Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1161: Difficult! Too hard

"I have seen cattle elders."

Before he even talked about the burdock, Jiang Chen took the lead and said.

"Jiang Chen, the old man reminded you before, let you converge some, but you are better, and the situation has increased. Now the chickens fly outside the door, all the outside disciples are blocked outside the gates of the elders, so Things have never happened, your business has already alarmed the elders, and now the elders let you go."

The burdock said openly.

"Well, please let the elders lead the way."

Jiang Chen said with a smile, his performance is to let the ox squat, he thought that Jiang Chen heard the big elders will show a trace of fear or fear, I did not expect this guy not only did not worry, but the face revealed A touch of joy.

The calf had to sigh in his heart, and the psychology of this genius was really difficult to grasp.

Outside the gates of the elders, Jiang Chen came with the calf, this time he did not bring a rhubarb dog, after all, not a place allowed a dog to come in.

Those outside disciples saw the arrival of Jiang Chen, and all of them showed a happy color on their faces. In their view, the elders personally came forward and must be punished for Jiang Chen.

Looking at Jiang Chen and Niu Yu into the interior of the Presbyterian Church, from time to time someone gnashed his teeth and said: "Be sure to punish him, or you will not hate the hatred."

"Yes, because this guy, we lost a few days of cultivation time, and if it is not punished, it would be too unreasonable."

"What is the punishment? In terms of reason, Jiang Chen does not seem to be doing anything wrong. It is not a violation of the rules to absorb the immortality in the temple. I do not expect any serious punishment from Jiang Chen, as long as he does not go to Wu in the future." I am satisfied with the chaos."


To say hate, none of the outside disciples present did not hate Jiang Chen. After all, the outside door has never seen such a big thing. Jiang Chen has affected their normal cultivation and naturally hates it, but there are also many outside doors. Some wise people, although they came to the elders to sue Jiang Chen, but I also know that Jiang Dian has not done anything wrong at all. It can be said that it is a normal cultivation, just because cultivation is too vigorous, but life is not The fault of others.

In the elders' home, Jiang Chen strode in and looked at the elders who sat in the hall more than twenty days of immortality. There was no change in the appearance of Jiang Chen.

"It seems that the outside door still has some underlying circumstances. Even the elders in the late Tianxian are in town."

In the heart of Jiang Chen’s heart, the higher the cultivation of this elder is, the more happy he is in his heart, because the high degree of cultivation can prove that his rights are great.

The eyes of all the elders fell on Jiang Chen’s body at the moment when Jiang Chen entered the hall. They had already heard about the name of Jiang Chen. They all wanted to see and dare to destroy the Xuanyang Zong Mine. Guy, what it looks like.

From the eyes of these elders, you can see too many surprises. Anyone who sees Jiang Chen for the first time will be surprised because he looks too young and looks good and good. From the outside, it’s true. It's hard to connect it with that fierce person.

"I didn't expect it to be such a young genius, and this person saw so many elders of us, the look was normal, there was no tension, and the heart was very rare."

"It is indeed a dragon among people. Such a character's future achievements are limitless, that is, it will not be a human being. When he first arrived at Tianyun Pavilion, he offended the entire outer door, hehe!"

"Young people can be so heart-felt. It is really rare. You know, here is the elders' home. The general outside disciples are here. They are all excited and it is difficult to maintain the most basic calm."


This is the first impression of the elders on Jiang Chen. It can be said that it is quite good. After all, in the elders' home, they also like the genius of the outer door. The outer door has a strong genius, and their faces also have brilliance.

Including Yuan Kui, in their view, Jiang Chen can still be indifferent in the face of so many elders, but in fact, these people are really unable to make Jiang Chen nervous, because if it really fights The presence of these elders is not enough for Jiang Chen to fight alone.

"Jiang Chen, this is the great elder Yuan Kui."

The burdock whispered.

"I have seen the elders, I don’t know what the elders are looking for when they come to the disciples?"

Jiang Chen held a fist to the elders, a serious saying.

What is it? This **** is still stupid at this time.

"Jiang Chen, see you are also a smart person, this elder is looking for you, presumably you know why, for a new disciple, you will offend the entire outer door, get the outside door, jump, and even jump Our old guys have no way to worry about it. What do you say about this?"

Yuan Kui’s face was pretending to be a cold, and coldly said, in front of his disciples, he is a big elder, and he has to come up with some momentum.

"The disciple does not understand what the elders are saying. The foreigners are not wanting to dance with the disciples. The disciples have always been the subjects since they entered the Tianyun Pavilion, just because the practice of disciples is special, every practice. The amount of scent required is extremely large. The scent of the martial arts is not enough for the disciples to absorb. But this can't blame me. As for the foreign disciples, the sky is proof that they first shot me, the disciples just defended properly. This is not my fault, the disciples can never stand there and let them fight."

Jiang Chen said with a grievance that the elders' home is a place to reason. Jiang Chen is the one who takes up this word, so he is unscrupulous.


After saying that it was cheap and sold, all the elders present were shocked and stunned. They felt the shamelessness of this guy in front of them, but Jiang Chen’s words seemed to make them unable to refute because Jiang Chen It’s true that it’s true that it’s wrong to absorb fairy tales? No, is there a mistake in proper defense? nor.

In this case, is there any reason to punish Jiang Chen? It seems that there is no.

Is it necessary to forcefully restrict Jiang Chen from entering the Wu Dian practice? That is unfair. In the history of Tianyun Pavilion, there has never been a situation in which disciples are not allowed to enter the martial arts. If even the cultivation is restricted, then what else does the family come to?

A headache, it is really a headache, how can the outside door appear such a wonderful, punishment Jiang Chen did not take care of it, but if it does not limit Jiang Chen, how do the outside group of outside disciples send?

Difficult, it’s really hard! For the first time, the prestigious place of the Presbyterian Church felt that it was so difficult to deal with a small matter. It was a ridiculous feeling that there was no way to feel helpless.


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