Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1432: Old friends meet [three more]

In fact, not only those guards, but also the masters behind the king, there are many doubts in my heart. They only know that when the king wants to come out to meet a friend, he will stand up and greet him, but who is this friend? They don't know.

I don’t know or dare to ask, anyway, I’ll see it soon. Looking at the back of the king, many people are showing their admirable eyes. The hard-working people always make people respectful, and the king’s strength is very powerful. Although it is only half a step of the emperor's cultivation, but it really fights, the general Emperor of the Emperor is not necessarily his opponent in the early days. This point, the two masters of the Emperor understand the heart very well, and the old Bai Wen is also clear.

Three figures appeared in the sky above the Wangfu House, and then slowly landed. The two men and one dog immediately attracted everyone's attention after the appearance. The whites and old people naturally knew each other. Everyone's eyes fell on Jiang Chen and rhubarb. On the dog's body, when Jiang Chen was only the cultivation of Jin Xian, the eyes suddenly showed disappointment, even if they did not want to believe it, but they also knew that this young man in white may be Anyone who wants to meet the king.

"Haha, brother, you are finally here, my brother has been waiting for you for a long time."

Seeing Jiang Chen, Fan Wang showed a happy smile and returned to the Dagan Empire. This is his first such laughter. This kind of smile can only be found when he meets Jiang Chen.

Yang Bufan and Jiang Chen stretched their arms at the same time and came to a big bear hug.

This scene can be stunned at the place where there are people, even the Emperor's master is shocked by the open mouth, can't believe that the things in front of me are true.

"Who is this kid? A little golden fairy, even let the king pay such attention."

This is a common question in everyone's mind. They can all feel that the king at the moment is really happy. At least for a long time, they have never seen the joy of the king, and regardless of their identity, they can see each other. What is the importance of the other party.

Yang Bufan carefully looked at Jiang Chen. After discovering the repair of Jiang Chen, even if he was prepared in the heart, he was shocked and unable to himself.

"Brother, your progress is progress, it is really unacceptable."

Yang Bufan took a picture of Jiang Chen’s shoulder. Although he was surprised, Yang Bufan would not be too surprised. After all, he saw the talent of Jiang Chen. This person is a miracle in his own right. He is a peerless person who admires himself. evildoer.

"Yang's progress is also very shocking."

Jiang Chen said that this can be a bit unreasonable, not a compliment. Yang Bufan can break through to the half-step Emperor so quickly, so that he also feels very surprised, after all, from the late stage of the fairy king to the half step of the emperor, this step Not so easy to go past.

"Where is the king, is this little brother?"

An old man in the early days of the Emperor asked.

"To introduce to you, this is Jiang Chen, my brother, Yang Feifan, came to the Fan Palace, that is the guest."

Yang Bufan introduced that he seems to have not been so happy for a long time. Although he and Jiang Chen did not have a long time to separate, but met here, and in the abyss of sin, it is completely different feelings.

"Where the king's friend, it is naturally a VIP of the royal palace."

"Yeah, Fan Wang’s friend, it’s definitely not a simple character."


Everyone quickly greeted Jiang Chen, but Jiang Chen is not a fool. Naturally, he can hear that these people are only perfunctory to themselves. No one really puts his own Jinxian in his eyes. After all, the gap between them is too great. They are half-step emperors, even true masters of the emperor, and they will value a small golden fairy.

If they don't look at the face of Fan Wang, they are afraid that they will not bother to say a word to Jiang Chen. This is basically affirmative.

For these, Jiang Chen just responded with a fist. He smiled and did not pay attention to it. How they treated themselves, Jiang Chen did not care.

"Brother, go, visit me about the palace, I have already prepared a place for you to retreat."

Yang Bufan took Jiang Chen's shoulder and strode toward the palace. The people who saw it were very envious. They knew that they had no chance to be so close to Van Wang.

"White Weng, who is this kid? How is it so heavy by the king?"

After Wang and Jiang Chen left, a group of people immediately surrounded the old Bai Weng. They were too curious. This person was brought back by the old man of Bai Weng. I would like to know more about the old man who wants to come to Bai Weng.

"He is Jiang Chen, a friend who Wang Wang made outside."

The old man of Bai Weng said with a smile.

"Crap, no one can see this. We are just wondering how to make friends with a small golden fairy in the name of Van."

Asked an old emperor.

"Small Jinxian? You must not underestimate this person. Just now, he killed the Futian son of the middle of the immortal king in the late Jinxian, and he was the son of Fu Kui, the master of Fucheng. The genius of the sect."

The old man of Bai Wen said.


Hearing the words, all the people present were exclaimed, and they couldn't believe it. The Futian sons had heard that the genius of the corpse yin sect was still somewhat famous, and he reached the middle of the fairy king at a young age. It is extremely rare, and more importantly, the methods of the corpse yin sect are very sinister and very difficult to deal with. Jiang Chen was able to repair the Futian son in the late Jinxian period. If this is not from the mouth of Bai Wen’s old man Say it, they will never believe it.

Killing a mid-term is not a problem. The people present can easily kill one, but the concept of Jinxian’s later cultivation is to kill the middle of the immortal. The concept is completely different. Only this point, they are against Jiang. The view of the dust has changed a lot, and there is no longer a little bit of heart. The talent of such a bad day, the future achievements must be limitless.

At the same time, for why Van Wang would pay so much attention to a golden fairy, they can understand it. To put it bluntly, this is a huge potential stock.

"Do you want to know the story of the king in the abyss of sin?"

The habit of the Bai Wen old man must say.

"you know?"

The people present suddenly came to the interest. They were very interested in the deeds of the king in the abyss of sin. He heard that the old man of Bai Weng knew that he wanted to come and heard from Jiang Chen.

"Of course, it is not accidental that the rise of the king, you look at it, the future king, destined to become a big device........."

The old man of Bai Weng said everything he knew to them. These words were heard from Jiang Chen, but when they came to the old man of Bai Wen, they could not help but add vinegar.

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