Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1459: Registration office [two more]

Yang Bufan was taken away by Guangcheng. He only left Jiang Chen with a route to the foreign government. Even Yang’s independent practice did not tell him. It seems that the genius is really going to exercise Jiang Chen.

"Rhubarbs, the two brothers have become isolated again. I don't know what the foreign government looks like. Let's go and see."

Jiang Chen patted the dog's head of the rhubarb dog, and the rhubarb dog touched his face with reluctance.

"The foreign government is good, people are more competitive, what does it mean to follow Yang Bufan? The boring cultivation is not the life that the dog wants. Since we are here, let the genius dog and dog feel restless, otherwise it is not white. come yet?"

The rhubarb dog swayed the thick tail. This guy has always been afraid that the world will not be chaotic. In his eyes, there is no difference in the genius of this genius. With Jiang Chen, wherever he goes, he can mix the wind and water. Start.

"Go, go to the foreign government to report."

Jiang Chen said, flying in the direction of the foreign government, there is not much rules in the genius, genius itself does not need too many rules, as long as the people in the genius can fly here, practice here Everyone, that is the king of the fairy, each has a background, are not easy to provoke, just come out to a line of days, that is the existence of the giant.

The foreign government and the inner government of the genius house do not have obvious boundaries. They are only separated by a small mountain peak. The foreign government is full of exquisite courtyards. The heavens and the earth are rich and the atmosphere is so strong that it is suitable for cultivation. Dongtianfudi is no match for any other place.

A small courtyard stretches over different mountains, and you can't see the side at a glance. In fact, in addition to the fairy king who can get a mountain here as an independent cultivation site, the genius cultivation place of the foreign government is also Independent, although many other hospitals are connected together, it can also guarantee the supply of one person to another, so that at least a lot of friction has been reduced.

Moreover, the geniuses here are all masters of the celestial kings, all recruited from the following sects. When they are in the following sects, each one is a leader, and the treatment is naturally not too bad.

At the moment it is at noon, it is the most intense and violent time of the heavens and the earth. It is very suitable for cultivation. Therefore, there are not many people in the whole foreign government. Some of them are sparsely pulled. Most of the geniuses have chosen to practice at this time.

"The immortal board, so many other hospitals, which one is ours?"

The rhubarb dog looks dazzled.

"The elders gave me the identity jade card, and with this jade card to find the registration office, you can receive your own cultivation."

Jiang Chen said that he had swept away and quickly found the registration office. At the forefront of many other hospitals, there was a small courtyard. Outside the courtyard, three characters were hung and carved with ancient wooden signs. The text with three large characters on it [registration. 】

"Just there, let's go."

Jiang Chen said, and the big yellow dog fell from the sky and strode in the direction of the registry.

The combination of this person and a dog in the genius is still very eye-catching. Some people soon noticed that a young man wearing a blue robe came over. The young man’s face was smiling and he had reached the middle of the fairy king. He always said hello: "This friend, is it new?"


Jiang Chen nodded.

"Oh? Not right, if I am not mistaken, you seem to have only half a step of the cultivation of the king. This kind of cultivation is not qualified to enter the genius, it seems to be your royal family, or the descendants of the minister." As long as the royal family has this privilege."

The young and young screamed, he saw Jiang Chen’s cultivation, so he felt very confused. He also had a year in the genius, and he knew the situation in the genius, except for the royal family. From an early age, he can be sent to practice. The people under the King of the Kings can't enter the genius, so he decided that Jiang Chen is the king's family.

"Sorry, you are wrong, I am not a royal family."

Jiang Chen smiled.

"My name is Dong Fei, what is your name?"

Dong Fei asked, he seems to like talking very much, or he seems to be very boring, just to meet a newcomer, even if it is not a royal family, he wants to exchange talks, and more importantly, he is a half-step Wang was very surprised to be able to enter the genius house to practice.

"My name is Jiang Chen."

Jiang Chen said faintly.

"Jiang Chen? How does this name sound so familiar? Jiang Chen, you are Jiang Chen, you are the Jiang Chen of the Wangfu, my God, it is no wonder that the half-step Xian Wang is eligible to enter the genius."

Dong Fei only felt that the name was very familiar at first, but even if he thought of Jiang Chen’s identity, he knew that although Jiang Chen had not yet reached the genius, his reputation has spread throughout every corner of the genius house. No one knows no one, Dong Fei is a master of the mid-class of the immortal, but my heart is even more incomprehensible. If you let yourself play against Jiang Chen, it is absolutely impossible to be an opponent. Even Fu Wei has been killed. What counted again.

"Yes, I am Jiang Chen. I am going to register at the registration office now. Do you still have anything?"

Jiang Chen said to Dong Fei with a smile. He really didn't want to talk to Dong Fei here.

"Nothing is ok, I will take you to the registration office."

Dong Fei seemed very excited. He said that he was very admired. He was born in poverty. Like most people, he was chosen from the following sects. He excelled in his own martial art, but at this point, It became very mediocre, and he did not join any organization like the Peace Palace, so he was very fond of Jiang Chen.

Dong Fei was very enthusiastic and took the lead to go to the registration office. As a disciple of the genius, he is still very familiar with the registration office.

"Dong Fei, what are the steps required?"

Jiang Chen curiously asked, he just came to the genius house, Dong Fei wants to help himself, Jiang Chen is still very happy, he thought that he would be a bit disgusted after saying that Jiang Chen’s identity, or many people are waiting It’s not the case that you come to yourself and then look for your own troubles. It’s not that everyone in the genius’s house has joined the organization. This has a certain benefit to Jiang Chen. At least he can put a lot of this. The people have been entangled and become a force to support the king.

In this genius, the two most powerful organizations are the princes of peace. The power of the palace is basically zero except for itself.

"It's very simple. There is no need for steps at all. There is only one Yang elder in the registration office. You will give him the identity card. He will verify it. Your residence is arranged in advance."

Dong Fei said.

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