Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1365: The light of the turn of the power

Yang Bufan appeared. Here, he is the Lord of Sin. He is the pillar of the Terran. After Yang Bufan appeared, the Terran also roared. One by one was very excited. It can be seen that the Lord of Sin is in the abyss of sin. The force is also very large, basically the same as the influence of the madman in the sinful family.

"Come on, the Lord of Sin, today is a deadly battle, this seat will kill you, this sinful abyss, will always be the world of our sinful people, you are here, after all, it is only an ants, it is our sinful family. slave."

The madman spoke, and the magic is unparalleled. When he comes up, he will fight with Yang Bufan. He is on the sin altar. The whole sky is full of sin. The sinful faces above the sin altar are incomparably stunned. Roaring sound.

Obviously, the madman has been preparing for this day for a long time. The sinful family and the Terran will have a battle sooner or later. Even if there is no fire line of Jiang Chen, this battle will also come and will erupt. The existence of Jiang Chen is only ahead of schedule. Only.

"The sinful altar of the sinful family looks very powerful. It is that you don't know the true power. The madman, after today, the sinful abyss will no longer have a sinful demon, even if it is, it is only a slave of this family. Nothing."

Yang Bufan is more aggressive, and his head is heading for the sky, swinging from side to side, and it is mighty.

Even if the madman sacrificed a sinful altar, Yang Bufan still did not have a bit of fear, and this kind of temperament alone would have to be served.

The two great kings have released their own murderous, and the war is on the verge.

"come on."

The scepter in the hands of the madman pointed upwards, and a magic dragon rushed out and floated above the sky. Under the control of the madman, the sin altar also flew up and flew up to the sky, at the highest point of the battlefield, on the other side. Yang Bufan also flew up. He was like a ray of light. When he rushed out, he shot a light in his hand.

The radiance is incomparably embarrassing. It seems to be like a sacred river. It has smashed toward the magic dragon. The two kings have already started a fierce battle without opening up the battlefield.

The Battle of Xianwang is to use the power of space to open up a new battlefield. Because it has reached this level, every stroke is extremely horrible, and its destruction is extremely powerful. The aftermath is swaying and killing countless.

Especially on such a huge battlefield, if the king does not open another battlefield, the entire battlefield will be ravaged, the Terran and the Sin


I don't know how many people are going to die in their aftermath, and they lose the meaning of war.


Above the high battlefield, Yang Bufan and the madman have already played against each other for more than a dozen times. Every time they are earth-shattering, the sky is about to be smashed. The power of the celestial king makes people dare not face it.

Whether it is Yang Bufan or the madman, it is a very powerful existence. The peak of the early stage of the Xianwang exists. The madman does not need to say much. As the master of the sinful family, he has a powerful sin altar and has a vast magical power. The master of the same level is in his hands and is completely vulnerable.

Yang Bufan is also not an easy-going genius. The genius in genius cannot be measured and compared with the average person. Otherwise, Yang Bufan cannot become the sinner, occupying half of the country for a long time, let the sinful family The fear is like a tiger.

It is not a simple matter that the two masters of the kings are fighting together and want to win the game in a short time.

Whether it is the war between the kings of the kings, or the fierce battle between the human race and the sinners below, it is itself a war of attrition, to see who can consume.


The mad mad dance, with the emergence of Yang Feifan and the madman, the battle between the two sides has also entered a fever, and each individual and sinful family has made their strongest side. Almost no one has retreated because they have no way to back down. This is the battle of life and death, but also the battle of survival. If it is defeated, it is equal to death, so they have no choice.

Jiang Chen turned into a mad dragon, completely stunned. He wants to improve his cultivation as soon as possible. He must attack the early stage of Jinxian. In that case, he can help Yang Bufan to fight against the madman, as long as he kills the madman, the sinful family. It was announced that it was completely finished.

"The mad dragon is out."

Jiang Chen took the Tiansheng sword and replaced it with a powerful Tianlong trench. He came up to display the mad dragon, and the mad dragon spread out, and the demon leader was immediately besieged. The demon leader finally began to resist, even if he showed a strong counterattack, it was not the Tianlong war.

Jiang Chen’s use of mad dragons is not a more powerful dragon, no regrets. The purpose is to hurt the other party, and then use the light of the dawn to turn it off. It is very likely that the other party will be killed at once, even if it is not dead, it is not cost-effective to make a serious injury.


The demon leader was shot out of the original shape. The huge body of dozens of feet was full of scars and blood, and the scales flew. Even if I tried to resist it, under the ravages of the dragon, I was also injured. The state was seriously declining and the combat power began to be insufficient. It is.

"The light of the dawn."

Jiang Chen’s grasp of the ever-changing timing on the battlefield has reached the level of superb change. The state of the demon leader’s eyes is the most suitable time for him to display the light of the dawn. An aura appears and is unbiased, just entering the demon leader. In my mind, it can be said that it is a sin.


The demon leader screamed on the spot and screamed with his hands clasped in his head. However, this situation only lasted for a few breaths, and the demon leader was completely quiet. His eyes began to stagnate and then became brighter.

The demon leader came to Jiang Chen and went to his body: "Master."

No demon can withstand the invasion of the light of the desert, after being suppressed by Jiang Chen, it has basically been controlled by Jiang Chen. This is beyond doubt. For a long time, the light of the dawn has never been Missed.

"Good, I am helping you recover from the injury now, then you can kill it."

Jiang Chen nodded and shot a wood aura into the body of the demon leader, quickly helping him to recover the injury. The healing effect of the wood aura was not comparable to any healing medicine, and the demon leader itself was not Too serious injury, at best, can only be a skin injury. This kind of injury is very easy to recover, and more than a dozen breathing time has completely recovered.

"Thank you for your master."

The demon leader has completely surrendered.

"Go, kill more of your people, the better."

Jiang Chen issued a cruel order.

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