Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1417: Throw it out [one more]

What? Catch up again?

Wang Yao almost squirted a blood, today is finally to see what is called daring, what is called life.

Wang Yao originally occupied two positions. Now one is to be occupied by the dog, and the other is to be occupied by the Jinxian youth. Is this still worth it? Is this bully? But how does his Wang Yao look like a good bully?

"And you, the old guy, hurry up before the dog is angry."

The rhubarb dog is always drinking a sip to the parents of the king, and the mouth of the king is dancing.

"court death."

When this happens, even the best cultivation will collapse. Wang’s parents are so angry that a knife is smashed at the head of the big yellow dog, and he has already seen the cultivation of the big yellow dog, but only It is a half-step fairy king level demon, and even the demon king has not reached, such a cultivation, the king's parents are not in the eyes, in his opinion, he casually shot, will be the big yellow dog's dog's head was smashed In two halves.


The horrifying scene appeared, and the parents of Wang’s old anger had a knife that fell on the head of the rhubarb dog, and immediately made an iron-like sound, and it sparked a spark.

Looking at the rhubarb dog again, standing still there, Wang’s old one did not cause any harm to him at all. He did not evade it. He did not have the ability to evade. He did not need to evade.


Many people are exclaimed. Wang’s parents seem to have suffered from lightning strikes. The look on his face is extremely wonderful. The horror of the blow was only clear to him. In his opinion, even if the other party is a real demon king, Unprepared, he had to be smashed, but the dog had nothing at all, and the hard dog's head was a little numb in his palm.

"This dog is not very simple, half-step Xian Wang's cultivation, can easily withstand the attack of the king."

"What is the dog head made of? The iron can't be so hard."

No one is not shocked, the whole hospital has caused an uproar, no one dares to slap the big yellow dog. After all, is it a master, you can see it at a glance, although there are many arrogant people in the field, there is no fool.

"The elders of the Wang family are really weak, and they don't even have the strength to tickle the dog."

The rhubarb dog did not shoot, and stood there sarcasm.

The parents of the king listened to the words of the big yellow dog. The body of the gas was awkward. He almost fell from the seat. His own fairy king was actually said to be a weak wind by a dog. What made him endure was his own powerful attack. It is also said to be tickling, which is a shameful shame.

"Wang Yao, please move away from my seat, otherwise I will throw you out."

Jiang Chen also spoke. He didn't want to cause trouble, but he never bothered. If the other party thought that he was a **** and could be arrogant in front of himself, it would be a big mistake.


Wang Yao was angry, and a slap on the table, then Huo stood up and pointed his finger at Jiang Chen’s nose and shouted loudly: “Jiang Chen, I don’t care where you came from, but you dare to provoke this. If you don't have a Lord, the consequences will be very serious. If you kneel down and give up the sins of the lord, the lord will look at the face of Futian, ah..."

However, when Wang Yao’s words were not finished, he made a scream, because his fingers stretched out and he couldn’t get it anymore. At this moment, his entire palm was firmly grasped by Jiang Chen.


The sound of broken bones continued to sound. It can be seen that Wang Yao’s palms have begun to be distorted, and Jiang Chen’s hands are like a pair of iron tongs. If Wang Yao struggles, he can’t shake half.

"Bastard, Jiang Chen, you dare to hurt this young master, you are finished, you are finished."

Wang Yao is still threatening, and his identity, but today was humiliated by a small person in public, which made him feel how to accept it.

What makes Wang Yao feel even more incredible is that the other party actually dared to shoot for himself, which is simply unimaginable.

The people present in this scene are all in the eyes, and the faces are also showing the color of shock. You must know that Wang Yao is no longer good, and then spoiled, it is also the strength of the half-step fairy king, and that Jiang Chen is only Jinxian was only late, but Wang Yao had no counterattack in his hands. Invisible people have already lost a point to this new Jiang Chen.

"Stop, let go of my son."

The old man also stood up from his seat, and the imperial king's momentum was completely released, and he went to Jiang Chen.

But unfortunately, these imposing pressures have no effect on Jiang Chen, and even his clothes are not blowing.

Jiang Chen didn't even look at Wang's parents. He grabbed Wang Yao's neck and threw it with force. It was like throwing a chicken, throwing Wang Yao directly out of the courtyard and throwing it outside the manor.

"court death."

The parents of Wang were furious, and they were going to attack Jiang Chen. Unfortunately, some people were faster than him. The big yellow dog moved. The hard dog head turned into a golden light and ran into the old chest of Wang’s parents.

"You also get out."

The big yellow dog is worried.

The parents of Wang’s old face were furious, because the speed of the rhubarb dog was too fast, and he was so fast that he didn’t even have a chance to react.

bump! Rubbing!

The dog's head hit the old chest of the king's parents, and the old man's chest was sunk all the way down. The parents of the king squirted a blood, and the whole person flew out like a string of arrows.

The Wang family, a young master, an elder, was thrown out in the blink of an eye, and then Jiang Chen and the big yellow dog were sitting in the seat.

The scene was quiet, and someone was directly shocked by the open mouth. I couldn't believe what I saw just now. A gaze was constantly detached from Jiang Chen and the big yellow dog, and it was really shocked.

That is the master of the celestial king. Even if there is no counterattack, it will be hit. What is the dog head doing? Is it a weapon of the gods?

The old liar smiled and sat down with the big yellow dog. His eyes flashed out of the scene of Jiang Chen and the big yellow dog. The corner of his mouth overflowed with a hint of laughter, but no one noticed it. Lian Jiangchen and the big yellow dog did not notice.

This is just a small episode. Jiang Chen is not on the mind. As for Wang Yao, he will not retaliate against himself. Jiang Chen really does not care. Anyway, the old and the young will not appear here today, they are thrown out, they I can walk in without a face.

At this time, a few trembles in the void, a young man in black came out of the void, as if walking in a leisurely manner.

After the black young man appeared, it brought a sinister wind directly, which made people feel very uncomfortable.

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