Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1317: Mindful and serious yellow dog [six more]

Not only is Yang extraordinary, but everyone in the hall is amazed. In a few days, he is promoted to three levels. Is this still a person? Even if you are arrogant again, you can’t do it at all.

"I went back to the first line of the day, just happened to have an ancient tomb open. I got huge benefits in it. The repairs were made by leaps and bounds. My current cultivation is not a problem in the middle of the Jinxian. ”

Jiang Chen said that he is not bragging. He is now the peak of the immortal mid-term. It is not as simple as the middle of the immortal. The combat power is also much stronger than the middle of the gods. With his current combat power, he can easily kill the clouds. Although such a character, Yunxiao is the early stage of Jinxian, but such a genius figure can be compared with the general Jinxian mid-term, so Jiang Chen said that he can kill the general Jinxian mid-master under his full force, and Not exaggerated.

As for the benefits, Jiang Chen did not explain, especially the things of the immortal order, can not say it without saying it, after all, the immortal order is too much involved.


Everyone in the hall was shocked. It’s not a joke to kill the middle of the golden fairy with the mid-peak of the immortal. This


If they are not spoken from Jiang Chenkou, they will never believe it, but this is said by Jiang Chen. They have reason to believe that after all, Jiang Chen’s performance in the abyss of sin is very clear. It is a metamorphosis in itself and a heterogeneous one.

Even so, they can't stop their shock, such metamorphosis is too shocking, directly subverting their cognition.

"Haha, well, this seat really didn't look at the wrong person. Jiang brothers came back just because the last time, the sinful people are experiencing a large-scale incitement. You can just come back and play a little more, as long as our brothers unite and rule. The sinful family is just around the corner."

Yang Bufan laughed happily. He is really appreciating and admiring Jiang Chen. He thinks he is a rare genius, but compared with Jiang Chen, his talent is nothing, because he is in Jiang Chen. When I was repaired, compared with Jiang Chen, it was not a grade.

After seeing Jiang Chen at the moment, Yang Bufan suddenly became full of confidence in his own sinful family. With his own strength, coupled with Jiang Chen’s means of restraining the evil family, this day may not be too far away. .

"It’s so good to be a sinful family. I am still worried that I will have nothing to do after I return."

Jiang Chen smiled. He now returns to the abyss of sin. The purpose is to sin the sinful family. The ancestral tower has been condensed to the twenty-fourth floor. The demon of the sinful family is the nourishment of the ancestral tower. Jiang Chen wants to make the ancestral tower as soon as possible. Condensed to the thirty-three layers, open the true secrets and power of the ancestral tower, and then you can bring greater benefits to yourself.

"Well, Jiang brothers have just returned, take a break first. As for the sinful family, let's go back and say."

Yang Bufan said.

"it is good."

Jiang Chen once again held a fist against Yang Bufan, and then left the discussion hall with the rhubarb dog and the tyrant monk. At this time, the high-level inside the sin city had a very good impression on Jiang Chen. At the beginning, they did have a problem with Jiang Chen. My feelings are very dissatisfied.

After all, you can talk directly to the Lord of Sin here, and you are all in the late Jinxian period. They are all powerful masters. Only Jiang Chen is a small shrimp, but now, the small shrimps grow up very quickly, let them look at each other. More importantly, Jiang Chen just made a fuss for the two, so that everyone is warm.

In particular, the two people who had just questioned Yang Bufan, they knew very well that if Jiang Chen did not appear in time, they would be greatly punished even if they did not die.

In an elegant courtyard of the city's main government, the three brothers gathered together.

"Quickly say, what happened to your mother's life this time, and what great benefits have been gained, so I have been promoted to so many levels."

Just entering the hospital, the rhubarb dog can't wait to ask, the monks on the side are also extremely interested. After all, Jiang Chen's progress is too great. If it is not a very big benefit, there can be no such great progress.

"Rhuh, have you heard of the emperor and the immortal king?"

Jiang Chen’s tone suddenly became solemn, and he could not forget the smoke and rain.

Hearing these two names, the body of the rhubarb dog shook abruptly, and the eyes shook with a trembling light, but he was quickly concealed by him, and even Jiang Chen did not find it.

"I did understand some of the fairyland, but it is not a fairyland, but the two immortals, the emperor and the emperor, are almost unknown. How do you suddenly ask this?"

The rhubarb dog asked curiously.

"An ancient tomb was opened on the first line, and I saw the funeral fairy and the immortal order."

Jiang Chen said.

"What? Funeral fairy is the magic weapon of the emperor, is the powerful army of the great emperor, how can it appear in the tomb, and how can the immortal order appear in the first line, is it impossible to bury the emperor? The burial fairy will fall, and will not leave his grave in a small place like a line of heaven."

The rhubarb dog is very surprised.


Jiang Chen's palms, the 诛仙令 suddenly emerged, seeing the immortal, the look of the rhubarb dog's eyes is more complicated, as if the token itself is familiar.

"Sure enough, it is an immortal order."

The rhubarb dog said faintly.

"The burial fairy is not dead. There is a female corpse lying in the burial fairy. The female corpse is exactly the same as the rain. I don't know if she is light rain, but it must be related to Xiaoyu, because no one can get close to the funeral To the immortal order, only I can get close, it must be that the rain is helping me."

Jiang Chen said aside the things in the tomb. For the big yellow dog and the monk, he has nothing to hide.

"How is it possible? Xiao Yu Ming Ming is a native of the Sacred Yuan, and living well, how can it appear in an ancient tomb, still lying among the soldiers of the Great."

The monk was shocked. Anyone who was replaced by such a thing would be shocked. Jiang Chen’s shock at that time was no worse than them.

"How can it be associated with light rain?"

The rhubarb dog frowned, whispered, and looked a little abnormal.

Jiang Chen and the tyrants all saw that the rhubarb dog was not normal, especially Jiang Chen. He knew that there must be some secrets in the rhubarb dog, but the rhubarb dog never said it. The rhubarb dog never came to the fairy world, but to the fairy world. Many things have been known, and the appearance of the immortal and the funeral fairy seems to evoke some memories of the rhubarb dog.

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