Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1470: Stronger than before

The appearance of the living dead makes the atmosphere in the other hospitals extremely nervous. Jiang Chen and Rhubarb are not afraid to neglect. Unknown things will cause people to fear. If there is only a living dead person here, Jiang Chen and the big yellow dog may I don't care too much, but the living dead people who are now wearing the costumes of the genius house are just enough to show that this living dead is a disciple of the genius and a disciple who has been here.

The legend of this valley is very evil. All the people who come in are dead. No one knows how to die. Because the people who come here have not gone out yet.

There is a great doubt now. What kind of power is the disciple of the genius house killed? What strength has been tempered into a living dead and turned into a tool for killing? And last night there was only one of the dead people. According to the disciples of the genius, since the establishment of the genius, the genius who entered here has not been a minority, then Jiang Chen can almost guess that all the people who come in have already Become a living dead, do not know where to hide.

"The dead people are not terrible. The real scary thing is the secret power that controls everything. Rhubarb. You and I look at it to see if you can find any clues. Since so many genius disciples have become living dead, there must be hidden. The place to find out the hidden places of the dead, you can discover the secret here."

Jiang Chen said to the big yellow dog. If the color is already bright, according to the scene of yesterday, it can be concluded that even though the day is still very dark in the valley, the living dead will not appear during the day, so there is nothing terrible during the day. Looking around during the day, you can look for clues.

In the following time, Jiang Chen and the Dahuang dog turned into two light and shadows, and they constantly appeared in different places in the valley. Their perceptions were extremely sharp. Jiang Dian’s big refining souls need not be said, the rhubarb dog There is also the ability to find treasures, and discovering secrets is his strength.

An hour passed quickly. Jiang Chen and the big yellow dog searched the entire valley almost once. They didn't find any clues. There was no trace of space cracks here.

"When the dead man appeared last night, I didn't realize where it came from."

Jiang Chen frowned and felt that things were far more complicated than they thought.

"It's weird here, we can do it now, just wait."

The rhubarb dog shook his head and there was no good way.

"Rhubarbs, you said that since those people have become living dead after death, why not go out of this valley and work in the genius house."

Jiang Chen asked, this is the place he is puzzled. If there is some kind of power control behind the living dead, why can't you walk out of this valley to the cholera in the genius.

"There should be some kind of taboo to make these dead people unable to walk out of the valley."

The Rhubarb dog guessed that this is the only guess in the face of this situation.

Jiang Chen nodded and felt that the Dahuang dog said it was justified. Since he couldn't find the clues here, he could only wait. Jiang Chen had reason to believe that there will be other living dead people appearing tonight.

Among the foreigners, many people are discussing Jiang Chen. When discussing whether Jiang Chen died or not, he was bold and even close to the valley. Unfortunately, nothing can be seen from here.

"Do you say that Jiang Chen is dead? I feel that he is still alive."

"Not necessarily, this valley is very evil. It is very difficult for people who enter it to come out alive. Jiang Chen is no exception. It is a pity that a generation of geniuses."

"I seemed to hear the movement in the valley last night."

"Really, don't be scary, hallucination."


Many people are talking about it. The more they talk, the more they are afraid. The few people who are close to the valley have also left quickly. Standing here for a long time, there is a feeling of creepy feeling. The front is like a gloomy hell. It can be frightening.

It’s been a long time since no one is close to the valley. People don’t even think about it on weekdays, but now someone has entered the valley. This is destined for the next month. The foreign government will discuss it and it will not be calm unless it is one month. After Jiang Chen really could not come out, it basically concluded that Jiang Chen died inside.

Of course, people know in their hearts that the opportunity that Jiang Chen wants to get out of it is almost non-existent and completely unrealistic.

But it is unrealistic to be unrealistic. After all, the one-month deadline is there. If the deadline is not enough, people will be moved.

The evening ended, the night soon came, and the environment in the valley began to change again, cold and decaying.

The smog whistling, Jiang Chen and the rhubarb dog sitting on the big stones with their backs facing each other. Their scorpions are extremely bright, and they are shining like smooth stars. Even in the dark night, they can't stop the light of their eyes.


Suddenly, a smog flashed over, and a shadow in white suddenly appeared. It was silent, just like the previous day. It was a living dead, the heart was dug away, and there was a hollow in the chest.

Jiang Chen hit a spirit, but his heart was even more shocked. His soul power and thoughts have been examining everything around him. Any trembling in the void can't escape his perception, but even so, he still I didn't feel any trajectory of this white shadow, so it appeared silently, as if it were here.

This situation made Jiang Chen unable to be shocked and unable to find the other side's reality, so that he did not have a sense of security.

"The living dead in the late Xian Wang is a level stronger than yesterday."

The rhubarb dog looked at the living dead and said.


The screaming smirk in the living population, and then the rapid detection of the palm of the hand, the impact of Jiang Chen on the past, there is no extra action after the appearance of the living dead, directly killing.

Jiang Chen’s reaction was also extremely fast, and he suddenly punched and slammed toward the claws of the dead.


The two collided and erased a spark. The living dead was back three steps by the earthquake, but he seemed to feel no pain at all. Once again, it was like a gust of wind that rushed toward Jiang Chen. The living dead obviously had The main purpose is to kill, kill the human being and dig out the other's heart.

"A strong body, this living dead is really abnormal. After being manipulated by the secret forces, it is even more horrible than before."

Jiang Chen was shocked. If he didn't see it with his own eyes, he couldn't believe it. The strength of this dead person is simply abnormal. What is even more terrible is that the living dead do not know the pain, no pain, it is a killing machine, and it can be endless. Fighting goes on.

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