Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1513: Missing [three more]

1.11 million dragons, that is a powerful support for the power. Although Jiang Chen has taken up the momentum, but the black hair is still no wind and automatic, his eyes flashed with golden brilliance, it looks very incomparable. The gods are different, and he is filled with a domineering spirit. It is a hegemonic atmosphere of a natural king. He does not move like a mountain, and moves like a terrifying god.

At the moment, Jiang Chen’s combat power has increased by at least ten times compared with before. With his current cultivation, even if he does not use the dragon change, he can directly kill the genius of Fuwang’s late Xianwang. If the dragon changes, half-step masters of the Emperor level can be killed, and this premise is based on the genius, if half of the monks, even more.

Against the general monk's words, Jiang Chenlong's state is enough to fight against the masters of the early Emperor of the Emperor. Of course, it is just confrontation. If you want to kill it, you can't do it. After all, there is a big difference between Xianhuang and Xianwang. The gap is almost an insurmountable gap, but in any case, Jiang Chen is now the master of the immortal king, the combat power has already entered the ranks of the emperor.

After finishing the clothes, Jiang Chen stood up from the Daqingshi. From the refining of Shenghua Huangdan to the realm of the early stage of the immortal king, Jiang Chen only took less than half an hour, so horrible promotion speed. If you pass it out, don't know how many people you want to scare.

Moreover, Jiang Chen did not completely refine the body's medicinal power, and some of it was stored by him, and it can play a role at any time.

Jiang Chen turned to look at the room and found that the room was very quiet. It seems that the big yellow dog is still in a state of retreat. This guy has eaten so many elixir at once, it must take time to digest, and the way the rhubarb dog digests and absorbs it. Very abnormal, that is to sleep, this ability to change the sky, look at the whole world alone.


Jiang Chen waved his hand and removed the ban on the sky directly. The other hospitals also restored calm again.

With the quiet atmosphere of the courtyard, Jiang Chen’s heart seemed to calm down. He looked up at the moon in the sky and suddenly found that the moon tonight was really round. Jiang Chen jumped into the roof. Above, sit down lazily and look up at the night sky.

The night sky here is beautiful, and Jiang Chen has seen the most beautiful, round moon, stars, and outlines the sky with a very incomparable picture.

Gradually, Jiang Chen’s heart was quiet. When a person was quiet, he couldn’t help but think about some things. When he thought about some people, Wang Chen thought about his hometown. Jiang Chen missed his loved ones.

"Hey, Jiu Ge, are you okay?"

Jiang Chen murmured, sometimes, miss is only a moment, when the emotions of that moment come up, it is an uncontrollable emotion, just like at this moment, the moon and the stars evoke the past of Jiang Chen, and the thoughts are like The tide surged into my heart.

Missing is a happy feeling for Jiang Chen. He was a lonely man in his previous life. He never knew what it was called, and now he is alive. He has everything. He is a real flesh and blood.

Many people who need to miss, Jiang Zhenhai, the most important person in his life, the only one who is a relative, Jiang Chen thought of the bitterness of Tianxiang City, thought of the battle with the Murong family, thought of Chicheng, thought of the Yanyu Building, thought of Opponent Li Jia.

Too many past events, many have been attributed to dust and clouds.

In Chicheng, Jiang Chen had a big yellow dog. With the morning rain, he had two important people in his life. He left Chicheng and crossed the mountain of origin. Jiang Chen came to Qizhou and met the life and death of the enemy, the Northern and Southern Dynasties............

All the bits and pieces are like pieces of debris in the minds of Jiang Chen, and then combined, this is a lifetime, is a legend.

Jiang Chen thinks a lot of people, Jiang Zhenhai, Yan Zhanyun, Wu Jiu, Yu Zihan, Xuan Yizhen, Nangong asked Tian, ​​Wu Lang............

Many people, Jiang Chen guessed that among these people, some people must have broken away from the **** of the Shengyuan continent and flew up to the fairy world like themselves, but they did not know when they could see it.

Missing is something that is not controlled. Those people, that is the thing, is the biggest wealth of Jiang Chen in this life. Now, Han Yan does not know where to go, but Jiang Chen is very reassured by Han Yan because he knows the cold The ability, the blood of the ancient gods, is inherently destined to be extraordinary.

The monk went to Bailong Temple, Jiang Chen is still very reassuring, the monk got the monument of the earthquake, it is an ancient weapon of the gods, and the monk is born with a profound genius, he believes that even to the white dragon The temple will not be named.

Wu Ningzhu has already found it, and now he is practicing in the Wangfu House with the old Bai Wen, and Jiang Dian is equally assured.

Now Jiang Chen is most worried about the smoke and the morning rain. The morning rain has been flying up for a long time, but there is still no news. The only news is that Xian Xianling and the funeral fairy, Jiang Chen does not know the woman inside the funeral fairy. What is the relationship between the smoke and the morning rain, but it is certain that the smoke morning rain must be associated with it. This is the secret that Jiang Chen urgently wants to know, but this secret is not so easy to know. The process is extremely long, and the legendary empires can be achieved without relying on talent.

However, Jiang Chen is not discouraged. He firmly believes that if the smoke and the morning rain are related to the daughter of the celestial king, then at least the life of the morning rain will not be dangerous. As for the secrets hidden in it, Jiang Chen will sooner or later. To figure out, the most important thing now is to cultivate, only to improve the constant, can get closer and closer to the realm, to be able to touch the secret faster.

"Jiang Chen, Yaxing is good."

At this moment, an untimely voice interrupted Jiang Chen’s thoughts and brought Jiang Chen back to reality. Jiang Chen smiled and then turned to look at the other hospital. He saw that Dong Yu had no idea when it had appeared. In the other yard, I looked at myself with a smile.

Jiang Chen quickly jumped from the top of the house and hugged the boxing to the East Royal: "The owner."

For this oriental imperial, Jiang Chen's impression is still very good.

"I don't know what the government visits late at night, what is it?"

Jiang Chen asked, he knows that such a character as Dongfang Yu is definitely not going to the Sanbao Temple. He came to find this little disciple in the middle of the night. If you want to talk about it, Jiang Chen really can't believe it.

"Jiang Chen, this seat is coming to you, there is something to ask for."

Dongfang Yu said with a smile, but the expression is somewhat unnatural, as if it is very embarrassing. After all, it is not easy to ask a disciple in his identity.

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