Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1101: Dragon Sword Storm [One more]

Jiang Chen was so powerful that it exceeded their expectations, but the three still did not have fear. They were many people and they were strong. The attack was not the most powerful attack. They believed that as long as the three were united, Casting the most powerful attack, Jiang Chen is still not an opponent, and the final outcome is still dead.

However, this self-conceived idea of ​​three people will soon be completely shattered by reality and turned into powder.

"All the people in the city seat listened, killed me, and destroyed the Huang family."

Below, Yan Dongliu can't be idle naturally. Today is the day of the decisive battle between the city government and the Huang family. It determines who will be the hegemon of Yancheng in the future. Jiang Chen has already touched the three masters of the heavens, but the Huang family left. The camp and the fighting force are still not to be underestimated. The killing of the night is inevitable, and it will be a fierce battle.

The camp of the Huang family is much more powerful than the city government. But it is really not the opponent of the city government. After all, there is a fairy **** master sitting in the town of the city, although the Yandong flow has been affected before. But it is definitely not something that the Huang family can deal with.


The shouts instantly cut through the night, and the most brutal slaughter in the rainy night finally began. The two giants in Yancheng fought for so long, and today they finally have to win a victory, whether it is the Sacred Continent or the Immortal World. The battle is always the cruelest. It’s not that you are dead or that I live. This kind of fierce battle, Jiang Chen has experienced too much. Compared with those that Jiang Chen once experienced, the battle of Yancheng is really nothing, can’t get on the table. .

Ah, ah...

The masters of the two sides collided in an instant, and the sound of screams immediately sounded. The red blood spurted and merged with the rain. This is the most beautiful color in black, **** and cold.

The popularity of the Huang family is not enough, because Jiang Chen alone has taken care of their three masters, so that they have to deal with such a master of Yandongliu, which puts too much pressure on their hearts. In this case, the combat power is difficult to display perfectly.

The city government is completely different. The desperate city masters have already prepared for death. Now Jiang Chen’s appearance has given them great hopes, which has greatly increased their morale. It is exactly two extremes.

In addition, Yandong is too strong, and you can kill the other half of the fairy, just as easy as killing the chicken and dog.

In the sky, the fierce battle continued. Huang Ying’s three great masters showed the most powerful attack. They attacked several times in a row and were blocked by Jiang Chen. No, it was not blocked, but was shaken back.

Yes, the reality is that even if the three of them join hands, it is still not the opponent of Jiang Chen, and it can not cause the slightest harm to Jiang Chen. Instead, each time it is shaken by the powerful means of Jiang Chen, the blood of the earthquake surges, saying no Uncomfortable.

From the beginning to the end, Jiang Chen is a light face, and the performance is relaxed and casual. It seems that this kind of battle is not the same for him, and the fact is exactly the same. The three people want to kill Jiang Chen unless Some people are now promoted to the middle of the fairy, but it is obviously impossible.

"Don't play with you."

Jiang Chen is murderous, and his hands are screaming. The dazzling Tiansheng sword is dazzling, and the dragon is swaying. The map of Tianshengjian is like a real dragon. It is constantly trembled in the hands of Jiang Chen.


Jiang Chen moved, the blazing fire wing suddenly flashed, the speed was fast, and almost lost the change of time. In the blink of an eye, it was near Huang’s second, and the Tiansheng sword in his hand became a sword of punishment. The second child will kneel down.

"not good."

Huang Lao Er’s dark passage was not good. He felt the strength of Jiang Chen. The strength of this blow has exceeded his imagination. This move is Jiang Chen’s full blow, the power of 320,000 dragons. It is superimposed with the Tiansheng sword.

Because Jiang Chen’s action is too fast, Huang Ying and Yuan Hong have no time to help. After all, the three people are the first time to cooperate. There is no tacit agreement between them. If the three people cooperate perfectly, the three masters of the early Tianxian It is still completely possible to fight with Jiang Chen.


In a hurry, Huang’s second hand raised the soldiers in his hand to resist, and the Tiansheng sword collided heavily. The two handles collided and wiped out the sparks of the big pieces. These sparks shot, even if it was heavy rain. Can't bury it.


The whole person of Huang Lao Er was knocked out and flew out of the blood in a place dozens of feet away. In his opinion, Jiang Chen’s attack was just like the meteorite falling down. I don’t know how much power it carries. I can't bear it at all.

Just a moment, Huang Erji was seriously injured and his combat power was consumed by about half.

However, it has not waited for Huang's second reaction to come, Jiang Chen has followed suit, once again appeared in the vicinity of Huang Erji, Tianshengjian once again bowed down and looked at the power, even more violent than just now.

"Big brother saved me."

Huang Er Er exclaimed, he could feel the threat from Jiang Chen, it was the threat of death, all his opportunities were locked by Jiang Chen, avoiding this sword, even if he exerts his full strength Can not resist, there is the danger of being killed on the spot.

"The gods can't save you."

Jiang Chen sneered, Huang Ying's action will have his fast, wait for Huang Ying to catch up, Huang Erji is dead.


A screaming scream broke through the black sky, and Huang Laoji was hard to attack Jiang Chen. He was smashed into two halves by Jiang Chen, and the blood splattered. The body fell from the sky.

"Second brother."

Upon seeing it, Huang Ying, who had not had time to rescue, snorted and screamed. He was roaring and screaming. He was about to become a wild beast. Huang Ying was in a state of anger at this moment, his brother, son, and nephew, all died. In the hands of Jiang Chen, this is the emergence of Jiang Chen, which changed everything in the Huang family, and the Huang family, which had a strong advantage, was caught in a land of eternal annihilation.

Huang Ying can't wait to go up to Jiang Dang's corpse, but the only reason is that he has a strong fear of Jiang Chen. Now, even if he does not want to admit it, he can't change the fact that Jiang Chen is stronger than them. It is.

At this time, Huang Ying and Yuan Hong were filled with remorse. When Jiang Chen first came to the city's main government, Jiang Chen was only a small shrimp in the late stage of the immortal. At that time, if he did not care about killing it, it would not There is a curse today.

But in fact, they did not think that a person’s growth can be so fast. How long does it take for Jiang Chen to come to the city’s main government? In this very short period of time, from the late stage of the immortal to the early stage of the immortal, he was promoted two consecutively. Level, is this still human? Even if it is a enchanting, there is no such abnormality.

"Well, Master Jiang is really fierce, and Huang Erji is killed by him. It seems that the other two are definitely not his opponents. Master Jiang is really the savior of our city."

Huang’s death almost made Yan Dong’s tears flow. It was an excitement. I thought that the city’s government was finished. I didn’t expect Jiang Chen to create a big miracle. A manpower turned the tide, which made him feel that Yan’s city had spared no effort. It is a super wise choice to accommodate Jiang Chen into the city government.

"Master Jiang is really a enchanting enchantress, a genius in the genius, and the early cultivation of the immortal is to kill the early days of the fairy, and my city's main government is really good."

"Missy is really a sinister sinister. If it wasn't for Missy, she would do her best to bring Jiang Master to the city's government. We will be finished today."

"Yes, Master Jiang is the master of alchemy. At the beginning, our purpose was only to let Jiang master create benefits for the city government. I did not expect to save our lives now."


The people in the city's main government are extremely excited. The following battles have basically come to an end. Under the strong influence of Yandongliu, the Huang family is simply vulnerable. Now even Huang Erji is dead in the hands of Jiang Chen. Jiang Chen has a strong view. It is conceivable that even Huang Ying and Yuan Hong are not opponents of Jiang Chen at all, and the overall situation has basically been fixed.

The remnants of the Huang family are as dead as they are. They originally thought that the three masters would jointly kill Jiang Chen and then help them, but they did not expect it to be such an ending. Now even Huang Ying himself is hard to protect himself. Not to mention helping them.

In the sky, after Jiang Chen killed Huang Erji, he said nothing, immediately rushed to Huang Ying, and the power of Tianshengjian was completely revealed. After killing Tianxian, Tianshengjian’s vibration was more intense and it looked very incomparable. Excited.

"Yuan Xiong, the trick must be closely united. Otherwise, it will be finished today."

Huang Ying said to Yuan Hong, not far away.

"it is good."

Yuan Hong nodded hard. He was not a fool. The death of Huang Erji had already sounded the alarm for him. Jiang Chen was too strong. If he was not careful, they would die in the hands of Jiang Chen like Huang Lao Er. .

"Haha, how are you two joints, with your current strength, you have lost the capital that I am contending with, I want to kill you, that is the hand to come, the dragon sword storm."

Jiang Chen suddenly screamed and screamed, and the Tiansheng sword was danced by him. For a time, countless swords rushed to the sky, and every sword was like a real dragon, circling and dancing.

Dragon Sword Storm, this move is created by Jiang Chen, using Hualong and Tianshengjian to evolve. Today is the first time to display, but the power does not know how much power, this kind of combat skills, compared to the five elements of the dragon Printed, not inferior, and with the power of the Tiansheng sword itself, the lethality can be imagined.


Long Yu Zhentian, everyone saw that countless dragon shadows circling and dancing, and within a few squares, they have been filled with swords. This has formed a sword field, which is a huge cage that can imprison everything. Huang Ying and Yuan Hong were shrouded in this sword field.

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