. This situation is something that everyone does not want to see, because it represents the end of the city's capital. It is.

Yan Dongliu simply could not accept this reality, which is too big for him.

"Yuan Xiong, you, do you know what you are doing?"

Yan Dongliu said, he can hear that his tone is already shaking.

In the face of Yandongliu, Yuan Hong’s expression is somewhat unnatural, and some of them are ambiguous. He understands that although he has given a lot of credit to the city government over the years, Yan Dongliu is also very good to himself, but now things Everything has already been done, and there is no room for turning back.

"Yan brother, everyone has their own ambitions. Since I have chosen, I will not regret it. I have already said it to the Huang family. As long as you are self-destructive, you can spare your life. It is also a brother and I am reading the old feelings."

Yuan Hong said with an expressionless opening.


Yan Dong’s body trembled, and even a spurt of blood on the spot, his face pale, this is anger and heart attack, Yuan Hong’s words are like a sharp knife stabbing in his heart, let his heart begin to drop blood.

"It's not good. The lord of the city is angry and has a great influence on him."

Some people exclaimed, Yan Dongliu could not bear the fact that he could not accept that his brother who died with his own life would betray himself. The kind of blow was unimaginable to ordinary people. The anger and sadness merged together and directly attacked Yan. The heart and lungs of Dongliu, causing him to lose even the temperament, in his current state, even if he fights, it is not the opponent of the other party.


Seeing the east of the Yandong River, Jiang Chen couldn't help but shake his head and sigh. Yan Dongliu is undoubtedly a person with a strong sense of righteousness, so he can't accept this reality. He never had a little defense against Yuan Hong, but he has a little defense. And it won’t be the end of today’s turn.

At the moment, Yandongliu, I am afraid that it is the same situation as the original Ouyang He. This feeling has not been seen by Jiang Chen, but he can understand that joining the Han Yan and the tyrants will one day betray his own words, and his performance may be It won't be good to go anywhere.

Of course, Han Yan and the tyrants will never treat themselves like this. The true brotherhood is a test and a cure.

"Yuan Hong, I am arguing that you are not thin, I have already treated you like a brother, I can't figure out why, why do you want to do this to me."

Yan Dongliu's expression has also become somewhat cold, although he can't accept this scene, but since it appears, it still has to be accepted.

"Swallow brother, I don't want to say anything more, the ending can't be reversed. I hope you can listen to me and save your life."

Yuan Hong said coldly.

"Yan Dongliu, I have given Yuan Xiong a face, as long as you self-destruct, I will spare you a life, let you steal and steal, how do you see?"

Huang Ying’s face is proud. This situation is exactly the same as he expected. Everything is under his control. Now Yandongliu is affected by the previous anger, and the combat power is already seriously insufficient. He can take it by himself. What's more, they now have three masters of the heavenly level.

"Short, if I am dead, I will not bow to you. You want to kill me, it is not so easy."

Yan Dongliu was furious and his eyes were red. Since Yuan Hong had disregarded his brotherhood, he did not need to be sad again.

"Yan Dongliu, you want to die very simple, just don't know if the people below you are willing to die with you. I will give you all the opportunity now. If you want to live, you can trust me now, otherwise, everyone. I have to die."

Huang Ying’s eyes swept over the people around Yandong’s body, all of whom were high-ranking figures in the city’s capital.

"Everyone has aspirations, I don't force you anymore, you can contribute to the Huang family."

Yan Dongliu said openly.

"The city owner, my old king is not a person who is ungrateful. In these years, the city owner will treat me not thin. I can't do things that are like a wolf and a dog. Today is bound to die with the city government."

"Yes, if we are now relying on the past, it is different from the animal behavior of Yuan Hong and his son. It is not a big death."

"The city owner, we will not vote for the enemy. Today, even if it is a fierce battle, we will not live in the world."


The people in the city government can express their opinions in a **** way, but this also shows that Yandongliu is a good person. Even if there is such a desperate situation, there are still so many people who are willing to follow and never give up.

For these people, they are not fools. They can't understand the situation in front of them. They don't talk about their feelings with the city government. Even if they really rely on the Huang family, they are also Huang Ying and Yuan Hong. They will not really treat them kindly. It is better to die than to rely on the Huang family to live like a dog.

"Well, I don't really see the wrong person."

Yandong’s momentum was shocked, but immediately, his face changed again, because he did not find the trace of Yan’s city in the other’s camp.

"Yuan Hong, what about the city? How are you going to the city?"

Yan Dongliu asked loudly.

"Haha, Yandongliu, you don't have to worry, Cheng Junxian is not willing to hurt Miss Allure, they are afraid that they are happy now."

Huang Ying laughed.


Wen Yan, Yan Dongliu once again squirted a blood, and screamed: "The animal, if the city has a long and two short, Laozi will not let you go."

Yan Dongliu’s emotions were completely out of control. Yan’s city was his heart, and Yuan Chengjun had long been interested in Yan’s city. However, if his daughter was ruined by such a beast, I am afraid that there will be no face to live in the future.

"Haha, Yandongliu, you have today, I am so sad to see you, my mood is very good."

Huang Ying laughed again. He didn't shoot. He wanted to see more of Yan Dongliu's heart-wrenching look. For him, it was a very happy thing.

However, no one noticed that Jiang Chen, who was standing behind Yandong, did not know when it had disappeared. Even the people of the city government did not find it. It seems that Jiang Chen has never appeared here.

Inside the mine, there is another scene. Yan Qingcheng was sealed by Yuan Hong and was completely controlled by Yuan Chengjun. It is completely a bird in the cage.

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