Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1480: poor person must have something mean

The golden energy mountain will crush the void, it is a huge force, and countless people are frightened. This is a powerful warfare. It is a fierce battle. The Prince is like a **** of war. He is one of the best geniuses in the genius. The strength of the Prince is always beyond doubt.

The elders of the inner government looked at the performance of the prince and had to make a big head. Almost everyone thought that Fan Wang is definitely not the opponent of the prince. After all, there are still some gaps in the cultivation of the two sides. The initial and early peaks of the promotion have been two changes. Fan Wang has just stepped into the realm of the Emperor, and the Prince has been half-footed into the mid-Emperor.


The huge golden energy mountain sounded like a tidal wave, and it was pressed against Yang Bufan with an unparalleled momentum. The mountains were full of energy, and the light was intertwined into a large net, completely locking Yang’s breath. It is shrouded.

This is a powerful tactic. After locking the opponent, the other party can only choose hard and avoid.

In the face of such a powerful attack on the prince, Yang Bufan’s face did not change at all. The whole person calmed down to the extreme. It was a kind of mental tempering. The Taishan collapsed in front without changing color. Only those who have experienced great winds and waves, experienced life and death can Shows so calm.

Of course, the basic condition of calmness is not psychological quality, but strong strength. Yang Bufan has this strength. A beam of light appears on his head, which is like a dragon. The energy of Yang Bufan is instilled in the virtual dragon. In the shadow, soon the dragon became the essence. He grabbed the big hand and grabbed the tail of the dragon. He slammed it hard and smashed toward the energy mountain.


The Prince and Van Wang are both powerful methods of warfare. Two different methods of warfare collide together. The sky is dim and dark, the sun and the moon are dull, the sky is being shot one after another, and the overlapping spaces are shaking. In the face of such a battle, even if you stay out of things, you can't keep calm. Many people's faces have changed. They believe that if such a battle is replaced by themselves, they will soon become dead, even if they are close to the battlefield. Destroyed and smashed by those devastating energies.

In the next three minutes, Prince and Yang Bufan were in a fierce battle, and it was difficult to distinguish them. They were the winners of the younger generation of the Dagan Empire. They were all eye-catching and everyone was watching the blood. Obviously, in this battle, the Prince only played the role of a foil, even if he did not lose.

Because the battle between Prince and Yang is always a success, when people are not optimistic about one person, but the outcome is unexpected, that person is often the focus, the opponent only makes him a bright spot. The tool, now the Prince, is the tool to set off Yang's extraordinary.

"Where the king is so powerful, it is better to be better than the Prince, but he does not win with the Prince. You must know that the Prince is one of the best geniuses of the genius. So it seems that the king's talent is also in the Prince. No, it’s no wonder that the emperor of the Dagan Empire and the head of the house are so important to him."

"Yeah, this kind of result is also unimaginable. If the king has just been promoted to the emperor, he will have the power of the comparable Prince. The future achievements are destined to be limitless."

"In fact, the real genius is Jiang Chen. He can fight across several levels. It is a pity that he was framed by Hu, but it is no wonder that Van Wang is so angry. Jiang Chen is a man of Wangfu, and can get Jiang Chen. Such a genius will be of great use in the future."


No one is not shocked. If it is said that the first collision with the Prince is due to luck, then now that the battle for hundreds of rounds is still in the game, it is not a matter of luck, it is strength, where The strength of the king, everyone is in the eye.

After the fierce battle, Prince and Yang Bufan stopped, and both of them looked at each other. The eyes of the Prince were still full of surprises. Yang’s eyes were still wary, thinking that he recognized his own strength. The strength of Yang Bufan’s eyes disappeared, because he knew that there was no meaning in continuing to fight. It’s still a matter of victory. As for Hu Yao, there is a Prince today, and it is difficult to kill.

"Hu wants, today is your luck, but this matter is not over. If the deadline is one month, if Jiang Chen can safely come out of the valley, then if Jiang Chen can't come out, then it is a prince. Even if the king of the king is coming, I still want to save your life."

Yang Bufan left a swearing message to Hu, and then the whole person disappeared like a ghost.


When the words came out, the wanted man who had already relaxed was once again nervous. He had an urge to spurt blood. Now he is a regret in his heart. He regrets that he should not punish Jiang Chen. He did not expect Fan Wang. Being able to promote the Emperor so quickly, I did not expect the other party to be strong to this extent, even if he is a foreign elder, still want to kill himself.

Now that Wang has left a swearing, and he absolutely knows that this is not a joke, then wait for a month's deadline, will the Prince still protect himself? Even if the guarantee, can the Prince protect himself day and night? That is impossible, but if you want to kill yourself, you will always have a chance.

After the end, Hu wants to feel completely finished, his life will not be too long, because he has provoked people who should not be provoked, the only thing he can do now is to pray and pray that Jiang Chen can come out of the valley. But his heart is more clear, this is obviously a reality. For such a long time, Jiang Chen must have died in the valley. No one is exceptional. All the people who entered are dead.

If you want Hu to know that Jiang Chen is still alive at this moment, I am afraid that he will not be angry. Instead, he will be very happy. After all, the Prince wants to get rid of Jiang Chen as a Prince. It is not necessary for him to score his old life. You know, you can climb to the position of today in the genius, but it is not easy.

"Hey, Hu wants the elders to be finished."

"Yeah, Jiang Chen must have died. He will kill him with the skill of Van Wang. He will die sooner or later."

"Who can blame this again? It is not blaming himself. If he does not want to get rid of Jiang Chen, he will not fall so badly. Poor people must have hatefulness. For the genius, Jiang The existence of dust is much more valuable than the other."


[Final stability, today's five more. 】

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