Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1507: Shi Pin Dan [six more]

No one can keep calm, and in just 20 minutes, it has brought too much shock to people. This kind of shock is once higher than once. Now, people are completely numb, and see Jiang Chen’s relaxed and casual look. Can know that Jiang Chen succeeded, a half-step Xian Wang, successfully refining the legendary flame of the Royal Dan, created a miracle.

The scene was quiet again. Everyone waited for the moment when the medicinal herbs appeared successfully. No matter whether Jiang Chen could refine a few products, it is not important, even if Jiang Chen only refines five products. The seven emperors will not have a little bit of cynicism, even if it is a relentless alchemy teacher, they are not qualified to mock Jiang Chen.

The dragon scorpion plus the big refining soul, plus three kinds of horrible flames, makes alchemy really a simple and easy thing for Jiang Chen, he can even refine the Jiuyang Leilongdan, In the harsh conditions, he succeeded in alchemy, and what did this holy flame Huang Dan count?


Soon, Jiang Chenkou made a light drink, a medicinal herb with red-gold radiance emerged from the sea of ​​fire, and immediately disappeared into the sea of ​​fire, and was collected by Jiang Chen.

After success, Jiang Chen successfully refines the flames of the Holy Flame.

Red medicinal herbs are flying in the sky, full of spirituality, with dragon shadows on the surface, and thunder and light interweaving, making this medicinal medicine extremely different.

Numerous eyes fell on the medicinal herbs, and they all felt the purity and power of this medicinal medicine. Even if it was not an alchemy teacher, it could feel the preciousness of this medicinal medicine, at least from the surface, it would be better than the previous seven princes. And Xuanzhong refining is much more divine.


It seems to be attracted by the quality of this medicinal medicine. The elders of Danfu rushed up at the same time and surrounded the medicinal herbs. The Oriental sac was in it. Their eyes were about to spurt the flames and stared at the medicinal herbs. It’s not awkward. When they feel the grade of this drug, they breathe a lot.

"How is it? Why are they so excited, even the Eastern House Lord is excited, is it that Jiang Chen refines the medicinal herbs that are more advanced than the Seven Emperors."

"Is it impossible to be Jiu Pin Dan? Impossible, even if it is the owner of the East, at best, only nine products can be refining. It is impossible for Jiang Chen to refine the nine elements of the Holy Flame."

The atmosphere became extremely dignified and everyone was waiting for the results.

Liu Elder stared at the medicinal herbs that were constantly flowing in front of him. The tone was a little trembling and said: "This, this is, yes, ten products?"

Liu’s elders couldn’t believe their eyes. He didn’t even dare to say that they lived out the ten characters because he knew the meaning of the two representatives too much. All the elders’ eyes looked at the Orient, in fact they The eyesight has already seen the grade of this medicinal drug, but they can't believe it, so wait for the Oriental Royal to confirm it.

"Ten products, yes, this is the tenth of the flames of the Royal Dan, and Jiang Chen seems to have joined the Jiuyang holy water, making the quality of the medicinal herbs higher, this is the most perfect Shengfeng Huangdan seen in this seat, this Is the remedy of the remedy, has completely exceeded the emperor, miracle, Jiang Chen created a miracle, this is a half-step Xian Wang refining, haha..."

Dongfang Yu was so excited that the appearance of the ten-product Shenghuang Huangdan made him feel that his mind was blank. He was glad that he promised to let Jiang Chen try it. Otherwise, he would regret it.

The words of the Tenth Emperor Flame Royal Dan were spoken from the Oriental Yukou. The entire Danfu exploded in an instant and boiled directly.

"Shi Pin Dan, my God, turned out to be Shi Pin Dan. When Lao Tzu started to say nine products, he still said less. This is too horrible for his mother."

"Shi Pin Dan, 20 minutes to refine the ten products of the Holy Flame Huang Dan, ask who can do it in the world, even if the East House owner has to go down the wind, and Jiang Chen is only a half-step fairy king, heaven and earth There are such enchanting characters in between."

"The ten flames of the Holy Flame, Huang Dan, have reached the honor, completely surpassing the royal product, a half-step Xian Wang refining the remedy of the medicinal products, Jiang Chen should be regarded as a pioneer in the alchemy world. On the top of the history of Danfu, it is destined to appear Jiang Chen’s name, and Shengfeng Huangdan will be crowned and marked by Jiang Chen.”


People who have been shocked and completely numb, originally thought that even if Jiang Chen created another miracle, they would not be too surprised, but now, the emergence of Shi Pindan has successfully pushed this shock to a peak. The shocking soul is not attached.

"No, this is never possible."

The Seven Emperors were completely dumbfounded. He couldn’t control his emotions. He strode forward and went to the front of the remedy. He was also shocked by the direct observation. He was completely attracted by the medicinal herbs. He could not believe it. And accepting such a reality, but the seven emperors who are powerful alchemists are very clear, this one is the ten Pindan, the real Shi Pin Dan, the remedy that he refines than himself, I don’t know how much tyranny This is the difference between the royal and the respected products. The value must be at least ten times, or even more.

"Seven princes have a good look, are you satisfied with this remedy?"

Dongfang Yu said, his smile on his face, the smile is extremely bright, compared to the bitter face of the previous bitter, the Oriental Royal is really proud, and feels a big face.

"Haha, the seven emperors of the Great Cloud Empire lost to us a foreigner disciple of a half-step fairy king. I don't know what the seven emperors felt in their hearts, why not share them loudly."

Liu Elder laughed. After the words came out, it was called a cool one. My heart was called a happy one. All the depressed gas was released all of a sudden. Shi Pindan played against Ba Pin Dan, and Jiang Chen’s alchemy. The technique is a must, this is absolutely crushing, let the seven emperors lose the ground.

"Seven princes havetened to share it. Have you just been very arrogant? How are you now stunned? You are not claiming that the younger generation is invincible? The first generation of the younger generation of the big cloud empire, this is the level, not enough. One tenth of Jiang Chen’s, funny, funny, haha...”

"A big cloud empire that is big, can't you find a way to counter Jiang Chen? Jiang Chen is just a half-step fairy king."

"Jiang Chen is the first alchemist of the younger generation. I don't know if the Seven Emperors admit that they don't admit it. If they don't accept it, they can try again."


Danish disciple, you said a word, and launched a cynicism against the seven emperors. It was a happy one, and all the depressed gas was released.

The seven emperors face their eyes, and finally realized what it means to treat their own people with their own way. In the face of this ridicule, he has no ability to refute.

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