Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1484: Escape from the dead (below)

The eyes of the devils are full of jokes. In his view, the two in front of them are their own prey, the food that is completely in the mouth, and he is often not too anxious to eat the other things. He likes to watch the fear and despair before his death, and that feeling makes him intoxicated.

"Hey! Heavenly konjac, you want to eat us, you are afraid that your mouth is not good enough."

Jiang Chen snorted, his thoughts filled the whole space, thinking about the law of getting out of trouble, but in the end it was just despair, no matter how the scene changed, whether it was the black palace before or the black mountains now. It’s just that this space is arbitrarily changed. He can’t find a breakthrough to escape. He knows that there is no way to get out of here, but here he has been completely controlled by the Devil, from him and the big yellow dog. When they enter the virtual channel, they are on the same road and can't look back.

"Is the mouth dirty? Haha, this is really a joke that the deity hears the best laugh. I am a genius, and I can swallow it all the time. Is there something that the deity can't eat in this world?"

Heavenly devil laughs and laughs, as if you heard the best laughter between heaven and earth, the magical power of the devil is the devouring, you can swallow everything, this time of the peak of life can be swallowed, not to mention people.

"Kid, what do you do now?"

The rhubarb dog looks at Jiang Chen.

"If you show the sword, do you have the confidence to deal with this big guy? If you can refine this guy, my cultivation is absolutely leaps and bounds, and the ancestral tower has to be condensed into many layers."

Jiang Chen voiced to the big yellow dog.

Hearing the words, the rhubarb dog suddenly rolled his eyes: "Kid, are you funny?" Xianjian is in the hands of my dog, at best, it is equivalent to a soldier of the peak period. If this guy is not mistaken, he is infinite. Close to the existence of the semi-emperor, you let the dog-in-law with a sword and a strong fairy respect, isn't it looking for abuse? Not enough for the other side."

The rhubarb dog was extremely depressed. He didn’t think that there was such a horrible guy hidden in the site of the Dagan Empire. It’s not that they, even if the Emperor and the ancestors of the Dagan Empire ran out together, it’s not enough. Stuffing the teeth.

"If you can't do it, you can only rely on the Zulong Tower."

Jiang Chen also shook his head with helplessness. His body shook his body and directly restored the cost. In the face of a powerful devil, he did not mean to fight at all. The body of the dragon and the original person did not have any The difference, at this time, the only thing that can rely on is the Zulong Tower, but Jiang Chen is now most worried that the trace of the Zulong Tower was noticed by the other side. In that case, the danger is still very large, he can not predict that one is close to How strong is the Xianzun of the semi-imperialist level, so if one is not good, even the ancestral tower will suffer.

"The deity has been eating the heart for many years. They are all too tired to eat. It seems that the deity's luck is not bad. I have waited for two guys who have the blood of the beasts. The things on your body are much more precious than those of the lower-level hearts. The deity will definitely clean you up, and there will be no residue left."

The demon scorpion stretched out the red tongue and licked his mouth. As long as he could eat Jiang Chen and the big yellow dog, he would be able to break through the realm and become a powerful semi-emperor. When the space here is broken, there is nothing to stop. I am.

The semi-emperor, that is the existence of half a foot into the emperor, countless nobles can not cross the realm of their life, step into the emperor, not determined by talent and strength, is determined by the air transport, each can step Those who entered the emperor's territory, all of them have the air transport generation.

"Well, don't give you two little guys to play, the deity will eat you now, and then hit the legendary realm."

The Devils seem to have played enough, and it seems that they can't wait. He suddenly opened his mouth. It was a huge mouth, and it was about the same size as a black hole.


With the smoldering wind and waves ejected from the mouth of the devil's scorpion, it was like a storm, sweeping everything, and the invisible storm instantly wrapped Jiang Chen and the big yellow dog.

"This is the talent of the gods, you can devour everything in the world, your kid will soon display the ancestral tower, or we will be finished."

The rhubarb dog said openly.

"No, I underestimated the strength of this guy. His storm has blocked everything here. You can swallow everything in this space. Even if we get into the ancestral tower, the other side can even connect the ancestral tower. Swallow together, we will die when we get there."

Jiang Chen’s face changed wildly. This situation was not anticipated by him. He has always used the Zulong Tower as a magic weapon to escape from the key moments, and he has tried repeatedly, and every time he can play an unexpected effect, but Jiang Chen However, I have never faced such a powerful master, and I can’t make a corresponding judgment. Now I want to use the Zulong Tower, which is useless.

"Your grandfather."

The rhubarb dog couldn’t help but screamed. The powerful storm had swept their bodies. Under this powerful storm, Jiang Chen and the big yellow dog were like a leaf boat in the sea, and even a little bit of power could not be played. Jiang Chen and even the gods have been imprisoned, and there is no way to use the mind to communicate with the ancestral tower.

It is unceremonious to say that this is the biggest crisis that Jiang Chen has encountered in his lifetime. The unprecedented crisis, even if he has tried his best to solve the problem, there is no way to resolve it.

The body of Jiang Chen and the big yellow dog is completely uncontrolled. In the blink of an eye, it is the mouth of the devil.


The devils screamed and laughed, and the entire space of the earthquake was swaying.

"I am not able to move the slabs of the slate, and I don’t even have the power to display the sword."

The rhubarb dog screamed, but it didn't help.

"Malle Gobi."

Jiang Chen has an impulse to spurt blood. The feeling of complete despair makes him very uncomfortable. There is no such thing as a knife, squid, and meat.

Is it so dead? Not reconciled, Jiang Chen is not reconciled, the big yellow dog is not reconciled, they still have a lot of things to do, but there is still a hope in Jiang Chen’s heart. This hope comes from the big heaven machine. He used it before he entered this valley. The big heavenly machine was calculated. This time I came in the valley. Although it is dangerous, it is absolutely not fatal. He believes that there is hope in the sky, so he hopes there is hope, but he really does not know where it is.


Just as Jiang Chen and the big yellow dog were about to enter the scorpion scorpion, a big hand suddenly fell from the sky. The big hand seemed to be a cage, and Jiang Chen and the big yellow dog were caught.

[This chapter is for yesterday's, and there are two more today. 】

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