Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1405: Genius overflowing [five more]


However, after all, the fire unicorn is a holy beast. It has the means to press the bottom of the box. Although it has encountered the biggest crisis at the moment, it is almost a threat to life. However, the fire unicorn still moves its body and evades the vitality of the body, even if it is running the blood. It was hit by the sword of Xian Xian and it was not dead.


The horrible 诛 剑 sword slammed into the back of the fire unicorn, and directly penetrated the whole body of the fire unicorn.

The fire unicorn made a very fierce cry, which sounded creepy, but the action of the last moment of the fire unicorn clearly helped him and allowed him to avoid the vital parts, so although this attack was extremely harmful, he did not directly ask him. Life.


The sacred sword flew out from the body of the fire unicorn and was swallowed by the rhubarb dog. At the moment when the power of the sacred sword was exhausted, the whole body of the rhubarb dog seemed to be hollowed out, not to mention the battle, even the flight. The ability is gone, and the huge body has to fall directly from the sky.

Jiang Chen’s eyes are fast, a soft force drags the body of the big yellow dog, and the rhubarb dog is directly sent to the Zulong Tower. Now there are 500 million top grades in the Zulong Tower, which can make the rhubarb dog recover.

The task of the rhubarb dog has been completed, and the completion is very beautiful. Although the sword is not killing the fire unicorn, but the fire unicorn is really badly wounded, in the current state of the fire unicorn, let alone the battle, even the escape can not do.


The fire unicorn screamed, and it seemed to suffer great pains. The fire unicorn looked at Jiang Chen with an angry look, then dragged the injured body and flew away.

"Is this time to still want to escape?"

Jiang Chen mouth overflowed with a sneer, if this situation still makes the fire unicorn run away, then I will not mix it later, it is too faceless.


Jiang Chen’s big hand came out and came up again to play the real dragon handprint, the horrible blood color dragon claw

Covered, trapped the prisoner of fire.

"Oh... bastard, you dare to treat this king like this. This is a big disrespect for the holy beast. You are looking for death. Do you know if you are looking for death?"

The fire unicorn roared again and again, but unfortunately, his efforts, he could not break away the dragon claws of Jiang Chen. The current fire unicorn has completely lost the ability to confront Jiang Chen, and can only be allowed to be killed by Jiang Chen.

The fire unicorn was very angry. He thought that he was a sacred beast. The king of heaven and earth had suffered such humiliation. Unfortunately, it was his misfortune to encounter Jiang Chen and the big yellow dog. All the arrogance and air transportation in the past will also be in Jiang Chen. It was terminated here.

"Looking for death? I don't know who is going to die now."

In the eyes of Jiang Chen, the scorpion shot a killing intention, ready to kill and kill the fire unicorn. If you can absorb the blood of the fire unicorn, it is unimaginable for your own benefit. With the horror of the dragon, you can even get the talent of the fire unicorn. Magical.

"Little dust, don't kill him."

The sound of the rhubarb dog suddenly came out from the inside of the ancestral tower. At this moment, the rhubarb dog is incomparably weak and is recovering from the madness of the celestial stone.


Jiang Chenyi, has already won the fire unicorn, but does not kill, this is not the behavior of the rhubarb dog.

"Hey, I have a very good note for the dog, this is a rare unicorn sacred beast. If you kill it like this, isn’t it a pity, you will imprison him first, and look back at how the lord cleans him up. ""

The rhubarb dog made a burst of laughter.

Jiang Chen knows too much about the rhubarb dog. From the rhythm of the rhubarb dog, he can hear the bad intentions. The ghost knows that the dog is playing another ghost idea. Anyway, the fire unicorn falls into the hands of the rhubarb dog and wants to fall. It is impossible.

"it is good."

Jiang Chen also doesn't care what the big yellow dog is paying attention to. Anyway, the fire unicorn is now completely imprisoned. If you want to run, you can't run away. Now the most important thing is to leave this right and wrong place. Here, I experienced a very strong battle. Uncertainty will cause the attention of the master, I am afraid that there will be a master of Dong Xuan domain appearing here soon, in order to avoid unnecessary trouble, it is the most sensible to leave immediately.

"Kid, you'd better let the king, otherwise, you don't know how to die if you die. No one in the East Xuan domain dares to offend the king. What are you?"

At the first sight of the fire unicorn is the habit of being high, and at this time it is still threatening against Jiang Chen.

However, the fire unicorn naturally has a proud capital, and does not say that the fire unicorn itself is a powerful sacred beast. The big forces behind him alone are enough to make the entire East Xuan domain frightened.

"Be honest, you will."

Jiang Chen could not help but say that he directly threw the fire unicorn into the ancestral tower, and then restored the state of the adult, disappeared in the blink of an eye, and flew away in the direction of the East Xuan domain.

The entire mountain range has been completely destroyed, and the fire is raging. It is conceivable that after today's World War I, the large areas here will become barren land, and the grasses that are not living here will only be able to find another place. .

Just after Jiang Chen left, three tyrannical figures appeared in the sky above the mountains. These are three young talents, two men and one woman. These three people are extremely strange and come out directly from the sky. They all showed incomparably strong momentum, and the surrounding voids trembled. They are all masters of the immortal king. So young masters of the fairy king, there will be a sky cloud in the whole line, and in this east domain It can be seen everywhere, from which it can be seen that the gap between the first-line sky and the East Xuan domain is really big.

The woman was wearing a white dress and her face was delicate. Although she couldn’t compare with the dancing bamboo and the morning rain, it was also a rare beauty. What is even more amazing is that this beautiful woman has been repaired. The horrible golden fairy appeared.

The two young men are also dressed in white, and the long Yushu is in the wind. One of them is the master of Xianwang in the same way as the woman. What is really worth noting is the young man standing in the middle of the three people. Thick black hair, thick eyebrows and big eyes, a pair of eyes like a jewel, there is a god, he stood there, giving a very strong feeling, the pressure that is exhaled casually makes people feel trembling.

This is an extremely horrible figure. He is also a fairy king, but his cultivation is not comparable to the other two, because his cultivation has been obtained between the late Xian Wang, the early Xian Wang and the late Xian Wang. The gap is unimaginable.

It is so rare in the late stage of such a young fairy king. If Jiang Chen did not leave, he would certainly sigh the genius of this East Xuan domain. It is really a time of genius, as Yang said that it was originally said. The region of the genius of the genius, here, there will never be a lack of passion.

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