Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1411: Exchange

On the wine table, Jiang Chen frowned, and my heart was really regretful. Although the dishes were beautiful, there was no appetite. The two non-human guys in front of me were really jaw-dropping.

The two legs in front of the rhubarb dog slammed directly onto the table. The long dog's tongue was a madness against the plate on the table. When I went down, one plate was gone, the saliva was flying, everywhere, I have to say, The guy who licked it was called a clean dish that he had eaten. It was bright and light, and even a little greasy.

The old liar is even more embarrassed. This is a slap in the face. A pair of black-handed big hands are directly caught and sent to the mouth. The speed is not inferior to that of the big yellow dog. The key is that these two guys don’t give up, eat. It was a great time, and a table of wine was quickly eaten.

"Boss, come back to another table."

The old liar is very rude, it is rare to eat so boldly, the opportunity is rare.

Such a scene naturally attracts the whole restaurant to watch, countless people point to the point, laughter, the big yellow dog and the old liar undoubtedly become a beautiful landscape of the restaurant.

"Haha, where are the two wonderful things, this is too shameful."

"This is his mother's two starving ghosts, haven't you ever eaten anything?"

"It's the old liar. This kid is really pitiful. It must be new. He was deceived by the old liar. He also asked him to eat and drink. The dog didn't know what to look for, and the old liar really matched it."

People have forgotten the dishes on their table and began to appreciate the wind and clouds of the old liar and the big yellow dog.

"Look at Nima, I have never seen such a handsome dog eating."

The rhubarb dog didn't come up with the vegetables, turned his head and stared at the others. A large piece of meat fell from the dog's mouth. The big yellow dog reacted very fast. When the meat had not fallen to the ground, he ate it again. Go in.


Jiang Chen was awkward and almost fell off his seat. He was completely defeated. Jiang Chen rarely admired anyone, but he was a capitalist for the big yellow dog and the old liar.


Jiang Chen coughed a few times, then stood up from his seat and walked to an empty table not far away, pretending that he did not know the two goods, at least they were not very familiar.

"Hey! Friends are not careful."

Jiang Chen sighed, and then watching the big yellow dog and the old liar, if no one was self-satisfied, Jiang Chen suddenly felt that his world had become dark. He had an impulse to fly directly out of the window, shameful, too shameful.

In the end, the big yellow dog and the old liar ate a satisfied family and left the restaurant. Jiang Chen strode in front and felt that he had to pull a certain distance from the two guys behind.

"Dog brother, have enough to eat, you said, where are we going to play next time?"

The old liar said that he seemed to find like-minded people, and his eyes couldn't help but scream at the land of feasting, but the rhubarb dog seemed to be incomprehensible and said: "Let's find a place to sleep."

go to bed? dry! Some people went to sleep in Futian Mountain Villa. Is this still a person? No, it seems to be just a dog.

I have to say that this villa is very luxurious, and it is full of rich atmosphere everywhere. Jiang Chen walks on the streets that are not so busy, and feels that they can enjoy it here. It is also a very happy thing.

"Old liar, do you have any way to participate in the exchange meeting of Futianzi two days later?"

Jiang Chen asked, he is still interested in this exchange meeting, and maybe he can get no small benefit.

"That's also simple. If you want to let the Futian son notice you, as long as the Futian son invites you, you will be eligible to participate in the exchange meeting. However, those who participate in the exchange meeting are not rich and expensive. They are all geniuses of this generation. You are a newcomer, and it is not an easy task to get the attention of the blessed son."

The old liar said that he did not despise the meaning of Jiang Chen, but said that it is a fact that the exchange meeting held by the Futian son personally was not someone who would like to participate.

"Little dust, as long as you can come up with the baby that makes you look good."

The rhubarb dog said that this statement is a hit on the head.

"Well, let's go to a trading place."

Jiang Chen smiled. He already had an idea. This exchange meeting must be attended, but he can't take the initiative to go to the door. It seems that there is no status. Let the Futian son personally send an invitation to himself. The identity is different when the meeting is held.

“There are a lot of transactions here, most of them are foreign monks who make short trades here, but there are people everywhere in the entire village. Every transaction can’t get through the eyes and ears of the villa. Everything is there. The money that is traded here, the village must extract 30% of it, and there is also the own exchange of the villa, which is the direct force of the Futian son."

The old liar said.

When I heard the number of 30%, Jiang Chen and the big yellow dog couldn't help but swear. This Futian son is really a vampire, but it is also possible to imagine how much the mountain is so much, the wealth and treasure that can be earned every year. It is unimaginable and must be an astronomical number.

"I heard that this Futian son will take away a lot of wealth and treasure from the mountain village every year, and use it for the corpse yin sect. This is also the reason why the Futian son can be a sinister sinister."

The old liar said.

"In this case, let's go to the mountain's own exchange."

Jiang Chen said that although every place in the villa has eyeliner, every transaction is not the same as the villa, but in order to achieve the goal, Jiang Chen decided to go directly to the direct exchange of the villa, in which case, the Futian son can I noticed myself the first time.

"Well, I know the place, take you to the past, don't look at the guards who don't let the old man come in, but if they want to come in, can they stop it?"

The old liar patted his own chest, and it was rare for a person to be able to blow the bragging to such a natural level.

Inside the villa, there is a luxury area. There is also a small manor inside the huge manor. It is the place where Futianzi is located. The exchange is located in the nearest place to this small hill, a magnificent golden building, magnificent. Strong and noble atmosphere, people standing in front of the building felt an inexplicable pressure.

"Jiang Chen Xiaoyou, here is the biggest exchange in the villa, which is owned by the Futian son. The people inside are directly under the jurisdiction of Futianzi."

The old liar said.

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