Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1159: Burdock

In the dormitory area, there are only two river dusters and big yellow dogs. The rest of the outside disciples have gathered in the homes for the elderly. Everyone is for their own common interests. As for Jiang Chen and the big yellow dog, it is the public enemy of the people. It is a person of public opinion. `

"The kid, those outside disciples went to the elders to complain."

The big yellow dog said with a smile.

"Well, this is the result I want, wait, wait for the elders to take the initiative to summon me."

Jiang Chen’s face is relaxed and casual. If these people don’t go to the elders’ hometown and don’t sue themselves, then they haven’t been busy for the past three days.

"Hey, your kid is insidious, but I like it."

The rhubarb dog laughed a little, and he just liked the wisdom of Jiang Chen, and the old tycoon was too far away.

Before the gates of the elders, hundreds of thousands of outside disciples gathered together, and some inconveniences were inevitable. These foreign disciples all showed a gnashing look. It was a hatred of Jiang Chen, there was no way to hate. Ah, it’s too odious, a good outside door, made by Jiang Chen.

"Fang Hao is not helping us. We can only rely on ourselves. The elders must give us a statement. Otherwise, we will continue to make trouble here."

"Yes, Jiang Chen has already been mad. If the elders don't come out to solve it, then we don't have to cultivate so many people."

"It’s awful, it’s too odious. You have to let Jiang Chen get the punishment he deserves and let him pay the price."


The anger and resentment, all the resentment has been unable to restrain, Tianyun Pavilion has been established for so long, and there have never been such a mad person.


The gates of the elders' home were opened, and three elders came out from the inside. All of them were elders in the early days of the fairy, and the leader was the burdock.

"You don't practice, what are you doing here?"

The calf screamed and there was some anger between the words. The behavior of these people was already disrespectful to the elders. If it was not because there were too many people involved, he might directly punish him.

Cultivation? I also cultivated a hair, and there is no place to practice. We want to practice, and you always find a place.

"The elders of the cattle, that Jiang Chen is mad, have absorbed all the scent of the Guangwu Hall for three consecutive days, deprived us of the right to cultivate, and asked the elders to give us the title."

"Let the elders suppress Jiang Chen, punish this person, and ask us to be fair. Wu Dian is a public practice place, not his Jiang Chen."

"Yes elders, this day can't be over, the strength of Jiang Chen is still tyrannical, we can't beat it, many people have been injured by him, even the inner disciple is not his opponent, the dog next to him. More powerful, we can't afford it, or we won't go to the home."

"Let the elders take the lead, ask the elders to be the masters, and severely punish the thieves."

"We must punish Jiang Chen, and we have a peaceful door outside."


Enthusiastically excited, all the foreign disciples were very excited. Some disciples who had been violently ravaged by Jiang Chen said that the sadness was directly bursting into tears. It was all tears.

This scene is too spectacular, so that the three elders are directly shocked, and the elders have been in charge of the outer door for so long, and there has never been such a thing.

"Hey! Geniuses don't play cards according to common sense. It seems that we have a mixed king in Tianyun Pavilion."

An elder couldn't help but sigh.

"It seems that our homes must be made. Otherwise, the outer door will be a mess. The elders have to look at the people who are Jiang Chen. I don't leave room for doing things. I went to find Jiang Chen. ”

An elder said.

"Let me go, I have seen him, his identity card is still handled by me personally."

The burdock said, before Wang Tao had already come to the Presbyterian to find him once, but in his opinion, this is just a kind of competition between disciples, not at all, but did not expect Jiang Chen to do anything. Do not converge, make things so trouble.

"Okay, you should go back first. I will go to Jiang Chen in a moment. I believe he will give this face to the old man."

The burdock waved at the crowd and then walked directly to the dormitory area of ​​the outer door.

When I saw the elders of the elders, the foreign disciples had stopped some of them. It seems that they also saw a glimmer of hope. In their view, even if Jiang Chen is arrogant, he must not give the elders a face. The forced disciple did not dare to confront the elders.

In the square of the dormitory area, Jiang Chen is still sitting on the wicker chair, and there is a dog next to him. It seems that in addition to being here, this person does not do anything with a dog.

The burdock saw Jiang Chen and the big yellow dog. He came over with a smile on his face. His gaze specifically stayed on the body of the rhubarb dog. When he first saw it, he did not care about the dog. I thought it was just the ordinary pet beast around Jiang Chen, but I didn't expect this dog to be so strong. Even Liang Hong is not an enemy of it.

The burdock naturally does not dare to stand up in front of this dog. You must know that his own combat power is not the opponent of Liang Hong. How to compare it with the big yellow dog.

"Jiang Chen."

The calf screamed.

Jiang Chen stood up from the wicker chair and hugged his fist at the burdock: "It turned out to be a cow elder. I don't know what the wind is blowing the elders."

"Oh, Jiang Chen, everyone is a smart person. I have already made it clear that I have come to it. These days, because of your reasons, the outer door has become a mess. If you continue this way, the face of the elders is not Look good, I also hope that you will give the elders a face and do something to converge."

The burdock opened the door and said, as he said, everyone is a wise man, and there is no meaning in turning around.

"Bovine elders, I am just normal cultivation, it seems that I do not violate any rules, and they take the initiative to find me trouble, I have not complained to the elders."

Jiang Chen said with a grievance.

"Jiang Chen, this elder knows that you are right, but the situation is very special now. Your ability to absorb scent is too strong. It has seriously affected the calm of the outer door. I hope that you can converge some. If you become a target, It is not a good thing for you."

The burdock said bitterly, a genius like Jiang Chen, the future achievements are destined to be incalculable. He is a small external elder, and it is good to not offend.

"Well, I will carefully consider the words of the elders of the cattle. OK, I know the elders."

Jiang Chen said in an understatement, then he ignored the burdock and turned to the dormitory area.


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