Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1393: Gossip [three more]

At this time, the rhubarb dog and the monk also flew to the side of Jiang Chen. When they heard the words of the demon teacher, the two men and the dog were all a glimpse. They did not expect that such a thing would happen, but the demon cult leader also fundamentally Not lying, that is to say, Han Yan was really swept away by a mysterious magic wind.

"Little dust, the mysterious magic wind does not know what it is."

Monk frowns.

"It is certain that the mysterious magic wind itself is prepared, and the purpose is to come to Ayan. Otherwise, there will be no mysterious magic wind suddenly coming to the Black Devil Cliff. After all, the Black Magic Cliff never appears. It’s a very strange thing to have such a strange event that appeared after A Yan’s arrival.”

The big yellow dog said.

"This dog brother said it was good. I have been thinking about it for two days. I have been searching for the trace of the magic wind. But after the magic wind swept away the cold, it disappeared without a trace, even a little breath. Did not stay."

The cult leader said, this?


He was very respectful to Jiang Chen’s three people. This demon teacher is not a fool. He can become a teacher. It is a very savvy person. He can see that the three people in front of him are good friends of Han Yan. Come here to find the cold, and the white youth is too horrible, although the appearance seems to be only the mid-term cultivation of Jin Xian, but the horror of the war has just been seen, can not be described with horror, half The master of the step-level king level quits, that is to say, if the young man really shot, the half-step old king is already dead, which is almost unquestionable.

The magical teachings have already been exhausted today. It is the end of the strong, and will face destruction and disintegration under the joint attack of the five major fairy doors. At this time, Jiang Chen appears, that is, the savior of the demon religion, the demon religion is not a fool. You must find a way to seize this opportunity, as long as you get the help of this youth, the magical education will have a chance.

"I will come back and calculate."

Jiang Chen said, once again running the big heavenly machine, he understands the breath of the cold, so he can figure out some clues, but this time, he can't catch a trace of the mysterious magic wind. This situation can't Explain that the big heaven machine can't work, it only shows that the mysterious magic wind is too strong, too mysterious, and Jiang Chen's big heaven machine is not enough, but it is only a matter of heaven, it can't be calculated and related to the mysterious magic wind. A little bit of clues.

However, in this calculation, Jiang Chen did not get nothing. He calculated that this mysterious magical event may be an opportunity for Han Yan, and did not draw the slightest danger from it. This situation is to make Jiang Chen a lot of peace of mind.

"I just calculated a little. The mysterious magic wind is too strange. The big heavenly technique can't figure out a little bit of clues, but it is inferred that A Yan is not dangerous. This magical event may be a rare for A Yan. Opportunity."

Jiang Chen said: "Since A Yan is fine, we can safely go to the East Xuan domain. I believe that A Yan will meet sooner or later."

After listening to Jiang Chen's words, both the monk and the big yellow dog showed a relaxed color. For Jiang Chen's means, they are still very confident, especially on the body of Han Yan, Jiang Chen will not easily make mistakes.

"In this case, let's leave directly, and we don't have to participate in the things of the borders."

The rhubarb dog swayed his tail and said.

It is said that the demon cult and the high-level face of a demon cult are suddenly changing. This is their last chance. If they are lost, the devil will face real demise.

"Zongzi, this son, please help us black magic cliff, I believe that if the cold is in, you will definitely die with the black magic cliff."

The demon teacher flustered, and quickly gave a deep ritual to Jiang Chen, as a supreme master of the half-step fairy king, as the helm of the black magic cliff, the cult leader, how proud he is on weekdays, Even in the whole border of the spirit, it is a high presence, located at the top of the pyramid, but at the moment it is whispering to a golden fairy.

But for the cult leader, there is no complaint. This in itself involves the survival of the cult. In this most critical moment, all the shelves are shit, life-saving is the most important, not to mention the performance of Jiang Chen. It is indeed very strong. Such a strong person has nothing to do with him.

Upon seeing it, Jiang Chen’s brows were slightly embarrassing. He didn’t want to go to the jealousy of the spiritual realm. But the words of the demon cults also made him feel excited. After all, it used to be a place where the cold grows, as the devil teaches, if the cold If you are here for a few days, you will definitely choose to live with the Black Devils.

In other words, the life and death of Black Devil's Cliff is a matter of coldness. Since it is a matter of coldness, it is the matter of Jiang Chen, so Jiang Chen decided to stay to help the demon, at least to ensure the safety of Black Devils today.

"Well, I will help you today."

Jiang Chen nodded and immediately turned to look at the camp of the five major Xianmen. He saw that there were ten and a half-step masters in the five major gates. At the moment, all of them gathered together, and everyone’s hands were holding horror. The celestial soldiers, the Xian Bing exudes a strong murderous.

Look at the magical education side, but there are only four and a half steps of the king, each one is seriously injured, and like the demon leader, the state is weak to the extreme, all of which are the end of the strong.

However, this situation has made Jiang Chen have to admit that the power of the demon religion is strong. Four of the four battles have persisted until now. It is already a miracle. It can be seen how terrible the devil is in the borders of the spirits. This is probably one of the reasons why the five major Xianmen must unite to remove the magic.

"Five Great Immortals listen, I am in the dust of today's things, and your five major Xianmen immediately quit the Black Devil's Cliff. From now on, you must not step into the Black Devil's Cliff."

Jiang Chen said loudly to the camps of the five major Xianmen. His tone is full of hegemony and unquestionable. It is completely the tone of command, and does not give the five great gates a chance to disobey.

After listening to Jiang Chen’s words, the huge camps of the Five Great Xianmen suddenly showed great incitement.

"What? I want to let us go back like this. Isn't this funny? In order to attack the Black Devil's Cliff, our five great fairy gates have lost a lot of money. Seeing that the demon religion will be destroyed, it is impossible to withdraw this time. Things."

"Yes, this person is too arrogant. I want to take care of the whole world of the spiritual world with my own power. It is too high to look at myself."

"But he really has strong strength, and half-step Xian Wang is not his opponent."


Many people in the five major fairy doors have anger

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