Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1446: Do not keep hands [five more]

"No, Jiang brothers don't seem to be the opponent of this double court."

The brows of the people on the Wangfu side were picked up in an instant, and they were all masters. It was very clear to see the situation. Jiang Chen came up with a downwind and made them worry, but they also felt that they were forgiven. After all, Jiang The dust is only the repair of the late Jinxian. It is very shocking to be able to defeat the early stage of the Xianwang.

Fundamentally speaking, for Jiang Chen and Qu Shuangting, they did not report much hope.

The people here are relieved. Although Jiang Chen’s performance makes them very shocking, but they dare not say it, Qu Shuangting still suppresses it. Otherwise, they may be really unacceptable. After all, one If Jin Xian is too arrogant, it is hard to accept.

"Jiang Chen, I have to admit that you are very powerful. A Jinxian can reach this level. I have never seen it before, but unfortunately your cultivation is still too weak. You are not my opponent at all."

Qu Shuangting said openly.

"So much nonsense, let's go."

Jiang Chen put on an impatient look. He hated this kind of nonsense in the battle. He said that the nonsense didn't even have any nutrition.

"Hey! Since you are looking for death, then I will be yours. It’s just that I just slammed it. Next, it’s your last day."

Qu Shuangting snorted, he did not seem to want to waste time, thinking of killing Jiang Chen as quickly as possible, earning the face of the Prince, and if the Prince is in a good mood, he will definitely reward himself.

"Starlight Boxing."

Qu Shuang Ting double drawn the mysterious arc, with a blue star shining, a huge fist began to be condensed out, for a moment, the entire battlefield is his fist shadow, starlight fist, is a Incomparably powerful combat skills, Qu Shuangting came up to display the starlight boxing, which made it clear that Jiang Dust died in the dead.

In the face of such a powerful attack by Qu Shuangting, everyone on the Wangfu side is worried. There is no way to worry about it. After all, this double court is much more powerful than Yin Hong, and it is not a layer of people.

"Come on, Jinlongyin."

Jiang Chen’s scorpion shines, facing the powerful starlight fist, he did not show a little fear, immediately hit three red gold dragons, Jin Long Yin, that is the most powerful attack in the five elements of the dragon seal, simple use It is even more horrible to display the attack than to directly display the five elements of the dragon seal.


The dragon roared, and the three vivid golden dragons set off the storm and collided with the starlight boxing of Qu Shuangting.


The ground shakes, this powerful shock, even the outer mask is a little trembling, the void is constantly being cracked, and the sparks that collide on the entire battlefield are almost ready to gather into the sea of ​​fire.

Starlight Boxing was constantly evolving, and the powerful Xianwang momentum quickly drowned the three golden dragons, and then it was the continuous collision of Starlight Boxing and Real Dragon.

This collision lasted for two minutes and stopped. When all the energy waves disappeared, Jiang Chen had already been forced to the edge of the mask. He was almost hit, and then he watched the double court. The spirit is high and the spirit is full.

"Good guy, what is this Jiang Chen? I don’t know where the enchanting pop up is so strong. Qu Shuangting’s display of the Starlight Boxing has not been able to kill it. It seems that even the wounds are It’s incredible without doing it."

"Yeah, this guy is too abnormal. Even in the genius of the Dagan Empire, there have never been such a powerful person. If the adult is seen by the head of the house, I am afraid it will be a baby immediately."

"Who said no, Van Wang does not know where to dig a treasure. If this Jiang Chen grows up, Jiang Chen’s use of Van Wang is too great."

"Unfortunately, this Jiang Chen's performance is not a good thing. The Prince and the Peace King will not let him go. There are such people who are with the King. This will make the Prince and Peace Kings not practical."


No one is shocked. Although Jiang Chen has fallen into the wrong situation in the previous battle, no one has ridiculed him. Even if he is defeated, how many people can do this. They ask themselves that they are not at all. It may be done, so what qualifications do they have to ridicule Jiang Chen?

"Double court, don't keep your hands, quick fix."

The Prince said impatiently. Obviously, he was dissatisfied with Qu Shuangting and Jiang Chen’s war for so long. In his view, Qu Shuangting should be able to kill Jiang Chen.

"Brother, don't leave your hands, and your Royal Highness likes quick fixes."

Yang Bufan also made a reminder.

When the words came out, those who were in the palace suddenly felt refreshed. Looking at the look of the king, the feelings of Jiang Chen and the powerful cards were not displayed. They had no hope for Jiang Chen. There is a feeling.

"it is good."

Qu Shuangting and Jiang Chen should have a voice at the same time. Qu Shuangting is the prince of the dynasty. Jiang Chen is the servant of the king.

"Jiang Chen, don't you have any cards? You are a little golden fairy, even if you have a card, you can go wherever you go. My cards are not something you can afford."

Qu Shuangting said openly.

"is it?"

Jiang Chen mouth overflowed with a sneer, and immediately an incomparably powerful momentum suddenly rushed out of his body, like a tidal wave, overwhelming, immediately, Jiang Chen Yangtian issued a dragon scorpion, the power of horror is like a volcano It broke out.

In countless astounding eyes, Jiang Chen’s body became a half-man and a half dragon, and the dragon changed in an instant.


When I saw it, including Qu Shuangting, some people in the place couldn’t help but exclaim again. They were all masters. They were keenly aware that this Jiang Chen’s combat power had increased by at least ten. Times, ten times the increase in combat power, it is a kind of horror that cannot be imagined.

"What skills is this, transforming skills? Ten times the improvement of combat power, how can there be such abnormal skills between heaven and earth."

"Ten times the combat power, even the legendary taboos, can not do this, generally can double the strength of three to three times, it is already terrible, ten times, it is simply unimaginable. ”

"Damn, this guy is the metamorphosis from where it came from, why I have never heard of it before."


No one is not surprised, it seems that the outcome will soon be split. Ten times the strength of the attack, Jiang Chen has stabilized the system, and the outcome seems to have been expected.

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