Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1444: There are no qualifications for death [three more]

Not only the *** side, the rest of the people are the same expression, even Ping Wang can not help but sigh, he and the Prince, in any case, will not believe that a Jinxian can play a fairy king in the late stage.

Everything on the Wangfu side is also a nervous face. Only the Fan Wang and the Bai Weng old man have a calm face. The rhubarb dog and the dancing bamboo are even more indifferent. Even the scenes of the battle in the field are not interested, because there is almost no need to try them. I already know the ending. There is indeed a spike in such a situation, but it will definitely not be Yin Hong’s killing Jiang Chen.

The momentum in the field was arrogant. Jiang Chen stood there without moving. When Yin Hong’s palm was about to touch him, Jiang Chen moved. His movements were very simple. He lifted his palms easily and the void was covered by him. Crush directly.


The two palms collided in an instant. However, the scenes imagined by people did not appear. Jiang Chen was not shot by Yin Hong, and Yin Hong’s palm did not even shake the river.


The next moment, the sound of a broken bone sounded, and everyone saw it with horror. Yin Hong’s palm, under the palm of Jiang Chen, was like a toy, and was directly twisted. At Yin Hong’s wrist, Bai Sensen The bones of the bones pierced the skin and the blood ran out along the punctured skin, which looked extremely fierce.


Rao is the toughness of Yin Hongxian's level, and he can't bear such a huge moment of pain. It is deep pain in the soul. He feels that he is completely lost in combat in the hands of Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen's face is indifferent. It seems that such a scene has experienced too much. The blood of the opponent has been unable to exert any influence on him. His nephew is extremely cold, and the whole person is like a **** of death.

Yin Hong struggled fiercely, but he could not break away from the hands of Jiang Chen. It was like a weak rabbit, which was firmly controlled by Jiang Chen. There was no way at all.

Until this time, Yin Hong knew how stupid he was. He really shouldn’t look down on this young man. He believes that as long as he is not underestimating the enemy, even if he is defeated, it will not be such an ending.

In fact, Yin Hong’s idea is already self-confident. He simply does not understand how much difference exists between himself and Jiang Chen. Even if he exerts his full strength, the outcome is the same. Jiang Chen wants to kill him. It is effortless at all.

Jiang Chen grabbed the hand of Yin Hong's hand with one hand, then lifted another palm and smashed it against Yin Hong's face.


The crisp ear sound sounded through the square. This palm fan was on Yin Hong's face. The prince's face outside was hot and painful, because it was no different from fanning his face.


Yin Hong was slammed on the ground by Jiang Chen. The half of his face was directly smashed, and his flesh and blood were blurred. After Yin Hong fell to the ground, he struggled with violent squirming, but he could not stand up at all.

"Oh my God, how is this possible?"

Countless people have exclaimed, whether it is ***, Ping Wangfu, or other people, of course, there are people on the side of the palace, all of them are shocked and open mouth, can't believe what happened in front of them, For them, it is like dreaming, it is totally unbelievable.

"Where did this guy come from? His cultivation was in the late stage of Jinxian, and it was possible to defeat the early stage of Xianwang. How could this be?"

"Perverts, this is too perverted. Even the Prince and the Peace King can't do this in this realm. Isn't this young man's talent still in the Prince of Peace and King, how can the king be so perverted? Character."

"Too horrified, Jin Xian later repaired, playing the immortal king in the early days without any resilience, this is not what you see, you can not believe."


No one is shocked, there are exclamations everywhere, it is too shocking.

"It's amazing, it's amazing. This Jiang Chen is really amazing. It's no wonder that Van Wang wants him to shoot, and he will bet on his title. This is self-confidence."

"A good Jiang Chen, it really did not disappoint, the Prince wants to use the hands of Yin Hong to fight the face of Fan Wang, but now it has been counter-attacked, really cool, enjoyable."


Everyone on the side of the palace has a sense of excitement. The fears of the people just now are gone. They also fully believe the fact that Jiang Chen killed the Futian son. Yin Hong, who was in the early days of Xian Wang, was in Jiang In front of the dust, even a fart is not counted, it seems that Jiang Chen can put a fart to collapse.

Yang Bufan stood there with a negative smile on his face, and the scene itself was what he expected.

In the field, Yin Hong's body continued to twitch, and his mouth continued to scream.

Jiang Chen glanced at it lightly, then lifted his big foot and stepped on Yin Hong’s face.

"Hey, what are you, dare to yell in front of me, I won't kill you, because you don't even have the qualification to die in my hands."

Before Jiang Chen learned that Yin Hong’s appearance was the same, the spit from the spray directly fell on Yin Hong’s face. Yin Hong rolled his eyes and directly fainted. This is a shameful fainting, and he is a fairy. Wang, the genius character in the genius house, now is said by the other party that there is no qualification to die in the hands of others, this is how humiliating.

"This is scared, garbage."

Jiang Chen’s face was disgusted, and then he took Yin Hong’s mask out of his feet and landed at the foot of the Prince.

He did not kill Yin Hong, just to humiliate the Prince, which is more than just killing Yin Hong directly, because this is the most direct humiliation, beating the face of the Prince, and, if Yin Hong is not, basically it is also abolished. The Prince will not give him a better.

"Useless things."

The prince said incomparably angry, and then one person left Yin Hong away, staying here, it is really shameful.

At this moment, everyone's eyes fell on Jiang Chen's body, no one dared to look down on this young man, because Jiang Chen has given them too much shock.

"A good guy, a real metamorphosis, such a genius, if you really grow up, the future is limitless."

In the heart of Ping Wang’s heart, he has already expressed his ambiguity about Yang Bufan. In his view, such a genius figure, if he can come to help himself, will sooner or later.

"Prince, it's really a contract. It seems that the king's number is the king's number."

Yang Bufan laughed. This is the time when he is rumored. Naturally, he can't miss it. Yang Bufan is not a good man or a woman.

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