Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1482: Heavenly Devils [Three More]

Jiang Chen and the big yellow dog are looking at the virtual passage in front of them. The passage is constantly drifting, and there is no sign of disappearing. It can be seen that this passage is prepared for Jiang Chen, waiting for Jiang Chen to enter.

"I guess that the hidden energy inside can't really come out for some reason, so I can only kill people with the help of dead people. I didn't expect your hands to encounter setbacks. The power inside is likely to control more powerful living people. But your performance estimates have alarmed the power and caught the attention of the other party, so I want to attract you to enter and then deal with you personally."

The rhubarb dog said that with his wisdom, it is not difficult to know these.

Jiang Chen nodded. Obviously, what the rhubarb dog said was what he thought. He also hesitated. He was thinking about whether he should enter it.

"How? Do you want to enter?"

The rhubarb dog asked, he looked at Jiang Chen, his eyes filled with expectations. As long as Jiang Chen nodded, he went straight in. It must be dangerous, but there is no place where the big yellow dog dare not go.


Jiang Chen’s eyes flashed in the eyes of the past. In the past and present, he experienced too much. Since he cultivated the dragon, he did not know that he was retreating. There is a subconscious in his soul, guiding him to keep moving forward, and never go ahead. He has experienced too many hardships and has never been afraid.

Unknown things are always the most attractive. For the secret of this valley, Jiang Chen has been asking for it. He has been exploring for half a month. Now, the secret is in front of you. As long as you step into this channel, you can know everything. This time If you are afraid of shrinking, it is not the style of Jiang Chen, nor the practice of Jiang Chen.

If you let outsiders know the actions of Jiang Chen and the big yellow dog at the moment, they will be depressed and turn their eyes directly. These two fools really don't know the height of the sky. This is clearly a stupid move. If you have a fate, you will not be killed.

Jiang Chen and the big yellow dog looked at each other and then looked at each other and smiled. One person and one dog turned into two light and shadows. They flew directly into the illusory channel and disappeared. When Jiang Chen and the big yellow dog entered it, The entire passage disappeared, as if it had never been seen before.


After Jiang Chen and the big yellow dog entered the passage, they only felt that the space was very distorted, but this distortion appeared for a moment. When Jiang Chen and the big yellow dog reacted, they appeared in another space.

In front of it is a huge palace, behind the door, but it is closed, that is to say, when Jiang Chen and the big yellow dog came in, it was directly inside the palace, Jiang Chen and the big yellow dog were shocked to discover that this black The huge palace is not made of materials at all.

It is energy, the whole palace is intertwined with horrible energy. Jiang Chen and the big yellow dog are all people who are proficient in the formation. They can feel that there is a mysterious array of these energies. This is The ancient formation method is extremely long-lasting, and the incomparable mystery of the array method is completely integrated with the energy. If it is not someone who is particularly proficient in the formation, there is no way to find the existence of the array.

"where is this place?"

Jiang Chen is puzzled.

"This is a different space. Look at the spatial structure here, at least it was created by a late master of Xianzun. I didn't expect such a space in the genius house. The person who built this space must be a supreme master."

The rhubarb dog said with some surprise that Jiang Chen was also somewhat surprised. A master of the late Zunzun, what a horror, it is close to the existence of the semi-emperor, even if the entire East Xuan domain, I am afraid I can not find a late master of Xianzun Come, let alone the semi-empire.

According to the rhubarb dog, this space is at least a late Xianzun, even a semi-emperor master, it is no wonder that the masters of the genius can not find the secret.


Suddenly, the yin laughs and floats in every corner of the palace. Even Jiang Chen can't identify the source of this laughter, because the laughter is everywhere, and there is no way to find the position.


The laughter is getting bigger and bigger, and the laughter is full of magic. It is a horrible sound. It is a horror. Even the heart of the big yellow dog and Jiang Chen is actually upset by these laughter. Distracted, because this laughter seems to be tens of thousands of devils at the same time, merged together.

"This laugh is very magical, I can't hold it anymore."

Jiang Chen said, wow, spit out a bit of blood, his face turned pale, and the rhubarb dog performed very well. He looked around with a lot of eyes, and turned a deaf ear to these laughter, as if nothing happened.

Upon seeing it, Jiang Chen couldn't help but give a thumbs up to the big yellow dog. This dog is really not easy, and there is a great secret.


Suddenly, the laughter stopped, and there was a doubt in the dark: "I didn't expect any unexpected gains. This dog can actually block the magic sound of this seat. Yes, good."

Someone in the dark talked, very hoarse voice, the secret person seems to have not spoken for a long time, the voice is hoarse.

"Come out, what is the head of the Tibetan head?"

The rhubarb dog said openly.


Just as the rhubarb dog’s voice just fell, the black mans flashed in front of the palace, and a huge throne appeared. On the throne, there were many runes portrayed. At first glance, it was the sacred sergeant. On the throne, sitting on the throne, It was dark and black, and it was like a sharp sharp weapon. He was very strong and strong, and his eyes were black and bright. When you look at it, you have a feeling of falling to hell.

A konjac can't see the repair, but the other's power is imaginable.

Seeing this konjac, Jiang Chen and the big yellow dog finally understood what the branding in the room represents. The original text on the brand is the konjac.

Powerful, yes, the feeling of konjac to Jiang Chen and the big yellow dog is strong and insurmountable. Jiang Chen has a feeling that the other person can kill anyone with a single look. If the other party wants to kill himself, only one finger is needed.

"The devils, there is a hidden scorpion."

The rhubarb dog almost exclaimed.

"Boy, you made this seat very strange, and you can kill so many embarrassments in this seat."

The konjac doesn't seem to be ready to kill Jiang Chen so quickly. His eyes are falling on Jiang Chen's body and he seems to be very interested. His tone is like chatting, but Jiang Chen thinks that this guy is not so kind to himself. Chat, he just stayed here for too long, hasn't talked for a long time, and hasn't seen a living person for a long time, so I want to talk more.

[The remaining two are 12 points. 】

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