Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1465: Punish [one more]

This scene seems too hot. For many disciples, it is almost **** to see, and it is rare to beat the elders. It is also rare for Cheng Jun to be violently violent, and they are all too uterus, in the genius, dare In addition to the Ping Wang House, no one else can be found.

But even the people of Pingwang House are absolutely not as arrogant as Jiang Chen. This is the ultimate arrogance and hegemony.


Cheng Jun was beaten to the ground by Jiang Chen. He wanted to stand up, but he was stepped on by Jiang Chen’s big foot. Cheng Jun’s mouth was embarrassing, but it didn’t help.

"Jiang Chen, you dare to do this to me, you dare to humiliate people who beat the uterus, you are finished."

Cheng Jun's eyes are red, and his mouth is still constantly threatening. He is used to it, and he has never been tempted. He never thought that he would one day be trampled under his feet and step on his knees.

"I reminded you not to provoke me, you don't listen."

The indifference of Jiang Chen’s face, and the arrogant organization and forces also thought that he could suppress him. For a long time, the people who were forced to face in front of Jiang Chen were finally stupid.

Seeing that something is not right, one of the uterus has quickly left, it seems to be going to rescue the soldiers. At this time, I want to deal with Jiang Chen, only to go to the rescue army. The people who are too uterus have already seen that this Jiang Chen is completely lawless. It is an absolute embarrassing role. It is impossible to use the name of the uterus to suppress him.

Cheng Jun is lying at the foot of Jiang Chen, as if he is struggling like a dead dog. Jiang Chen does not even look at it. He is going to play his own momentum and majesty today, letting people know that he is not irritating. Despising the temperament of the world is simply crazy.

The scene is quiet, and the exquisite courtyard has become a mess. Since the creation of the genius, there has never been such a thing.

"Oh, this person is too embarrassed. It seems that the genius will not think quietly afterwards."

"Yeah, because there is a battle between the princes of peace and sorrow, the genius is not calm. Now there is another ancestral palace. It will definitely be more chaotic in the future. This is so arrogant today, it is obviously to stand up, and He has the ability to stand up."

"Look, things are getting bigger, too uterus will not give up, people who are too uterus, not who wants to step on can step on."


Everyone is embarrassed, Jiang Chen naturally has arrogant capital, but compared to the entire uterus in the genius of the forces, Jiang Chen does not seem to be tall.

Jiang Chen’s eyes swept over the remaining uterus disciples. The few people suddenly felt the soul tremble. They couldn’t even say a word. They wanted to help Cheng Jun, but they were more self-aware. Knowing that even if they shot, the ending is the same as Cheng Jun, even worse than Cheng Jun.

Soon, two figures came out of the air and descended directly into the other courtyard. One of the young people was the one who left before, the other was the old man, wearing the costumes of the elders, and the look of the old man. The atmosphere of the whole scene has become more and more suppressed. This is a master of the emperor, the real emperor.

"It’s Hu’s elders, Jiang Chen is finished, and Hu’s elders are too uterus.”

Seeing this old man, many people couldn't help but shake their heads. It was a very unwise choice for Jiang Chen to go to the genius and go to the uterus.

"Jiang Xiong, this is Hu to be an elder. The things in the foreign capitals are basically responsible for him. The cultivation and status are much stronger than Yang Ling. You are careful. He is also a uterus."

Dong Fei quickly used the voice of God to tell the basic situation of Jiang Chen.


Dong Fei’s thoughts have just been conveyed, and Hu wants to look at Dong Fei. The bright scorpion is extremely majestic. Dong Fei hastened his head down and dare not say how many words, the powerful master of the Emperor, how sensitive the perception is. Anything in the mind can not beat him, he can even directly intercept the content of the gods.

Hu Yao first looked at Yang Ling, who was lying on the ground and mourning, and Cheng Jun, who was struggling with Jiang Chen stepping on his feet, and then his eyes fell on Jiang Chen’s body. The anger in his eyes did not hide.

"Take your feet off."

Hu wants to say that the power of the emperor is released, which makes people feel scared.

Jiang Chen looked at Hu Yao, but there was no intention to move his feet.

"Let's relax, Jiang Chen, you are daring, and Elder Hu is the elder who is in charge of the foreign government. You met Hu Elder, not only did not bow, but also turned a blind eye to Elder Hu's words, is it tired?"

Hu’s disciples were yelling at Jiang Chen, and the people who were too uterus were excited. The strength of Jiang Chen really made them afraid and fearful, but now Hu has to support him here, they are naturally not afraid.

"Disciple Jiang Chen, I have seen Hu Elder."

Jiang Chen raised his foot and held a fist against Hu. No matter whether the other person is a uterus or not, but it is the elder of the foreign government, the face of the face still has to be given. Of course, this does not mean that he is afraid of Hu. Now he is a disciple of the foreign government, and it is a man of the royal family. Even if he wants to be a Hu, he does not dare to kill himself. It is because he is an elder who can not be unscrupulous in doing things. After all, so many disciples look at it.

"Jiang Chen, you are daring, and when you first arrive at the genius, you will beat the elders, and you will be hurt by the same door. The nature is extremely bad. This is the elder of the foreign government and must punish you."

Hu wants to say coldly.

"Elder Hu seems to be a person who distinguishes right from wrong. I believe that it will inevitably be impartial. The cause of this incident is not to blame the disciples. The elder Yang Ling is the elder of the registry, but he does not register the disciples, but also the disciples, the disciples only But it is just a defense."

Jiang Chen said in a serious way, saying that Fei Fei was not far away, and then couldn’t help but laugh. This Jiang Chen is also thick enough. If he remembers it correctly, it seems to be Jiang Chen’s first move. Jun is also the first mover.

"Hey! You are rude to the elders. This is a foreign elder. You must make a relative punishment for this serious matter. The elder is now punishing you in the front of the valley for a month, one month later. come out."

Hu wants to scream and point his hand to the valley in the forefront. The valley is the place where Yang Ling was to be assigned to Jiang Chen.


It’s said that the scene suddenly provoked an uproar and beaten the elders. This nature is very bad. If it’s just a month’s punishment, it’s too light. Basically, like no punishment, on the surface, it’s like It is helping Jiang Chen, but everyone in the genius knows that this is the most serious punishment. It is the life of Jiang Chen. Although the valley is not clearly marked as a forbidden place, in the hearts of many disciples, there is a forbidden place.

[Brothers are very rewarding, yesterday, seven more, today continues to erupt, five no problem. 】

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