Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1434: Huge transformation

The talent of Wu Ningzhu is still quite horrible. Her current cultivation is already the beginning of Jinxian. For a ascendant, this cultivation is not terrible, but she met the Futian son, and there is no such thing. The method resisted and can only be controlled by the other party.

Fortunately, Futian Gongzi has not had time to meet and dance. If this is the case, Futiangong is really a vomiting blood. If the beautiful woman does not get it, then even his own life will be put in. Not worthwhile.

In fact, the early Jinxian was really nothing in this Dongxu domain. Even the minimum level could not be hanged. The patrol guard of the Dagan Empire was Jinxian.

"Cing sister, you take this one-yang soul to suit, then I use Da Yan refining and wood aura to help you recover the wounded soul. With this help, you should be able to recover soon. For you, this is also a fortune, maybe it will usher in a metamorphosis, and the seed of the soul that Futian has left in your body is isolated because I have not disappeared. I will help you with it. Refining the soul seed together."

Jiang Chen said, he is very aware of the current situation of Wu Ningzhu. With the help of Yanghua, Dan is not a problem. The soul seed that Futian stays in the dance bamboo body has become an object of the Lord. After refining, it will also become a wealth to help dance bamboo.

Jiang Chen is very clear. For Wu Ningzhu, this injury is also a big opportunity. With the talent of dancing and condensing bamboo, it is inevitable that it can be leaped forward again. To what extent it can be achieved, it depends on the dance itself.

"it is good."

Wu Ningzhu took over a yang-soul, and according to Jiang Chen, there was no hesitation, and he swallowed the entrance directly.


The medicinal power of Yiyang Huan Dan is extremely fierce. After entering the body of Wu Ningzhu, the strength of the majestic blast immediately bursts open, hitting the limbs of the dancing bamboo, causing the body of the dancing bamboo to tremble fiercely. Yanghua soul Dan, not only has great benefits for the repair of the soul, but also contains powerful energy, solid foundation, and physical body, which are of great help.

Upon seeing it, Jiang Chen did not dare to neglect, and quickly ran the refining of the soul. The power of the soul entered the body of Wu Ningzhu as if it were a clear stream. At the same time, it entered the aura of wood and helped the dance bamboo to guide the body's potency. .

After all, it is only the beginning of Jinxian. It is impossible to control the strength of the majestic drug. Once it can't be controlled, it is likely to get the opposite effect. The soul can not only be repaired, but also be more affected. damage.

Of course, there is Jiang Chen, this point does not need to be considered at all. With the method of Jiang Chen, even if it is the emperor's medicinal medicine, he can still be well controlled, so that the potency is perfectly stimulated, so that Wujingzhu can be obtained. The greatest degree of benefit.

"Condensed sister, convergence of the mind, first wash your hands and yang, the power of the soul, after the soul is strong and stable, I will help you refine the soul seed."

Jiang Chen reminded him that he would say to the dancers that he needs to pay attention. This is a very important and crucial process. There must be no accidents. Any accidents cannot be tolerated. After all, the soul is The root of a person, once the soul has problems, it is difficult to recover.


Wu Ningzhu nodded. She believed in Jiang Chen very much, and opened all her defenses, letting the power of Jiang Chen’s soul rush into her body, which is like the power of the clear stream and the aura of wood. Let the dance bamboo feel strong security, it is a kind of trust, a man worthy of his life.

Compared with the medicinal power of Yangyang, the soul of Wu Ningzhu is still too weak, and her soul itself has suffered a certain trauma, so it is not eager to seek success, plus a positive yang spirit. Too strong, Jiang Chen estimates that the process of completely absorbing Dan medicine alone, I am afraid it will take at least two days to complete.

Once this process is successfully completed, it will be much easier to refine the soul seed.


The strong soul atmosphere filled the entire courtyard, a layer of faint golden light covered Jiang Chen and Wu Ningzhu, like a golden cockroach, constantly emitting a humming sound.

At this time, the rhubarb dog still acts as a guardian, and is a qualified guard. Although he knows that it is a royal palace, there is absolutely no one to come to disturb, but the rhubarb dog is always vigilant. This is a habit. It is also a kind of trust between Jiang Chen and Wu Ningzhu.

Two days, it soon passed. In these two days, the Wangfu Palace was full of excitement, and both up and down were preparing for the Fengwang ceremony. Only the place where Jiang Chen was located was the quietest because Yang Unexpectedly explained, so no one dares to bother here.

The entire Wangfu government knows that there is a VIP, a friend who Wang Wang personally went out to meet, such a character, even if it is just a golden fairy, no one dares to neglect and contempt.

With the help of Jiang Chen, Wu Ningzhu also succeeded in completely refining and absorbing a single yang soul. At this time, the soul of Wu Ningzhu is strong enough, several times stronger than before. At the same time, The pure energy formed by a yang-soul is also accumulated in the body of Wu Ning, and can be used for refining and absorbing bamboo.

Jiang Chen nodded and removed his own soul. At this time, the dance bamboo was strong enough. Even without his own help, Wu Ningzhu was able to refine the soul of the soul that she had left in her body. Drop it.

The dance-like bamboo-like black hair is windless and automatic, and the beautiful face is more attractive under the illumination of the light. Even Jiang Chen can't help but look at it.

According to Jiang Chen's reminder, Wu Ningzhu began to absorb the soul seed of refining and refining. The power of her soul became a flood of wild mouth, and the soul seed was swallowed in one bite.

That is the master of the mid-master of the immortal, even if it is just a small seed, it is a treasure, it is extremely precious.

It can be felt that the soul of Wu Ningzhu is experiencing the greatest transformation. The whole person gives a feeling of metamorphosis. The transformation from the inside to the outside, the power of the soul, is the foundation of a person. The stronger it is, the more horrible it is. .

Under this kind of impact, the potential of Wu Ningzhu was once again motivated. The power of the soul and the energy of a yang-soul, Dan, began to climb.


In the blink of an eye, the repair of Wu Ningzhu broke through the kan of the early Jinxian, and directly hit the middle of Jinxian, and this did not end, it was only the beginning.

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