Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1376: Thirty times time rule

Yang Bufan has a big wish. Under normal circumstances, such people will be more and more lost when they are excited. After all, the powerful opponents have been suddenly removed in the past ten years, and some will reduce some passion, but in Jiang Chen. It seems that Yang's passion has not weakened at all, which shows that he still has a bigger goal, and he is now promoted to the late stage of Xianwang, which is closer to that goal. It is another kind of hope for Yang. In an extraordinary way, the next goal is more meaningful than the elimination of the evil family. Of course, it is even more difficult to achieve.

Everyone has their own secrets, Jiang Chen has, big yellow dogs, Yang Bufan also has, Yang Bufan does not say, Jiang Chen will not ask, friends come forward when there is a need, these are enough Jiang Chen does not explore the secrets of Yang Bufan, but as long as Yang Bufan needs his own place in the future, Jiang Chen will stand up without hesitation.

Jiang Chen believes that if it is difficult for him, Yang Bufan will also turn his back on this point.


It’s enough to go to Tianyun Pavilion to see it. This is a person who is passionate and righteous.

The city of sin was destroyed and full of sorrow, but for the Terran monks, it is a very easy thing to restore a city.

The space in the abyss of sin is huge, and the city is not only a city of sin. In addition to the city of sin, the other cities have not suffered any loss. Yang Feifan and Jiang Chen randomly found a place in Zhongwei. The city is settled down.

Although the sinful abyss has been solved, Jiang Chen still has more things to do. For him, the real battle has just begun. He and Tianmuyun have completely fallen out, and the next step is to die.

In a quiet courtyard of the city's main government, Jiang Chen and the big yellow dog came in and knew that Jiang Chen had to retreat and practice. No one dared to appear around the courtyard. Everyone was afraid to disturb the retreat of Jiang Chen, for evil. For the abyss of the abyss, Jiang Chen is now a god-like existence, and everyone is full of respect for him.

Tianjizi came out from the ancestral tower. He looked at Jiang Chen’s gaze again and was full of shock. He had witnessed all the wars before, even if he had sufficient psychological preparation, but if he did not see it with his own eyes, he also I absolutely don't believe that this is happening.

Genius, this can no longer be described by the word genius. The existence of Jiang Chen is a miracle. Tianjizi feels that he can have such an apprentice in his life. It is simply a gift from heaven. How can he do this? The singularity of the world is called a master.

"Dust, you really surprised me."

The sky machine is full of enthusiasm, he was still worried about the decisive battle between Jiang Chen and Tianmuyun, but now it seems that compared with Jiang Chen, it is a kind of humiliation to Jiang Chen, and the sky can only be at best. It is a genius, how can it compare with the enchanting?

"Master, Tianmuyun is now likely to have been promoted to Xianwang. With my current strength, I want to deal with him. It is not enough. After all, the gap between Xianwang and Jinxian is not the same, so I have to think about it. A decisive battle with the Tianmu Cloud will require a promotion to the middle of Jinxian."

Jiang Chen said that he never played the undecided embarrassment and the decisive battle between the sky and the sky. He could never fail. Therefore, before going out of the abyss of sin, Jiang Chen must find a way to attack his own cultivation. Mid term.

"For the little dust, have you already opened the thirty-three layers of the Zulong Tower? What secrets exist in it, maybe it will help you in your current situation."

The rhubarb dog said that he was also very interested in the secret of the Zulongta.

"I just got to see."

Jiang Chen said that he directly opened the portal of the Zulong Tower. He breathed everyone in the air. He moved freely and entered the thirty-three-layer space.


Thirty-three layers of space, full of variegated colors, just a few people who came in, the body that was struck by the surrounding airflow could not help but shake, this space is not big, it looks like only a few miles, and it is empty inside. ,Nothing at all.

But those variegated colors give people a dazzling feeling. After coming in, everyone has a strange feeling, but what is the feeling, but can not be said in words.

"The rule of time, this is the law of time, the mother's, the fairy board, this is too embarrassing, the time rule in this space is at least thirty times outside."

The rhubarb dog suddenly became very excited.

"The rule of time?"

Jiang Chen and the monk and the monk are all a glimpse. For a time, they did not understand the meaning of the big yellow dog.

"The legendary law of time can only be realized and controlled by the level of the Emperor. There is a law in the world that is the only peak state. It is time. If one can change time, it is almost invincible. Fairyland, you can control the law of time, only the powerful Emperor, and the space here, the time rule is 30 times outside, a very simple example, we practice here one day, equivalent to 30 days of cultivation outside, this is the distortion and change of the law of time, Xiao Chenzi, your baby is really too bad, this is the thirty-third layer, if it reaches the big ninety-nine, will What happens is simply unimaginable."

The rhubarb dog said openly.

Regarding the law of time, whether it is Jiang Chen or Tianjizi, I heard for the first time that after all, reversing time and space, the means of changing time is too far-fetched. It is not the realm that they can touch, and never thought about it. That is The powerful means of the Great, and they are far away from the legendary Great.

Just as the rhubarb dog’s voice just fell, a message also poured into Jiang Chen’s mind. Everything described in the message is exactly the same as that of the Dahuang dog. There is no other magical use in this thirty-third space. The only use is to change the operation of time.

Jiang Chen suddenly became very excited. The change of the 30-fold time rule is a great advantage in itself. It is impossible for countless treasures to be exchanged. The cultivation of one day is equivalent to 30 days of cultivation. This is simply the day. Big treasure.

For Jiang Chen in front of him, it is better to be better. He wants to rely on the magic spirit of the madman to attack the middle of Jinxian, but he is afraid of the unstable foundation. Now he just retreats in this space and stabilizes the foundation. Then Using the magic spirit to hit the middle of the golden fairy, it is unceremonious to say that this is simply a charcoal in the snow.

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