Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1468: The second strain of Xueyu Wangshen [four more]

The other hospitals have been broken, and all the materials for the construction of the other houses have been decayed. The three houses on the left and the right are also exposed. When the wind blows, it seems to have a smoldering sound. Here, there is always a feeling of creepy feeling.

It was noon at the moment, but the smog in the valley obscured the sun, making the environment very cold and dark, like the evening, there is a feeling that the next darkness will come, this feeling is really bad, everywhere Here, isolated from the world, the feeling of loneliness is also born.

"It’s been a long time no one has come here. I just swept it with God, but I didn’t find anything special, just the environment is worse.”

Jiang Chen said, but he knows very well that this place is definitely not as simple as the surface. Everyone in the genius is afraid of it as a tiger. As a forbidden place, there must be some truth. Although Jiang Chen is not afraid, but also Be prepared to deal with all kinds of changes at any time.

"Rhubarb, we can just find a place to retreat, waiting for something strange to come."

Jiang Chen said that he waved a huge stone from the stone wall and sat on the knees. The big yellow dog also got a stone. He was directly, lying on it and began to sleep, using no heart and no lungs to describe it. The rhubarb dog is the most suitable. It is still possible to maintain such a good sleep here. I am afraid that only the rhubarb dog can do it. If it is replaced by other people, don't say sleep, scared to death.

Lying on the stone, the rhubarb dog began to bloom out of the golden brilliance. Jiang Chen smiled and shook his head helplessly. This dog’s **** has long been seen, and the surface seems to be sleeping. Actually Sleeping is cultivation. This is the secret of the big yellow dog. If others want to learn, they will not learn. At least Jiang Chen will not learn, and he will not do it at all.

There are many essences of the sword in the rhubarb dog, which is of great help to his cultivation. Jiang Chen has also retired and practiced. What he has to do now is to quickly attack the realm of Xian Wang, half-step fairy king and true fairy. Wang, after all, there is a certain gap. When Jiang Chen is truly promoted to the Xianwang, the combat power must be more forward-looking. When the dragon changes, the half-step Emperor is not his opponent.

The environment is cold and cold, and one person and one dog will maintain the most basic cultivation in such an environment. So courageous, looking at the entire genius, can not find a few.

Although Jiang Chen is still retreating, but the gods are constantly sweeping in the valley, the power of the soul is also drifting away, and any wind and grass in the valley can't escape the perception of Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen does not expect to be able to survive this month. If that is the case, then it is white. He is waiting now, waiting for the strange event of the legend.

On the other side, the center of the genius house.

Floating at the top of a golden pagoda above the genius house, here is the highest point of the genius, the highest point of the genius, where Yang Zanqing is.

At this moment, in a small space at the top of the pagoda, Yang Bufan gave a gift to Yang Zanqing: "I have seen the owner."

After Yang Bufan came to the genius house, he was immediately summoned by Yang Zanqing. This shows that Yang Zanqing attaches great importance to Yang Bufan.

Yang Zanqing looked at Yang Bufan, and his face was kind, Yang Bufan was even a king, but in front of Yang Zanqing, he did not dare to have a slight scorn, and he did not dare to have a little arrogance. Who is standing in front of him? Clearly, this is the legend of the entire dynasty empire, regardless of identity and status, it is detached.

The Emperor of the Dagan Empire assuredly handed over the genius to him. It can be seen that Yang Zanqing’s extraordinaryness, the identity and status are not mentioned, and the strength of Yang Zanqing is extremely powerful, one and a half steps, how great it is. , Xianzun, the respect of heaven and earth, Yang Zanqing is only a step away from the true sage. Some people have predicted that if the Dagan Empire can reappear a fairy, it is definitely Yang Zanqing.

"Well, it's very good. You have been away for ten years. You haven't read you wrong in this seat. I heard that you sent the snow jade ginseng that sent you this seat to a kid named Jiang Chen. The handwriting is big enough."

Yang Zanqing said with a smile.

"I don't know what's wrong."

Yang is not good.

"What's wrong with you? Your approach is to make this seat very appreciated. Xueyu Wangshen is the elixir of the respected product, rare treasures, such a baby to give people, it requires a lot of courage and discouragement, this is a The display of the kind of temperament, you have a great degree of tolerance, it is a basic possession of a superior, and if the future of the Dagan empire can be handed over to you, it will not be too bad."

Yang Zanqing said that he rarely praised people, but he was really praised for Yang Bufan. In fact, today decided to let Yang Bufan come here because Yang Bufan sent Xue Yu Wangshen to Jiang Chen and really got Yang Zanqing's recognition.

As Yang Zanqing said, this in itself represents a kind of temperament, a true superior, a person who must have the temperament and the temperament, can be a big man, and can be willing to follow.

"Jiang Chen Brothers is the best I have ever seen. His future achievements must be higher than me. Our Dagan Empire has such a talent, which is a great value in itself."

Yang Bufan said that he knew Jiang Chen for a long time. From the abyss of sin to the present, there were many great winds and waves. Even with his pride, he had to admit that Jiang Chen was the biggest enchanting he had ever seen.

"Well, that kid is really good, but you can't fall behind yourself. Now the Prince and the Peace King are already masters of the Emperor. With your current strength, it is not impossible to hit the Emperor. Your heritage has already been done. However, I just got a chance. When I got three snow jade ginsengs, I was born in one piece. I refining one of my own. I gave it to you before, and there is one left, since you A plant was given to Jiang Chen, then I will give you this one. I hope that you will not let this seat disappoint, and as soon as possible, it will hit the realm of the Emperor."

Yang Zanqing said, the palm of his hand turned over, and he even took out a snow jade ginseng again, and then handed it to Yang's extraordinary.

"The owner, this..."

Yang Bufan’s mood seemed a little excited. He did not think that Yang Zanqing would give out the second snow jade ginseng to himself. The value of this snow jade ginseng is too clear. Yang Zanqing has three plants, which can be said to be Yang Zanqing. Private treasures, now both plants have to be given out to themselves, the arm is bigger than Yang Bufan, Yang Bufan suddenly has a feeling of being flattered, Yang Zanqing who? There are several other geniuses who can get his love.

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