Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1439: Feng Wang Dadian

"Well, Awei, your brother's hatred will be handed over to you, but you should not care about it. You must not underestimate the Jiang Chen, this person is the most horrible genius he has ever seen for his father, although only the late Jinxian, But it has already had the strength to kill the immortal king, and your brother died in his hands because of the enemy."

Fukui reminded him that he had seen Jiang Chen with his own eyes. Although he hated Jiang Chen indiscriminately, he also had to admit that Jiang Chen was indeed the most horrible genius he had ever seen.

"Don't worry, a little golden fairy, even if it is so powerful, where can I go, I really don't know how Futian is doing it. I will die in the hands of a Jinxian, with my skill, if I meet that Jiang Chen. He will surely call him to beg for mercy."

Fuwei's incomparable self-confidence did not put Jiang Chen in his mind. After saying this, Fu Wei left directly. In a few days, he was the King of the King. He must now contact the Peace King.

Fu Wei disappeared, but Fukui raised his brow. I don’t know why. He always has a bad feeling. This kind of hunch comes from Fu Wei’s contempt for Jiang Chen. He has seen Jiang Chen, such a person, absolutely Can't be underestimated.

But now the only thing that makes Fukui peace of mind is the strength of Fowey. He believes that the cultivation of the late King of the Kings will not have a problem for killing Jiang Chen. After all, the gap between the late Jinxian and the late Xianwang is too big. He does not believe that someone in the world can fight across so many levels.

There are only a few days left before the King of the Kings. For the immortal monk, the time of a few days is too short, and a blink of an eye will pass.

On this day, it was the day of the King's Day, the great day of Yang Bufan. For the whole emperor, it was also a big day. It is a big thing for any emperor of the Dagan Empire to be sealed. This is a big thing. A certain symbolic meaning.

The eleventh power of the East Xuan domain, whenever a genius disciple is promoted to the emperor, the martial art will arrange a grand ceremony to announce the world, this is a kind of glory, no glory, although Yang Bufan did not promote the emperor, but the king of the king The same glory.

In fact, it is really because Yang Bufan is not the real Emperor of the Emperor. It is the embarrassment of the people. Whether it is the Prince or the Ping Wang, or even other young princes, every time when they are sealed, they are promoted to the Emperor. The Dadian and the Fengwang Grand Ceremony were held simultaneously.

In other words, in the Dagan Empire, only the Emperor was qualified to be the king, reaching the realm of the Emperor, is a standard threshold for the king, Yang Bufan did not enter this threshold, but has been directly sealed the king, this kind of The situation is naturally unpleasant.

Where the palace is large, there is a huge square in the middle. At this moment, the square is covered with red lanterns and silk satin. The center of the square is towering with an altar. The altar looks magnificent and has a statue on it. It’s an old man. It looks like it’s eighty or ninety years old. It’s a long time, but it can be placed here and placed in the most important place of the ceremony, which is enough to show that the old man’s unusual identity.

Yes, this statue is the ancestor of the Dagan Empire, the Emperor of the Emperor, and the first generation of the Dagan Empire.

Yang Bufan wore a gorgeous robes today, standing at the forefront of the team, quite a kingly demeanor.

Jiang Chen and the big yellow dog stood beside Jiang Chen, and the three emperors, such as Bai Wen’s old man, also stood next to Yang Bufan. The other high-rises of the Wangfu were standing behind them, and the scene was very quiet.

"Brother, that is the grandfather of the Dagan Empire. I have never seen it. The father of the King of the Kings will not appear. Waiting for the patron saint of the Father to come, it is enough to worship the ancestors."

Yang Bufan said.

"A statue of a statue is full of vigor, can create a powerful empire, such a character, how not to admire, is not knowing whether this ancestor is still there?"

Jiang Chen said that the world worships the strong, and Jiang Chen is no exception. Every real powerhouse has an admirable place.

"The ancestors glory for a lifetime, created countless glory, not enough for the imperial empire, has existed for thousands of years, there are two rumors about the ancestors, some people say that the ancestors died, some people say that the ancestors went Xianting, anyway, for the entire Dagan Empire, the ancestors are a legend."

Yang Bufan said that the grandfather’s performance was also awe-inspiring.

Just as Yang Bufan’s voice just fell, a whirlwind suddenly rose from the sky, and the whirlwind directly ignited a whirlpool of calm air. Then, a middle-aged man with a strong body appeared out of thin air. The middle-aged man looked 40 years old. Up and down, wearing a green shirt, there is a pattern on the chest that people can't understand.

When the middle-aged man appeared, everyone was awe-inspiring. The entire palace was completely quiet. The middle-aged people did not deliberately spread the pressure, but many people’s cold sweats have flowed out, even if they are invisible. They can't stand the pressure.

"It's so strong."

Jiang Chen’s heart is shocked. This middle-aged man is too strong. He has seen the emperor. Fu Kui is the master of the early Emperor, but compared with the middle-aged man in front of him, it’s just a small witch. The gap is not the same. language.

"The master of the late Emperor, is not right, this person is a half-step fairy, the foundation of this big empire is really tyrannical, just come out a guy, turned out to be a half-step fairy."

The big yellow dog said.

Half-step Xianzun, although not really a fairy, but it has already far surpassed the Emperor, such a character, it is difficult to see the sky on weekdays, but today it appears directly in the Fan Wangfu, It can be seen that the emperor of the Dagan Empire still attached great importance to Yang Bufan.

"I have seen the head of the house."

No one dared to neglect. Under the leadership of Yang Bufan, everyone in the entire Wangfu government was deeply bowed. No one dared to disrespect the big man in front of him.

Yang Zanqing, in charge of the genius of the emperor, the red man next to the emperor, one person below the 10,000 people, even if Yang Bufan, did not think that Yang Zanqing will appear in person today, this treatment is too high, let Yang Bufan have A flattering feeling.

The entire Dagan empire did not know the name of Yang Zanqing. In the past, Yang Zanqing was an empire general. He had the title of Changsheng General. His merits were countless. He once defeated the enemy in the battle with the Dayun Empire. Millions, killing the enemy's superiors.

"The sacred purpose, Yang Bufan's purpose, the Emperor of the Great Emperor Yuzhao, the book of the emperor Yang Bufan as the king, the beginning of the worship of the ancestors."

Yang Zanqing held a sacred sacred light with golden light in his hand and read the above content aloud.

Yang Bufan sorted out his clothes and then jumped straight into the high-altitude altar.

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