Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1524: Take one enemy four [two more]

Jiang Chen’s hair was completely ignorant of Fukui’s mace attack, and the shadow of the wolf was again displayed. The nine phantoms were distributed in different places on the battlefield to distract Fukui’s attention. At the same time, the Tiansheng sword was in a forward-looking posture. The master of the Emperor of the Emperor smashed down to the broken arm.


The Emperor of the Emperor saw Jiang Chen’s offensive and fierce, and his companions were too late to rescue. In desperation, he could only use the residual strength to resist. Unfortunately, his current strength against Jiang Chen’s full force is simply a banyan tree. .


There was almost no accident. Jiang Chen’s dragon sword slammed down and smashed the Emperor’s master into two halves on the spot. The blood fog flew and died in an instant. This is a very shocking picture, a powerful emperor. It was easily killed by this, and it was killed by a small fairy king. Perhaps the master dreamed that he would die in such a way one day.


Killing one person, but Jiang Chen is also uncomfortable. Fukui's mace destroys all his avatars, and the energy hits him on the wave, and the river dust hits a hundred feet away to stabilize the body. A trace of blood.

"Jiangda brother."

Seeing that Jiang Chen was injured, Yan Yancheng in the Zulong Tower suddenly exclaimed, and his eyes were full of worries.

"Daughter doesn't have to worry, Jiang Chen won't have anything to do."

Yan Dongliu said, he believes Jiang Chen’s ability, this injury is not a big thing for Jiang Chen. He is now in great shock like the people outside, because Jiang Chen has just killed a fairy. The emperor master, this unimaginable thing, actually happened.

Yan Dongliu said that it is true that such an injury is not a problem for Jiang Chen. With the help of the wood aura, it can be recovered in a blink of an eye. This is why Jiang Chen dare to risk Fukui to hurt himself. The aura of wood is his card and his greatest reliance.

"Damn, why is this guy so perverted, he killed Pharaoh."

"Fu brother, why didn't you say that this is so powerful before? Are you not harming us?"

"Don't say it, Fu brother didn't know that he grew up to this point. Although Lao Wang died, but the four of us joined forces, we can still kill him. He has been hurt by the brother's mace, and it won't last long. ""


No one is not shocked, and a dead emperor is dead. The blow to their hearts is undoubtedly very big, because they are very clear about the pharaoh’s ability, and they are comparable to each other. Now the pharaoh is dead, indicating that Jiang Dust has the power to kill any of them. This is totally different from their previous ideas. It is not the same thing, even if they are four people, they are still uneasy because they have to deal with people who are stronger than them. .

"I have reminded you not to underestimate this kid before, but don't worry, he has been hurt by me, and today will die. Undoubtedly, we can kill him, and the power of his power is tyrannical. It is entirely because of this transformation skill, this skill can bring him ten times the strength of the blessing, but such a skill against the sky, it will not be able to persist for a long time, once he can not maintain the transformation skills, it will fall into In the great period of weakness, when he is the ants, let us knead."

Fukui said coldly, his idea is excellent, and it is recognized by everyone. After all, the improvement of ten times of combat power, such skills are more taboo than the taboo technique, as a master of the emperor. They know better than anyone else that the taboo technique takes care of. This kind of taboo technique has to pay a certain price every time it is applied. Jiang Chen is no exception.

However, they have overlooked that there are many things in the world that they can't imagine, and they can't be guessed and assessed by common sense. It's like Jiang Chen's transformation skills, because this is not a skill at all. It is Jiang Chen itself.

"Do not talk nonsense, kill!"

One person murdered into the sky, the sword in his hand broke out with an unparalleled sword, and all four showed their most powerful combat power, and rushed to Jiang Chen again.


Jiang Chen battle sword whistling, up is the dragon sword in one, showing all the hard work, and the four emperors master battle together, no wind, the battle is extremely fierce, countless gods spilled, the sky has changed color A hole was hit in a hole, and the mountains below hundreds of miles were knocked down, and countless mountain peaks collapsed and turned into powder.

The earth trembles, and the whole battlefield seems to be the end of the world. The infinitely devastating energy rolls over, and thousands of miles away can detect the movement here. Every collision is like a nine-day thunder.

Those celestial kings were completely scared, and some people who were so excited to prepare for the battle with Jiang Chen felt that their thoughts were ridiculous at this time. To participate in this battle is a joke. If they let them go, even if they join hands, it is not enough for Jiang Chen.

"Awful, terrible, is this still a human? Is he really only in the early days of the immortal king? In the early days of the Emperor, and in the case of an enemy four, it does not fall at all. It seems that if it is a separate battle, there is no one. It is his opponent."

"This is a peerless enchanting, can't be seen with ordinary people's eyes. If such a person does not get rid of it today, it will be a big problem in the coming days, and there is no chance to get rid of it."

"I think it is very difficult to kill Jiang Chen today. The four masters can't help him."

"Don't worry, Jiang Chen consumes a lot. I don't think it will last long. There is that kind of horrible transformation skills that will soon disappear. It will be his real death."


No one is shocked, and it is a kind of luck to be able to see such a war of the past and the present.

The fierce battle continued. Jiang Chen completely turned into a true dragon. He shook his head in the center of the battlefield. He displayed the great refining technique and displayed the big heavenly technique, which made him play against the four masters of the immortal. Signs of defeat.

But Fukui is not the same. After a long battle, they are beginning to feel a little angry. The only thing they hope for now is that Jiang Chen will run out of energy quickly, and the skills can’t be maintained quickly, but what makes them speechless is Jiang Chen seems to have beaten chicken blood. You can't see any signs of energy exhaustion.

"Hey! When you are upset, when Lao Tzu fights back, don't want to run today."

Jiang Chen’s heart is cold, he wants this effect, he has a bigger card, that is, Qilin’s arm, Qilin’s arm can be combined with the real dragon, which is the most powerful of Jiang Chen. The card, Kirin's arm, he is not willing to play it easily, but today's scene is a must.

As for whether Kirin’s arm will attract the attention of the North and South families, Jiang Chen can’t manage so much. The fear of the tail is never his character, and if such a powerful skill can’t be used, it’s better not to use it. .

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