Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1103: Gorgeous gate

The main force of the Huang family was completely destroyed. The masters of Tianxian and most of the half-step masters of the Tianxian have been tragically killed. They have basically surrendered without death. That is to say, from now on, Huang’s family has become a History, there will never be another stage on Yancheng.

The fate of the dollar chamber is also destined to be the same as the Huang family. Even if the dollar chamber is not involved in this dispute, Jiang Chen will not let them go. The city government wants to really dominate Yancheng. It is necessary to remove all the big forces in Yancheng. On the other hand, it is also to get rid of the aftermath.

The rain stopped, but the night was still gloomy, and the rain was washed away. The **** atmosphere here was not pungent, but the corpses on the ground still gave people a feeling of creepy feeling. It seems like a human purgatory. It is difficult to have a good mood in the place.

"Several of you stayed to continue to lead the people to explore Xianyuan Stone. Others will follow me back to Yancheng. After tonight, Yancheng is the only one of our city's main government."

Yan Dongliu said to some people beside him, after being influenced by Jiang Chen’s words, Yan Dongliu’s words and acting styles were also sharper.

"Yes, the landlord is an adult."

Everyone is extremely excited, there is no way not to be excited. They have not known how long they have waited this day. As for the battle with the dollar chamber of commerce, they are not worried at all, because there is Jiang Chen, the fate of the dollar chamber can be imagined. know.

In the First World War, the killing of three heavenly masters, Jiang Chen’s combat power is already the existence they are looking for. Under this circumstance, the one dollar chamber of commerce will not have the possibility of turning over.

"Hey, Jiang Da Ge, I will go back with you."

Yan Qingcheng said.

"it is good."

Yan Dong nodded. He looked at Yan Qingcheng and looked at Jiang Chen. He couldn’t help but sigh. His daughter’s thoughts on Jiang Chen could not be seen. I believe that fools can see it.

Jiang Chen, such a peerless genius, is indeed worthy of Yan’s entrustment. However, Jiang Chen’s opinion on Yan’s city does not mean that. He also said that he will leave Yancheng in a few days. of.

But what about the children’s love, Yan Dongliu? Can only let it go, natural people like Jiang Chen, the future achievements are destined to be limitless, if Yan Qingcheng can get its favor, it is the creation of their city, if people can not see their daughter, then there is no The things of the way are barely enforceable.

Moreover, the city government seems to have no ability and qualification to do anything for Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen casts the blazing fire wing. Under the joint leadership of him and Yan Dongliu, he took the master of the city's main house and flew away in the direction of Yancheng.

There are not many people going back this time. Together, there are about a dozen or so. The rest are left. Jiang Chen is the biggest force. To deal with the one yuan chamber of commerce, there is no need for too many people. enough.

It is a matter of fact that other people stayed to quickly exploit Xianyuan Stone. As for the bodies of Huangjia and Yiyuan Chamber of Commerce, the people who stayed will naturally deal with it.


Still calm and calm, the surface does not see the slightest abnormality, the fierce battle over the mine does not seem to affect this place, the Huang family is estimated to be waiting for the news of the victory, the dollar Chamber of Commerce is as usual.

Outside the gates of the dollar chamber of commerce, the two guards stood slouched and looked very lazy. At this time, a group of masters suddenly fell from the sky and landed before the gate of the dollar chamber.

"What are you guys?"

The two lazy guards suddenly felt a shock and screamed at Jiang Chen and others.

"If you don't want to die, you will get out."

Jiang Chen’s momentum is tyrannical and strides forward. With this momentum alone, the two guards have been trembled and trembling, and there is still the courage to stop. They can only watch Jiang Chen’s foot on the Yuan’s Chamber of Commerce. The door gave the smashing.

Followed by the city's main government behind Jiang Chen, one face is full of excitement, they have to admit that fighting behind Jiang Chen is really a very exciting and passionate thing, that kind of strength and madness It is really exciting.

The door was smashed, and the movements that came out of the night were undoubtedly great. The master of the one-dollar chamber of commerce ran out in the first place. The first one, the chairman of the one-yuan chamber of commerce, Nie Yiyuan, was next to Nie Yiyuan. Standing with another old man, the old man seems to be more than sixty years old, his beard is white, but his eyes are very different, and he looks very invincible. His cultivation is also incomparably strong. Like Nie Yiyuan, he is already a master of the early days of the fairy.

Behind the gate is a wide open space. The people on both sides collided together. After Nie Yiyuan saw the people coming, he was a little surprised. Most of the high-level officials of the city government had seen him. Jiang Chen also saw him, and he could not figure it out. The reason is why the other party hit the door in the middle of the night. You must know that the Yuanyuan Chamber of Commerce and the City Government have always been in the waters of the wells. There have been no conflicts on weekdays.

"What is this for Yan Brothers? I will slap me a dollar chamber in the middle of the night, and it is so murderous."

Nie Yiyuan said nothing, and the words are full of dissatisfaction and anger. There is no way to be angry. It is not good to be replaced by anyone who is smashed in the middle of the night.

And today, Yandongliu must give himself a statement. The Yuanyuan Chamber of Commerce is the third largest force in Yancheng, but it is not afraid of the city government. If it really fights, it is really not afraid.

"Mr. Nie, our intention is very obvious, that is to destroy your one dollar chamber of commerce. After going tonight, there is no dollar chamber in Yancheng, only the city government exists."

Yan Dongliu did not speak, and the mouth was standing in front of Jiang Chen.

"What? Let it go, what do you think, I dare to run here to wild."

"To destroy our one dollar chamber of commerce, you don't count on your own strength. Jiang Chen, do you think that you can kill Huang Haoran, can you compete with our one dollar chamber of commerce? It's funny, you are a little fairy, even I dare to speak out madly, smashing the door of my one-yuan chamber of commerce, who is giving you such courage."

"It seems that the city's main government is alive and tired. I don't know who I am. I don't know who I am. The president must give them a lesson today."


The high-level chamber of the Chamber of Commerce was immediately angered by Jiang Chen’s words. The one-yuan chamber of commerce stood in Yancheng for so long, and it was considered a veteran power. No one ever dared to run here late at night to scatter wilderness. This kind of behavior is itself The disappointment of the dollar chamber of commerce.

"Hey! Jiang Chen, here is where you speak."

Nie Yiyuan snorted and did not put Jiang Chen in his eyes.

Of course, this is because Nie Yiyuan still doesn't know what happened in the mine. If he knows, I am afraid that the first reaction of Jiang Chen at this moment is to escape. This is why Jiang Chen wants to kill one yuan so quickly. The reason for the Chamber of Commerce.

Because once Nie Yiyuan knows the fighting situation on the other side of the mine, with Nie Yiyuan’s cleverness, the first time must be to escape, hide, and make a comeback. In that case, once he leaves Yancheng, Nie Yiyuan will make a comeback. The city government is the real crisis.

"Nie Yiyuan, Jiang Chen said yes, and he is qualified to say this, Yancheng three major forces have been fighting for so long, it is time to end, my city's main government must really dominate Yancheng, so you must have a dollar chamber Desperate."

Yan Dongliu spoke up, and his past life was very incomparable. For him, he now has a strong capital, and Jiang Chen is his capital.

"Yan Dongliu, are you crazy? You are not going to deal with the Huang family, but come to deal with our one dollar chamber of commerce. What is the ability of the city government to deal with the two forces at the same time?"

Nie Yiyuan sneered directly. In his opinion, Yan Dongliu’s practice is simply crazy. A single Huang family has already been enough for the city’s government. Now it’s going to offend himself. Isn’t that looking for death?

"Haha, let me tell you that the Huang family has been destroyed by us. Huang Ying and Huang Laoji have already died in Jiang Chen's hands. Therefore, the fate of your one dollar chamber of commerce is no exception."

Yan Dongliu laughed, and now, there is nothing to hide, and he is very confident about Jiang Chen’s strength. Nie Yiyuan and the old man want to escape in the face of Jiang Chen.


When the words came out, all the people in the one-yuan chamber of commerce exclaimed, and Nie Yiyuan changed his face. If the news is not from the mouth of Yandong, he will not believe it, but look at Yandongliu. The tone is not like lying, and if it is not the Huang family has been destroyed, Yan Dongliu does not have such great courage to deal with them first.


Yandongliu’s voice just fell, Jiang Chen released his powerful momentum, entered the state of the dragon, and the Tiansheng sword appeared directly in the hands, murderous.

Jiang Chen didn't want to waste time, so he went all out to exert his full strength. As long as Nie Yiyuan and the old man were killed, the one yuan chamber of commerce became a loose sand and could not be hit.

"Nie Yiyuan, let's go together."

Jiang Chen raised his long sword and pointed to Nie Yiyuan and the old man opposite.

"A small land fairy, I don't believe that he has the ability to kill the fairy, what kills Huang Ying, just exaggerating it, let the old man destroy the small chop that does not know the height of the sky, and then the Yandongliu One is higher."

The old man was so angry that in his capacity, he was so despised by a kid, it was a kind of humiliation, which made him feel how to accept it. If he did not kill Jiang Chen himself, the anger in his heart could not be vented. .


The wind whistling, the fairy blew the old man's robes, and the old man explored his hands and evolved a beam of light. This beam of light is like a golden stick. It is golden and looks very different. The old man sighs. , killing Jiang Chen.

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