Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1521: Peerless

The dog head of the rhubarb dog is itself a weapon of the gods, and it is invincible. For the average monk, the head is the most vulnerable place, and it is absolutely impossible to suffer heavy blows. It is conceivable that if the masters of the late kings and the late masters What would be the result of a dog's head colliding with a rhubarb dog.

The speed of the rhubarb dog is too fast. After he is locked, it is impossible to escape. It is a kind of extravagant hope. In the twinkling of an eye, the head of the big yellow dog hits the head of the late master of the fairy king. On the top, I only heard a bang, and the scream of the master was only halfway, and the head was smashed by the rhubarb dog.

This scene is too **** and horrible. In the late stage of the powerful fairy king, in front of the big yellow dog, it is completely vulnerable. Like the ants, it is arbitrarily crushed.


The rhubarb dog is mad, and as a beast, it is born with fierceness and killing. The blood is the most capable of stimulating their nature. After the madness, the big yellow dog is undoubtedly very terrible. The masters of the king are thoroughly Frightened, the intestines that are now regretted are green, and I know that the opponents are so horrible, they will not rush out of their performances, and now it is difficult to escape.

The master of the late King of the Kings, it is very easy to escape, because they are very fast, they can tear the void and use the power of space to escape, but unfortunately face the rhubarb dog, they feel the time between this moment It is a luxury, because they clearly feel that all their opportunities have been locked by the rhubarb dog, the rhubarb dog can kill them in the blink of an eye, completely destroy them.

"Give me the death of the dog."

The rhubarb dog is like a rainbow. He spits out a piece of light. Every light is like a sharp sword. He can't be ruined at any time. He can tear the space into pieces at any time.



The screams of screaming resounded throughout the valley, and several masters of the late Xianwang, without exception, were all pierced by these brilliances. They themselves also made extremely strong defenses, using their own strength, but their strength and The gap between the big yellow dogs is too big to be made up, and all the defenses seem so pale and weak.

In the blink of an eye, the masters of the five or six queens of the late Kings were all tragically killed, and the death was extremely miserable. From their shooting to death, the time was too fast. Soon, even Fukui’s masters of the early Emperor’s early days had no time to react, and they were too late to respond. Shooting rescue.

In the distance, the old man of Yancheng saw all this in his eyes, and his direct mouth was horrified. He was shocked and broken.

In the Zulongta, Yandongliu’s father and daughter are also shocked by the soul, but they also finally seeed exactly where Jiang Chen and the big yellow dog have grown up. It’s so terrible to see the big yellow dog. Their fear of Jiang Chen is less. Some, they can almost imagine, Jiang Chen and the big yellow dog teamed up enough to deal with these masters.

Of course, they know that the masters they think are not necessarily masters in Jiang Chen and the big yellow dog.

"Damn, this seat is going to kill this dog, you go to kill Jiang Chen."

An old man in the early days of the Emperor screamed, and suddenly he found a big hand and shrouded the past with the big yellow dog.

"Come on, the dog is not afraid."

The rhubarb dog is strong to the extreme. He is promoted to the late King of the Emperor. He has the strength to kill the half-step Emperor. Even in the early days of the Emperor, there is also the power of a battle. At this moment, facing the attack of a master of the Emperor. The rhubarb dog completely released its own momentum, just like the tide of the blood of the beast and the blood of the beast instantly covered his whole body, and the rhesus dog set off against the incomparable miracle. It was a force from the wild, noble and powerful.

The dog's hair is dazzling, and there is a dragon pattern flashing on it. Under the dragon's swaying, a mask shrouds his head. The indestructible head adds a strong defense and is strong. I can't even imagine it.

The rhubarb dog snarled and slammed into the past with the dog's head facing the big hand of the Emperor.

"Hey! I have to look at this seat, how hard is the head of your dog."

The master of the immortal snorted, his face showing a haze of color, and the horrible big hand slammed against the dog's head of the rhubarb dog.


A master of the early Emperor's horror strike, what a huge power, suddenly fainting, ghosts crying, a large piece of light filled the sky, shrouded the entire body of the big yellow dog.

However, such a devastating attack crashed into the head of the big yellow dog, and did not cause any substantial damage to the rhubarb dog, just wiped out a large spark.


The rhubarb dog laughed and swayed the majestic body. Once again, the head of the emperor slammed into the past. The head was hit hard. The rhubarb dog didn’t even feel a little dizzy. So if you don’t see it, you can They will not believe in death.

"Mom, what is this dog head made of?"

That Xianhuang master has an impulse to spurt blood. Such a skull is simply invincible. Looking at the whole world, I am afraid that the rhubarb dog will be alone.


The Emperor's master and the big yellow dog fought together, and it was difficult to solve the problem. It directly opened up a new battlefield. Above the high heavens, the void was crushed.

On the other hand, Fu Kui's five emperor masters surrounded Jiang Chen, and the remaining kings were surrounded by the outside. The formation was directly useless, simply canceled and lost the formation. Those Xian Wang appeared to use There is no such thing. On such a battlefield, it is nothing but cumbersome. If it rushes up, it can only become cannon fodder and be killed by Jiang Chen.

"Five Emperors, I really can afford to see me, let's go."

Jiang Chen’s mouth overflowed with a sneer, and he was all over the world. This was his first time against the mighty Emperor, but he was not afraid and confident.

"Hurricane, let this seat come first to try you, see what you are so arrogant."

A master of the early Emperor of the Emperor stood up, and the remaining four, including Fukui, did not do it. The three should feel that they had to lose face when dealing with a small fairy. At the same time, Fukui did not want to shoot. Look at what kind of skills Jiang Chen has, and why he has the ability to kill his two sons.

"The wolf shadow has changed."

Jiang Chen took the lead, and his body swayed and directly displayed the shadow of the wolf. The phantoms appeared in the field, so that the emperor who was prepared to take the shot was slightly stunned.


The next moment, two screams sounded at the same time, Jiang Chen's phantom disappeared. Above his long sword, two human heads were hung, and the blood was still ticking. These two people are not others. It is precisely before trying to bully Yancheng. The two guys, Jiang Chen said before, the first one to kill is the one who can't stop it. Even if several emperors are here, they can't stop him from killing.

"So fast."

Everyone was frightened, especially those who were so scared, and they quickly retreated. Even the masters of the emperor were shocked, because Jiang Chen’s speed was too fast, faster than the dog. .

Jiang Chen casts a shadow of the wolf, and with the dragon wing and the red fire wing behind it, such a powerful blessing and display at the same time, the speed is naturally unparalleled, and it is still very easy to kill two people under the defense of the opponent. of.

The sword of Tianshengjian was shocked. The two heads collapsed directly and turned into a **** fog. They died. From the moment they intended to take a shot at Yancheng, their fate was already doomed. The people who want to kill the dust have never been able to live well.

"Looking for death, I dare to kill in front of my seat."

The master of the early Emperor of the Emperor was so angry that he felt that this was a very humiliating thing. He just said that he had to kill Jiang Chen, and Jiang Chen killed two people in his own face. This scene is really Let him face the face, the anger of incomparable.

This high manual, he turned over the palm of his hand, the enormous energy instantly condensed into an illusory mountain, it is a powerful mountain of energy, completely condensed with energy, if it is hundreds of millions of miles, if this energy is in the mountains If it is, it must be broken and bones, and it will be killed on the spot.


The void was directly shattered by the mountain of energy. The horrible mountain locked the breath of Jiang Chen and smashed toward Jiang Chen. This was the horror blow of the early Emperor, and the breath that was exhaled was devastating.

"Come on, let me see, how powerful is the powerful Emperor?"

Jiang Chen is like a rainbow, and the wings behind it are flashing. The Tiansheng sword in his hand has directly turned into a blood-colored fire dragon, and he has smashed toward the energy mountain.


This is a fierce contest, the energy that is emitted is fierce, and the void is directly shattered. The Tiansheng sword is not a sword. Under Jiang Chen’s full force, he is on the mountain of energy. The birth of the mountain will be split in two.

"What? This kid is just the beginning of the fairy king, how can he have such a powerful force, even the energy mountain that this seat displays can be destroyed."

The master of the early Emperor of the Emperor was really shocked this time. It was not only him who was shocked, but Fu Kui, everyone was shocked and opened his mouth. He felt that he saw the most incredible thing in the world and did not really see Jiang Chen. In the hands, I will never know how terrible Jiang Chen is. Now, they finally understand why Jiang Chen can kill the two brothers Futian and Fuwei.

This is a peerless enchanting, can not be used to common sense.

"This kid is too powerful, never seen, it is enchanting."

One person said openly.

"So, I have to get rid of it today. With his growth rate, if he wants to escape today, the next time he meets, it is not that we kill him."

Fu Kui said with a dignified face. In fact, the strength of Jiang Chen is far beyond his imagination.

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