Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1474: All blow up [four more]

It has been ten days since I entered the valley. The foreign government has been calming down from the beginning. Now it has calmed down. Time can wipe out everything. Although the ten days are short, for the valley, ten days. It’s really too long, because no one can hold it there for ten days, or that no one can hold it there.

In the eyes of people, Jiang Chen is dead, another genius is degenerate, and it is a rare genius that has never been seen in a thousand years. It is really sad to think about it, but there is no way. This is competition.

"It's a pity, it's a pity."

From time to time, someone will come up with such a sentence. When I think of Jiang Chen, I can’t help but look in the direction of the valley.

When Dong Fei went to the edge of the valley, he didn't dare to stay here for too long. He came here and only mourned Jiang Chen. His thoughts, like others, basically recognized the death of Jiang Chen. A few days ago, he tried to find a king, but he heard that Wang Wang was closed, no one was seen, so the last hope was also shattered.

Of course, Dong Fei also understands that even if he finds a king, it is useless, because Jiang Chen has already entered the valley. Even if the king knows, can there be any way, and the king cannot enter the valley to put Jiang Chen Saved, it is forbidden, the evil door is very, the genius will not allow the king to take risks.

Almost everyone has decided that Jiang Chen will die, and most people have begun to forget Jiang Chen. After all, Jiang Chen has too much time in the genius, and he has been hit into the valley in less than an hour. The memory is so deep that it is very good.

No one knows what happened in the valley because no one has ever been near the valley.

Late at night, there was no accident of Jiang Chen, or the eight dead people, and Jiang Chen played against it for so long, even the strength of the living dead seems to have improved. These killing machines have no intelligence, but they After seeing Jiang Chen, it seems that some intelligence is the same. In an instant, there is an endless killing, killing the sky and attacking Jiang Chen.

"I won't be polite with you today, let you see my true ability."

The power of Jiang Chen’s flesh broke out. His current physical strength is much stronger than before. At least in the case of single-on-one, no living dead is his opponent.

Jiang Chen shot, he came up to display the shadow of the wolf, for a time, everywhere is the shadow of Jiang Chen, watching the living dead dazzling, began to attack indiscriminately, and Jiang Chen wants this effect, let these live The dead can't concentrate on themselves, so Jiang Chen can break through.

It is easy to destroy these dead people if Jiang Chen exerts his skills or flames, but Jiang Chen is not so much. He has an extremely strong victory. Since it is a physical battle for several days, then Jiang Chen is also It is a kind of domineering and a strong force to use the flesh to blow these dead people.

bump! Hey!

Jiang Chen’s heavy punches were on one of the living dead, and the living dead suddenly sounded a broken bone and an arm was interrupted.

For these genius disciples who became living dead, Jiang Chen himself expressed his regret, and felt sad for them, but sadness to sadness, killing or killing, because the other party was thinking about killing him.


Jiang Chen’s movement was very fast. After a punch interrupted the arm of the living dead, he immediately launched a storm-like attack. Every heavy punch fell like a storm on the living dead, and each punch carried All the power of Jiang Chen, even if it is a mountain, will be broken. Even if the living dead are tyrannical, they will not be able to withstand such a fierce attack by Jiang Chen, and they will be beaten by Jiang Chen immediately.

The Zulongta released the breath and absorbed the dead people who were blasted.

On the other hand, the phantoms that Jiang Chen displayed were also destroyed by the living dead, but Jiang Chen wanted this spare time to kill a living dead.

And this is just the beginning. In the eyes of these dead people, there is no crazy attack that can escape Jiang Chen. No one will be an exception.

"The wolf shadow has changed."

Jiang Chen once again exerted the shadow of the wolf, and applied this mysterious body to the extreme. Those living and dead people who completely lost their intelligence could not find out which one is the real body of Jiang Chen, so their attacks are destined to be chaotic. Jiang Chen found the opportunity very simply.


Jiang Chen’s combat experience is too rich, and he can find the most suitable opportunity in a blink of an eye. His fists are invincible, killing everything, the effort between the blink of an eye, and the second living dead are completely blasted. The dragon tower gives absorption.

Eight living dead people have already been killed. For Jiang Chen, such a battle is completely like a fish, and it cannot be resisted. In the next time, the battle situation is almost imaginable. After a few minutes, there are six remaining lives. The dead were also completely blasted by Jiang Chen. They were cleaned up by the Zulong Tower and turned into real dead bodies. The wind disappeared completely after disappearing.

After killing eight dead people in the late Xianwang, Jiang Chen also got a lot of benefits, although the residual energy in the living dead is relatively small, but after all, it is the late king, the eight together, the ancestral tower The thirty-five layers are completely condensed, and it helps the river dust to condense three thousand dragon patterns. For Jiang Chen, the increase of each dragon pattern represents a power improvement.

“The ancestral tower has a layer of condensed, and the number of dragons has also increased. With another 12,000 dragons, you can promote the real king.”

Jiang Chen said with a smile, such progress, he is very satisfied.

"The dead people should still appear, and the next time they appear, it will definitely be even more powerful."

The big yellow dog said.

"I hope that there will be a half-step living emperor at the level of the Emperor. When I am able to temper my dragon, I will be able to temper my 10,000 dragons. If it is lucky, it will be half." Stepping on the peak of the king, it is easier to attack the fairy king."

Jiang Chen said that he is looking forward to the next living dead.

On the night of the second day, the whistling wind was so powerful that the whole valley seemed to be shaking. The broken courtyard was particularly strong. It seemed that it would collapse completely at any time. It could not be used for a long time. This situation has never happened before. The secret power seems to be angry too, so the movement is particularly strong.

Jiang Chen took the hand to the center of the other house. The black hair danced with the wind, and the whole face was extremely dignified. According to the past time, the living dead is about to appear. Jiang Chen is full of expectation.

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