Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1099: The biggest change [fill yesterday]

Feeling the murder of Jiang Chen, Yuan Chengjun’s face is even more ugly. Although he is very proud, at the moment he knows that he is definitely not the opponent of Jiang Chen. Jiang Chen’s means of killing the Huang brothers is clear and clear, and it’s really chilling. .

"Jiang Chen, you can't kill me, as long as I yell, I will hear it, you will still be finished."

Yuan Chengjun said with courage, he is still confident in his father. I believe that as long as his relatives are there, Jiang Chen’s final end is still the same, but he ignores one point, that is why Jiang Chen can cross the three majors. Tianxian master's defense and silently walked into the mine.

"Okay, don't say I won't give you a chance, you shout, call now."

Jiang Chen shrugged and said without hesitation.

Seeing Jiang Chen's self-confidence, Yuan Chengjun began to drum up in his heart. The more Jiang Chen is calm, the more he is afraid of his heart. In his eyes, Jiang Chen has become a demon-like existence.

"Hey, hey..."

Yuan Chengjun shouted at the strength of the whole body. Although he did not know that Yuan Hong could not hear his own cry, he could not do anything but cry for help. Let him fight Jiang Chen. He has no courage.

The cry of a late master of the immortals, what an earth-shattering, even if it is hundreds of miles away, I am afraid I can hear it. However, Yuan Chengjun’s nephew is about to be dumb, and there is no movement outside.

The interior of the mine has been completely sealed by Jiang Chen. Yuan Chengjun has already fallen into the five elements of the field. Even if he shouts through the big day, he can't hear it outside.

"Don't, Jiang Chen, don't kill me."

Yuan Chengjun began to beg for mercy. He finally learned about Jiang Chen’s ability. He was not able to deal with it at all. In front of Jiang Chen, he was the same as an ant, and he was able to be killed by the other party at any time.

Seeing his trembling wolf-like appearance, the disgust in Yan’s eyes is more prosperous. Such a man, without a bit of discouragement and dignity, is simply a heaven and a ground, completely two extremes.

"You can't live, you can't live, I will kill you in front of you, and then kill you, let you know that traitors will not end well."

Jiang Chen said, striding toward Yuan Chengjun. Every time he took a step, Yuan Chengjun’s heart trembled. Jiang Chen’s footsteps would be like a heavy hammer on his heart.

"Jiang Chen, I am fighting with you."

Seeing that Jiang Chen was coming to the front, the despair of Yuan Chengjun’s heart was completely revealed. It was almost mad, and immediately took out the long sword in his hand and slammed it toward Jiang Chensheng.


Jiang Chen slaps a slap in the face, throwing the long sword in Yuan Chengjun's hand directly, and then striding forward, grabbing Yuan Chengjun's neck and raising his life. Yuan Chengjun is constantly struggling under the control of Jiang Chen, but it is like Like a chicken, it is completely powerless and has no effect at all.

"Grand Brother, are you amazing?"

Yan Qingcheng finally showed a smile, and the eyes that looked at Jiang Chen were full of worship.

"Do not worry, the city government will not have anything. After the night, Yancheng is the only one in the city."

Jiang Chen smiled at Yan Qingcheng, and then took Yuan Chengjun to walk outside the mine. Yan Qingcheng was also a smart person, with his hands clinging to the body of the Huang brothers, following Jiang Chen’s situation, the situation of the city’s main government today. It can be said that it is a must-have. Before that, Yan Qingcheng was almost desperate, but now, behind Jiang Chen, she suddenly saw infinite hope, although she did not know what method Jiang Chen used to deal with the real Tian Xian, but there is Jiang Chen, she feels that Tian Xian is no longer terrible.

Outside, it is still arrogant, and the people in the city's main government are almost desperate. Yandong is angry and attacking, and the fighting power is greatly reduced. Huang Ying will definitely not delay the time and prepare to shoot the people of the city government.

"All the people in the city hall listen, I will give you the last chance, I want to live, and now I have to surrender, or else everyone will die."

Huang Yingxi is murderous. He only gives the other party a last chance. If the other party does not cherish it, then he will decisively shoot and kill all the people in the city, without leaving any trouble.

"The surname is Huang, and there is a beast named Yuan. If you take the shot, you will not die."

Some people in the city government shouted, their faces were angry and determined to die, it seems that today there is no intention to leave alive.

"Well, since you are stubborn, don't blame me, you are welcome, everyone listens and kills them all."

Huang Yingguo broke the spirit.

"I don't think anyone can die."

Just as Huang Ying’s voice just fell, a voice rang from the inside of the mine. Everyone looked back and saw Jiang Chen’s Yuan Chengjun coming out, next to Yan’s city, holding two bodies in his hand.


Yan Qingcheng immediately slammed the body of the Huang brothers into Huang Ying.


Yan Dongliu couldn't help but feel excited when he saw that Yancheng was intact.

Such a change is beyond everyone's expectations, especially the death of the Huang brothers, which everyone did not think of.

"Feier, Minger."

The tops of the Huang family were exclaimed. They watched the two geniuses of the Huang family fall on the ground. They had an impulse to spurt blood. Then their eyes looked at Jiang Chen, almost no need to think about it. The deaths were made by Jiang Chen, but what shocked them was how Jiang Chen passed through their defense lines and entered the mine. This is simply impossible.

"Master Jiang, okay."

"Jiang Jiang is really powerful, even able to go silent to the rear, but also killed the two great geniuses of the Huang family, haha, enjoyable, enjoyable."

"It’s amazing, it seems that Master Jiang’s approach is far from what we can imagine.”


The city's main government also saw everything here. One by one, Jiang Chen admired the five-body investment. They only looked at the tension, but they did not find out how Jiang Chen disappeared.

"Jiang Chen, are they all killed by you?"

Huang Ying gnawed his teeth and said that the whole person had already trembled with anger.

"Of course, killing them is like killing chickens."

Jiang Chen said in an understatement.

"Oh, save me."

Yuan Chengjun saw his father, just like seeing a life-saving straw. At this time, his fate is in the hands of Jiang Chen. The only one who can save himself is Yuan Hong. If his father can’t save himself, then he The ending will be the same as that of the Huang brothers. He definitely does not believe that Jiang Chen will let himself go with compassion.

"Damn, how did this **** get into the back."

Yuan Hong’s face turned out to be incomparably ugly. Yuan Chengjun was his pro-son. If Yuan Chengjun died, his mood can be imagined. Jiang Chen itself is a neglected existence of all people. He did not even look at it, but did not expect it. It became the biggest change at the crucial moment.

[Yesterday thought that the six is ​​over, I did not expect to have only five chapters, it is a mistake. 】

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