Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1452: Gradually reversed scene

In fact, as everyone expected, Fuwei will not give Jiang Chen the time to advance. From a psychological point of view, Jiang Chen has left a shadow in Fu Wei’s heart. He is almost certain if this When Jiang Chen was promoted to the half-step fairy king, he was definitely not his opponent, and the outcome would be the same as his brother.

Of course, Fuwei also firmly believes that Jiang Chen can be promoted in this state. Even if there is the help of Xueyu Wangshen, it will take some time. First of all, it is necessary to recover the injuries.

In the eyes of all people, the king is already in a mess. At this time, the snow jade ginseng is taken out. That is the real waste. The dilute spirit of a sacred product is so ruined. Think about it. It is really a pity.

Those who don't understand Jiang Chen will never understand why Yang Bufan wants to do this. Yang Bufan does this. Naturally, he has his reason. If he is replaced by a general genius, Yang Bufan will take Xue Yu Wangshen. It’s wasted.

But now it is Jiang Chen who is standing on the battlefield. Then Yang Bufan can almost certainly be sure that this snow jade ginseng can't be wasted. If something else can't be done, Jiang Chen will be able to do it. Fuwei will not give Jiang Chen a promotion. Opportunity, Jiang Chen will create opportunities for himself, promoted to a level in a short time, in Jiang Chen here, really is not a big problem.

In fact, in the battle to advance this kind of thing, Jiang Chen is not the first time to do it. It can be said that it is a light-hearted road. As for the injury on his body, under the powerful repair of the aura of wood, it is nothing but very fast. It will be fully restored.

As for the snow jade ginseng, under the operation of Hualong, it can also be quickly refining.

"This snow jade ginseng is a rare treasure of the esteemed product. If I refine it, I will be able to promote the half-step prince immediately. Even if I hit the half-step sacred king, I can't say it, but I will slowly come and repair it first. Stable to half a step, Xian Wang said, anyway, the power of Xueyu Wangshen is too large, it is impossible to completely refine it at once, and it is good to stay in the body."

Jiang Chen felt the strong scent of the snow jade ginseng in his hand, and his heart couldn't help but feel some turmoil. Yang Bufan even gave such a baby to himself. It is impossible to say that he is not touched.

As for the opposite Fuwei, Jiang Chen did not pay attention to it. He is indeed not the opponent of Fuwei, but it is impossible for Fuwei to stop himself from advancing.

Without any hesitation, an incomparably sturdy smashing force fell on the snow jade ginseng, and the snow jade king sang suddenly burst into a body of force and rushed into the body of Jiang Chen, seeing him like this In the way, everyone turned their eyes and couldn’t help but screamed, a snowy jade ginseng, so it’s gone, it’s really distressing.


After the medicinal power of Xueyu Wangshen rushed into the body of Jiang Dust, he immediately penetrated into his limbs, which made his soul get a certain sublimation. It was like a sea of ​​ocean-like horror energy ramming in Jiang Dust, even Jiang. Dust has a tearing feel.

This is Jiang Chen. If you switch to other people, I am afraid that it will not be able to withstand such a strong drug impact. It is possible to explode and die.

But Jiang Chen's body is so strong that he can withstand a strong impact.

Without a little bit of sorrow, the dragons and cockroaches started to run wildly. Under the traction of the dragons, countless potions began to turn into the most pure energy and rushed into the sea of ​​Jiang Chen, and a new dragon pattern instantly condensed. Come out.


The powerful momentum rushed out of the river dust body, like a stormy sea, everyone was shocked by the open mouth, because they found that in this very short time, Jiang Chen had completely recovered from the injury suffered with Forway before. Not only that, but his strength has also begun to grow at a rate visible to the naked eye.

"Mom, what kind of abnormality this guy is, repairing the injury is too fast, and Xueyu Wangshen has just been included in the body, there is such a huge reaction, how is this possible?"

"Look, his momentum has grown so fast. If he continues this way, he will probably be able to directly hit the half-step fairy king soon. By that time, Fowey wants to kill him again, almost no. Possible things, maybe even be killed."

"Hero, this guy is a enchanting."


Many people are exclaimed, especially those who thought that Xueyu Wangshen was destined to be wasted. Now they are shocked. They even have a feeling that Jiang Chen is likely to really hit in a short time. Half-step fairy king, turn the battle, if that is the case, it will be too shocking.

Yang Bufan’s mouth overflowed with a smile, and he knew that it would be the result. Jiang Chen’s power is much more terrifying than he imagined. This is beyond doubt.

At this time, the most shocking thing in my heart is of course Fowey. He looks at Jiang Chen’s constant strength and his eyes are about to come out. This situation also makes him finally understand the fact that Jiang Chen is such a enchanting It is absolutely impossible to use common sense to sway...

"Damn, I won't give you a chance."

Fuwei was furious, or he was afraid of his heart. He was about to release his momentum completely. His palms were constantly erasing the sparks. The horrible palm prints were condensed by him. Next, he did not There will be a little more to keep a hand, to display the most horrible trick of Rakshasan, and the three palms are one. He believes that under the strong attack of the three palms, Jiang Chen will die.

"Three palms in one."

Fu Wei slammed, and the void was broken by the shock of his shock. The horrible palms finally gathered into a ruined palm. The huge palm was like a heavenly obstacle. It was filled in every direction of the battlefield. Jiang Chen’s fierce rushing into the past, if this is hit by the front, the consequences are really unimaginable.

Upon seeing it, Jiang Chen has already prepared for it. His current strength has been much stronger than that of the previous one. In this extremely short period of time, his gas has re-condensed 10,000 dragon patterns.

Of course, although the combat power has improved a bit, Jiang Chen can't fight all the way. He needs to split most of his mind to refine the power of Xue Yu Wang Shen in the body. Therefore, for this powerful attack of Fuwei, he can only temporarily Choose resistance.

"The five elements of the dragon seal, the wolf shadow nine changes."

Jiang Chen also burst into a burst of sound, and a multicolored real dragon shocked out. At the same time, Jiang Chen cast a shadow of the wolf, and for a time the entire battlefield was full of his shadow. This move is mainly to confuse the other side, let The opponent's attack has no focus and can't find the target that really wants to attack.

Although the three palms are all-in-one attacks, they must also have key objectives. When one goal becomes nine, the power of the three palms will be dispersed, and the strong attack of the five elements of the dragon seal is also needed. Resistant.

"The means of this kid is really much."

Fuwei is very depressed, and the battlefield is too chaotic. Even if he is, he can't immediately find which of the nine Jiang Chen is the real body, but the attack has already been sent out, and only nine Jiang Chen can be destroyed together.


The real dragon roared, the emptiness of the sky, the earth shook, the golden mask was shocked by a crack, and it must be said that the power of Fuwei’s three palms was too amazing, and the shadow of Jiang Chen was destroyed instantly. Even he sent out more than a dozen real dragons and was completely destroyed.

However, because of the dispersion of power, the power of Jiang Chen’s deity is not very large. Even so, Jiang Chen has once again been retreated to the boundary of the mask.


Jiang Chen wowed a blood, once again shocked the injury, but Jiang Chen's face did not change, but the corner of his mouth overflowed with a smile, because he understood that the attack was already the most powerful of Fuwei. Attacked, and Jiang Chen was so hurt because of the shock, it is nothing, the impact can be said to be not big.


The humming sound in the air, the energy of horror is like a wave constantly rolling, a dragon pattern is like a lightning, and the scene is horrifying. In just one attack time, Jiang Chen’s body once again condensed 10,000. The dragon pattern came out. The number of dragons before him was one million. Now it is one hundred and twenty thousand. As long as the 30,000 dragons are condensed, it can reach 10.5 million and directly hit the half-step fairy king.

The horror of Xueyu Wangshen, so that Jiang Chen was promoted to the half-step Xianwang, there is no problem at all, more than enough.

"it is good."

The old man of Bai Weng was so excited that he couldn’t help but shouted loudly. As a fairy emperor, his eyesight was so sinister. How can he not see the situation of Jiang Chen at the moment, not just him, many people on the scene saw it clearly. Fuwei has already displayed three palms in one, and still has not killed Jiang Chen. This can basically be said that Fuwei has lost the opportunity to kill Jiang Chen.

Even if Fuwei's ending is the same, and with continuous shooting, Fuwei's consumption is also very large, and Jiang Chen's cultivation is constantly improving, so in the case of such a long-term, how the outcome is almost It is imaginable.

This original suspenseful battle, the real suspense has come out.

"Where the king, your boy is very visionary."

The big yellow dog stood next to Yang Bufan and said with a smile. For Yang Bufan, he was able to take out the snow jade ginseng to give Jiang Chen, the big yellow dog expressed his satisfaction, and the goodwill of Yang Bufan also increased a lot.

"Of course."

Yang Bufan shrugged and smiled. He never doubted Jiang Chen’s ability. Is the miracle created by Jiang Chen still less? How can Fuwei, a district, resist the footsteps of Jiang Chen?


Fuwei once again slammed out and took out a sword. He had already felt a great sense of crisis. He could never stop taking it anymore. If he could not kill Jiang Chen before he was promoted, then he would die. It is yourself.

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